MovieChat Forums > Gigli (2003) Discussion > No jokes ... Who actually liked this mov...

No jokes ... Who actually liked this movie?

I gotta say and I'm being honest here, this was not a bad movie. It's not necessarily a good movie, but it's middle of the road (not the donkey turd every body else calls it). It had some interesting characters, some wacky performances and a strange plot. It's no classic, but it's better than say "Meet the Spartans" or "Battlefield Earth".

"And this baby's made of chocolate lollipops."


i like it and find it entertaining has it's moments.


I liked the movie because the whole mafia part was goofy and unbelieveable but the part with Jay-Lo being a lesbian and how she finds Ben's "feminine" side was done well. If you don't think there are girls like this, think again, especially here in California. I lot of girls, especially the hot ones like Jay-Lo, find themselves in Lesbian relationships. I don't know how many of them "jump the fence", but I hope more do, as it is a serious loss to us sensitive "feminine" men if they don't.


I didn't like it but it's not as bad as some people make it out to be and calling it the worse movie ever is really silly.



It had some moments, as far as I can remember... It's totally underrated movie.

My vote history of movies:


It was sometimes good but most part of film made me sleep.
can u post?


i didn't think this was a bad movie at all.


i enjoyed it.....without Justin Bartha it wouldve been awful but his part was great....nothing beats the morning when ben wakes up and justin is dancing...i died of laughter




Please tell me that's just a metaphor and you're not dead!

I just wonder what Ganon's up to.


That's right! This movie has hilarious moments and some interesting characers...I don't understand why so much hate about it.
I guess people take things too seriously or maybe were expecting something different.



After a couple of years, I watch it and forget the 'J-Lo' diva years. She has gotten more and more buffed and made up and chiseled into classic form within an inch of her life. When I first watched 'Gigli,' all I could think of was how J-Lo thought she was hot and all the world had to acknowledge her hotness. Well, time has passed and she's still trending that way. However, everything gets boring, including her. Now, when I watch this movie, I don't pay much attention to her or that.


Is it the dog?


My sister liked it but I found it horrid and it scared me. Sorry, but I'd rather watch Meet the Spartans over this.

"I'm pouting!"- Yami (YuGiOh Abridged Series)


I busted a gut laughing at the whole J-lo lover's scene where the kid goes "Lady you need a band-aid." I think if John Walters had directed this it would have been a riot.


It was actually pretty good until the scene where J-LO does yoga and talks about her privates. And gives a totally unconvincing argument for the appeal of lesbiansism (it could equally be said that anything a lesbian can do a man can do and with real equipment...)
After that scene, everything went downhill fast. I do mean fast. I adore Ben Affleck and I'm sorry the movie didn't stop right at that point.


Whaaat? LOL you don't know what you're talking about, dude. After the yoga scene the movie keeps getting better and better with some hilarious scenes... If it's not your type of movie go watch rambo or something.


I quite liked it- expecially the whole retarded guy thing- The Baywatch- you've got to give it something for that!

I liked Affleck's character- people really hated the two of them together which is why they were slaughtered.


I couldn't agree with the OP more.

This film was mediocre, but not the colossal bomb people make it out to be. Perhaps people were excessively harsh because at the time of its release everyone was sick of the whole Bennifer thing.

I could see it being ranked in the 4-6 range (I myself gave it a 6), but I am surprised how low its score truly is.

Mr. Affleck's acting is quite poor in this film, but on the other hand I thought Ms. Lopez did an admirable job, and she looked beautiful. She played it straight while Affleck was over-the-top. If he had performed better, and if the dialogue had been cleaned up a bit, I think this could have potentially been a very good film.

As the OP pointed out, it is certainly better than a piece of rubbish like Battlefield Earth.


I wait till i see a film before I judge it - and this was not the absolute terrible movie ever its been made out to be (no way a 2-3!). Its not great but theres much worse out there.


I didn't hate it. Not at all. It was completely overhyped. The movie was at least passably interesting. The only reason it got any reaction from critics, positive or negative, was the casting of the leads.

If Gigli had been made with Steve Buscemi and Anne Heche for example, it would've gotten moderate reviews and no real backlash.

Blame the media. It's an ok film.


I just watched this movie for the first time and I must say that it wasn't nearly as unwatchable as many people have labeled it as. If you want to see something like that, just pop in Battlefield Earth to watch a couple of hams on-screen. It actually kept my attention and even though I don't care for Ben Affleck at all, he was at least somewhat believable in the title role. I gave it a 6/10.
