MovieChat Forums > Mona Lisa Smile (2003) Discussion > who's a better actress julia stiles or k...

who's a better actress julia stiles or kirsten?

i think kirsten


Kirsten, by some distance...

"Women remember, Steve - it's like they've got minds of their own!"


I don't like Stiles, and I wouldn't call myself a Dunst fan, but...
I will go with Kirsten. She was great in A Interview w/ A Vampire.


I'm not a big fan of either, but it's clear that Dunst is an actress who can play any character she is asked to. Julia Stiles, so far, plays Julia Stiles. Maybe that will improve as the years go by; meanwhile I'm not holding my breath...

You see smaller ones in men's magazines. But for a normal cell phone mine is small, smaller than average.


I think ginnifer goodwin and especially maggie gylenhall(the gratest:))) are both better than them but among them I say julia stiles is better.


I don't think either one is wildly talented, but if I had to choose, I'd say Kirsten. Maggie Gyllenhaal blows both of them out of the water.

Life is like the surf, so give yourself away like the sea.


Agreed -- Maggie Gyllenhaal is a great actress and the best by far. I *like* Julia Stiles more than Kirsten Dunst (she annoys me), but talent-wise, Kirsten Dunst is the better actress.


Kirsten is always good, but her problem is she peaked when she was like...(goes to check some dates)12, in Interview with the Vampire. In my opinion, she'll always be a good actress, but never as good as she was in IWTV.

"Why does a rose symbolize love if a rose always dies?"


Kirsten by far

I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places.


in this film, kirsten

When we go back there, i'll treat you to an icecream Estella, Floradora




In THIS film, Kirsten.

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Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K.


Dunst is hotter, but Stiles is a better actress, I think, specifically because she isn't quite *as* hot. Dunst gets many of her roles just for her hooters, I think (Bring It On, anyone?). As an actress though, I consider her as strictly *okay*


omg I would love to kiss Kirsten!

Julia has gone down-hill since 10 Things IMHO.


both pretty rubbish
maggie all the way!!!



Julia Stiles is great and the best!! better than Kirsten Dunst and Maggie anyways...
