MovieChat Forums > Gigli (2003) Discussion > What movie would you consider worse than...

What movie would you consider worse than 'Gigli'?

What movie(s) would you consider worse than this?
If I had to pick one, I'd probably pick "Battlefield Earth". But I still think "Gigli" was the worst movie I've ever seen. Your turn :o)


Epic Movie? I donĀ“t remember watching anything as retarded as Epic Movie.


anything with jet li in it, or pauly shore


The "Let's gouge our eyeballs out with a rusty spoon!" movie.


The Cookout
Just Like Heaven- I started to watch, but the acting was such crap I had to change
The Island- same here, but because of the plotholes
Fantastic Four
Deuce Bigalow 2- only saw a couple of minutes and thought it was bad
the Parent Trap remake

"We're gonna hafta get midieval on your ass!"


My personal choices are:

28 Days Later
Resident Evil 1 & 2
The Anchorman(It was boring.)
Spice World
Napoleon Dynamite
Coach Carter (I walked out of the movie theater with a friend.)
High School Musical

A lot more I just can't think of.


dude wheres my car
alone in the dark i want my 90 minutes back
ultraviolet, just awful
showgirls hated it when i saw it at cinema hated it when i watched it on vhs hated it when i bought the vhs hated it when i bought the dvd special edition and the thirty odd times i have seen it since
the break up, just god awful
the fog remake
The Dukes of Hazzard
rabid grannies was wonderful though
spiderman 3 way to long
terminator 2


There are few.

Miami Vice (2006), The Grudge 2 (2006) and The Butterfly Effect 2 (2006), for example.

Actually, of these 3, butterfly effect 2 probably was the worst, and i actually though though GIGLY was a pretty decent movie, a lot better than butterfly effect 2, grudge 2 and miami vice, for example.



The Garbage Pail Kids movie ranks as both a worse film, and also a more universally offensive film than Gigli.

Formerly ThierryHenry. Look out, it's St'kade...


Well..I know one for sure.

Higschool Musical.

Is THE worst excuse for a movie. Disney piece of crap.

...And this movie called Cabin Fever. Also BAD.


In no particular order...

Terminator 3
Little Man
Little Black Book
Johnny English
Scorpion King
Johnstone Family Vacation
Coyote Ugly
Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy
Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Cheaper By The Dozen
Parent Trap (remake)
Freaky Friday (remake)
The Librarian. The sequel, directed my Jonathon Frakes, was fantastic.
Scary Movie 3 & 4. 3 was worse though.
Mean Girls. Sorry, I know I will get tons of chick-flick-fans saying "no it was awesome", well, I hated it.
Snakes On A Plane. Pointless.
Ocean's 12. It's a shame, coz Ocean's 11 was so good!
Elf. Or most movies with Will Ferrel. I think the bulge in his tights just scared me too much.

But, the absolutely worst movie ever ever EVER, has to be...
Holy Jesus, it was sick. It was just so sick. I couldn't sleep for a week after watching it, and I'm not normally afraid of anything. I kept thinking people were coming into my family's house to kill us for fun. I actually took the DVD out of the machine and snapped it in half.

Yeah... you can imagine that I prefer movies like The Godfather....
=) x x


hmm, the worst movie i have ever scene that pissed me off was ERAGON. my god i came out of that theatre so *beep* mad its wasnt even funny. good god. and thye said it was based off teh book. well i says sorry im alergic to *beep*

though, i laughed in gigli when brian started singing in the morge or what ever they were in. i love justin bartha.

but yeah, back to the actual reason i came here, ERAGON just sucked big time. i was dissapointed.




i didnt see that movie but it looked like *beep* anywayz



napoleon dynamite is the worst movie ever.

... and that was the second time I got crabs.


yeat may have been pointless but luahged because of random and stupid it was. tho i laugh at anything thats stupid adn random



Spice World
Dead Silence
28 Days Later
Blair Witch Project
Step Up
Stick It
Are We There Yet?
Epic Movie
Date Movie
Spiderman 3
A Man Apart
White Noise
Hannibal Rising
Son of The Mask


Date Movie! Oh my god, I'll put a bullet through my skull cap if I ever have to watch that again. One good line, delivered by Eddie Griffin ("Chinatown? I'ma take you down to 49th street; Bust your head in with a pipe). The rest of that movie was bad.

The only reason Epic Movie beats Date movie is because the Harry Potter scenes were F'ing HILARIOUS. I don't care what anyone says, that part was funny.

Any horror movie, even though one of my guilty pleasure movies is the "Amityville Horror" remake. It's bad, but I like Ryan Reynolds, so it's okay.

Son of the Mask was BAAAAD.

Scream 3. Bad.

Anything with Jim Belushi (Little Shop of Horrors falls under guilty pleasure, though).

Vanilla Sky. I won't say anything with Tom Cruise, but in my opinion, every movie he's ever made sucks. I haven't seen one I like yet.

The Ringer. Not. Funny. At. All.

Batman and Robin. Painful to watch. Painful to think about.

Batman Forever. Saved only by Jim Carrey.

There are more. I'm just tired of thinking.


Scary Movie and I know who killed me.

"There's no difference between stupid and charming with you, is there?" - Lara Croft


Spider-Man 3 was a billion times better than this horrible movie.

Spidey 3 had awsome fight scenes, and a good theme of forgiveness going on.

The Greatest Battle Lies Within.


Nothinng compares to Epic Moive.
You actually feel sorry for the people who worked in that *beep*

Screw you, guys. I'm going home


How did everyone miss "Club Dread". What a disappointment.



Schindler's List (Spielberg makes me laugh when he tries to direct serious stuff)

The Pest (Oh God)

Anything by Chuck Norris. Anyone see Delta Force? LMAO. This guy is the king of cheese.

"If you're a racist, I will attack you with the north" -Abraham Lincoln


Exorcist 2, The Heretic would run it close.

When you've got to shoot,shoot.Don't talk.


this one is easy:

every movie.

every other movie is inferior to gigli.
