Foyle's meanness
In another thread, lilactime2014 wrote on Tue Aug 30 2016 13:23:46
Foyle, for the time, is one of the most well rounded, fair minded, non-judgmental characters ever written.
Actually, the more I watch the show (over and over and over), the more I see how mean he is. Take "Bleak Midwinter." He dresses Sam down brutally for trying to discuss whether or not Milner could have killed Jane. "Do we ever discuss cases?" Well, YES! All the time! In fact, he'd just sent Sam to a funeral to spy and report back. She was a plant in "Among the Few." They discuss cases all the time.
I find Foyle to be extremely judgmental. He's constantly giving people that "Shame on you" look. He speaks dismissively and smart-assedly to people, including his own staff. And he seems to have a very high opinion of himself, lashing out at anyone who suggests the slightest wrong-doing on his part. I'd love to know if Horowitz realized how mean Foyle could seem and if he wrote him that way on purpose. share