MovieChat Forums > The Cat in the Hat (2003) Discussion > What did you think were the funniest mom...

What did you think were the funniest moments?

I thought the funniest moment ever on the film was when the Cat chopped off his tail and when you see his reaction and then cuts to the cat hanging on a rope with the words 'Hang in their Baby', it still makes me laugh today.

Asta La Vista Baby!!




i have alot actually{:
but i LOVE the Kupkanator part.
"really." {and how that goes on :D}

how's this for a wet dream? {freddykreuger}


i too LOVE the cat-in-the-hat bat-in-the-nads pinata scene. the part where he's smiling in a dress and swinging with 'easy' playing seemed so random that it makes me crack up every time.

no one mentioned this but i also got a big kick out of mrs. kwan. (by the way, i had NO idea she was the same actress who played sue on '50 first dates' and laoma souphanousinphone on 'king of the hill'!)

hahaha, canine-american...


I looove this movie so I am so shocked it got such bad reviews. I remember seeing it as a kid and I loved it. :) I love the scene with the "dirty ho". I don't know why, but I didn't get it at first. Now that I am older it's pretty funny.

Jeff - Big Brother 11 :)


i'm not into the D word. I prefer canine-americans. LOL FUNNY



Well to tell the truth. I have two different ones. When I was younger Iliked Ben and the Cupcake machine scene. However after a few years I think how the shameless self promotion reminds me of that scene in Wayne's World. Now on a sorta related note, when I watched this on tv with the closed captions on, not because I'm deaf but because someone turned them on and I don't know how to work it, it messed up at random points and made the non funny moments hilarious. Like Yeah sceam and run became Qlmwjdtg &tmj


The kids and the cat riding on Mrs. Kwan.

The rest of the film is kind of a blur to me.

I call movies that are considered 'bad' hated movies.
