MovieChat Forums > Mona Lisa Smile (2003) Discussion > who's a better actress julia stiles or k...

who's a better actress julia stiles or kirsten?

i think kirsten


Ms. Dunst, by a long shot. Watch INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE and MELANCHOLIA for a taste of her talents.


Julia. By far. She has had so many diverse roles and I think she's incredibly talented and underrated.


Kirsten. I think she has more range.


Which do you prefer, Wonder Bread or vanilla tapioca? That’s what this topic’s asking: which of 2 inconsequential mediocrities do you prefer. Boring and a waste of time.

Which do you prefer: Ferrari or Mercedes-Benz? Now, THAT’s a question, because it puts world-class substance against world-class substance. And it doesn’t waste the respondents’ time.
