I have a lot of favourite moments. Here are some of them:
The Cat: Remember kids, nothing's faster than the SLOW. It's backwards, so it doesn't make sense! Look at you, argh! Ok, GPS: check. DVD, CDs: check. Someone from Czechoslovakia is a... czech! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Fish: Someone else should drive!
The Cat: Alright, you win! Concrete, you drive!
Conrad: Are you serious?
The Cat: I don't know. There's this voice in me that's saying, "This is a bad idea." But I can barely hear that little voice. But there's an even louder voice that's saying, "LET THE 12-YEAR-OLD DRIVE!!!"
The Scottish Cat: Do you love making cupcakes, but hard all the hard cupcake work?
The Host Cat: I know I do!
The Scottish Cat: Well, forget everything you need to make cupcakes, and say hello, to the amazing Kupcake-inator. I'm so excited!
The Scottish Cat: You can make cupcakes out of ANYTHING that you have in the kitchen.
The Host Cat: Wait a minute, did you say anything?
The Scottish Cat: Anything!
The Host Cat: Anything?
The Scottish Cat: Yes, anything!
The Host Cat: Anything?
The Scottish Cat: Anything.
The Host Cat: Any-thing?
The Scottish Cat: I'll get you! And it'll look like a bloody accident!
Conrad: Um, cat. Is the oven supposed to be doing that?
The Cat: Of course, that means they're almost ready, Concrack.
Conrad: Conrad.
The Cat: That's what I said Condor.
Conrad: Cat!
The Cat: Now that's my name!
The Scottish Cat: You're not just wrong. You're stupid.
The Host Cat: Now wait just a minute.
The Scottish Cat: And you're ugly. Just like your mum.
The Host Cat: Did you just call my mother ugly?
The Scottish Cat: Shut up! I mean it. I'll end you!!
(cat accidentally cuts off his tail)
Sally: Um, cat. You're tail!
The Scottish Cat: What about it? Oh, I see. I've chopped it off. Well that's interesting because...son of a bi(beep)!!!
The Cat: Of course, thing 2 would like to clarify that just because he wears the number 2, doesn't mean he's anything inferior to Thing 1. He will also like you to call him, "Thing A" if you like. He will also accept, "Thing King", "Kid Dynamite", "CHOCOLATE THUNDER"! Or "Ben".
Thing 2: Or Ben.
I have a lot more. But this is enough.
I am in love with Dakota Fanning and I hope she will be my future wife.