MovieChat Forums > Whale Rider (2003) Discussion > was there anybody who didn't cry??

was there anybody who didn't cry??

Was there anybody who didn't cry?? I mean i really cried my eyes out at the last half hour or so. The way she does her speech at school for her grandfather even though he's not there and she's trying soooo hard and at the end with the whales...
And I NEVER cry when watching a movie. I watched it (thank god) alone, cause i was so ashamed haha. A day later my parents also watched it and even my dad (!) had to cry and i've never seen him cry and i know him for 18 years haha ofcourse my mom also cried but she can't even hold her tears when watching Dawson's Creek.

Share your thoughts here

By the way: I really liked this movie alot!!

Peter Griffin: You know those Germans; if you don't join the party, they come get you.


I cried.

I love the movie.

And I'm so upset that I missed the chance on seeing it on the big screen. I remember wanting to watch it with my friends but they wanted to watch La Divorce with Naomi Watts in it...and it was kind of lame.

But anyways...Keisha was amazing.
The whole movie was just so poetic.


I cried non-stop.


I fell asleep half way through



The only movie ive ever cried watching was Passion of the Christ


I cried in Ladder 49 and kinda cried in Michael Collins... I didn't really like whale rider so I kinda tuned out when we had to watch it at school... I'm not saying it's not a good movie, just that it's not my kinda movie...


I just saw Whale Rider and the famous crying scene.What a disappointment! Lisa Jakub did a far better work in a tv movie called "The Story Lady" and she had a scene like this.jakub did it much better yet she was never awarded nothing.




Agree, this is a great, great film. Her speech is irresistible -- gotta lament and weep for and with her. Many lessons about life learned here for all ages, for the openminded and the closeminded grump.



i didn't cry

I don't doubt it, although I bet your "friends" cry regularly.



Wow... that was a bit mean... sorry 'bout that.

/still somewhat perplexed though, that you could hate such an inoffensive movie so much.



Maybe you're basing your opinion of modern Maori culture on your own (possibly limited) experience of it? I know that where I live, in west-central Scotland, it's easy to get the impression that all Scots are knuckle-dragging morons, if you take what you see on city streets as an indicator, but it's a mistake to do so IMO. There are a lot of good people around, but unfortunately, it tends to be the worst who are seen and heard most... and from your own perspective, and from what I've read about NZ in recent times, the Maori have every right to feel disenfranchised, just as aboriginal Australians have.

BTW, I don't see Whale Rider as oscar-worthy, or anything more than what it is; a great little story, with some very competent acting.



It was more like bawling for me and sitting in a pool of used tissues (thanks to my mom for that.)

A wise man once said,"Eating muffins is the key to happiness." And no, he isn't an old guy.


this is movie is old but it really interesting



i didn't cry..btw wahat was there to cry for?...ya the girl was awesome..but i didn't like the was all crap,why would someone wish to watch a movie like this except for the people frm new-zealand..all those ritual songs and stuff was really hard to watch.....i got rather frust man..


ritual songs???? wtf are you talking about dood, there's really only one or two so-called 'ritual songs' in the movie. the rest are just waiata.... the maori culture is beautiful and this movie shows it.


why would someone wish to watch a movie like this except for the people frm new-zealand..

I'm sorry, but that is a ridiculous comment. People watch things they aren't familiar with because they're interested in learning new things, or simply because it might be an interesting story, and I'm sure there are many more reasons besides those.

...all those ritual songs and stuff was really hard to watch.....i got rather frust man..

Then I guess it just wasn't "your kind" of movie...


ya may be u r surely wasn't my kind of movie..


Brontius T Rex did not cry.

Brontius T Rex does not cry.

Brontius T Rex strode from the cinema in his kilt into the cold Edinburgh air and spake thus; "I have seen a good film, and yet there were no guns or explosions, I have seen the Whale Rider."

And then I hit the pub.

"I first became aware of it Mandrake, during the physical act of love."





Wow... great contribution. Who was it aimed at, exactly?


I always cry during movies...but I didn't cry during Whale Rider. It wasn't tearjerking at all for me. I literally, barely, teared at the part where she gives her speech. That's it. Just wasn't crying material to me.



Rubbish movie.

Good to see you explain in intricate detail, the reasons you dislike this movie so much.



One of the best films I have ever seen.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega
