Massively underrated!

My god this movie is hilarious. People always rip on it because its quite unrealistic, but with that said... who the *beep* cares?! this is easily in my opinion the funniest Sandler comedy.


I agree It deserves more than 6.1!


I totally agree. This is definitely in Adam Sandler's top 3 movies. It's also great because of Jack. He's one of the best actors ever, and when you have him doing an easy comedy like this, it can only be great!


i agree totally . i have not been dissapointed by any of his movies . they all have something good to give :)


Watched it on recommendation, unexpectedly funny and non-dumb for an Adam Sandler film. Gave it a 9.











I rated it as an 8... it deserves at least >7.5! don't know how such great films end up so underrated.

Goodbye [Scrubs], Thanks for rocking my world for 8 years!


Underrated for sure! It has an a great cast, excellent story line, tons of running jokes and great one liners. Don't psychoanalyze this comedy, just enjoy it!


agreed, and why do people complain when movies aren't realistic - if i wanted realism i'd go out or watch documentaries, i watch movies to get away from reality and escape for a couple hours


I don't know what kind of idiot would complain this movie is unrealistic. This is comedy gold.


I agree this was a very funny film but not because Adam Sandler. He's not funny.
