1) Wild Bunch.
The feel of old renegades yearning self-destructively to reach their full brutal potential. The shoot out is the best ever shot...
2) Missouri Breaks.
Just a wild, chaotic masterpiece of the absurd. Jack Nicholson as a rogue and Marlon Brando as a granny-impersonating psychopath make this essential viewing, regardless of your enjoyment of westerns...
3) Treasure of the Sierra Madre.
The best screenplay ever to grace a Western and among the best ever written. Jealousy and double-crossinga bound in what is, first and foremost, a formidable duel of whits.
4) Grand Silence.
Archaictear said all that needs to be said.
5) Once Upon A Time in the West.
Basically a Western transposition of Greek Mythology. So grandiose and epic...
6) Unforgiven.
Lean and mean and subtle as hell. Clint Eastwood's finest hour both on and off screen!
7) Patt Garett and Billy the Kid.
There's a feeling of camaraderie and of men just letting loose that is hard to match. It may be Coburn's charisma, Dylan's score or Peckinpah's tsyle, or just the perfect combination of the three.
8) The Professionals.
In terms of pure fun, this is just wonderful. It has a compelling playfullness. It also has a stellar cast (Lancaster and Marvin in the same film!?!)
9) Gunfight at the O.K. Coral.
Again, playful, but this time with a dark side largely due to Kirk Douglas. Lancaster's clumsy but endearing courtship is also a highlight.
10) Dead Man.
Jim Jarmush's Western is as bizarre, quirky and experimental as you can get in the genre.