MovieChat Forums > 8 Mile (2002) Discussion > "Only ex-cons and welfare mums work at t...

"Only ex-cons and welfare mums work at that plant man."

Do you think that when he uttered that line, Michael Shannon's character was telling the ACTUAL truth to Eminem's character and that he knows for sure what kind of employees work there, or did he just want to tease and humiliate him for whatever reasons and mostly if not only just made it up.

Besides, don't some or even most ex-cons and mums or even other people from welfare work on plenty other jobs as well, why single out that plant?

And why did he also laugh at him for getting fired from a "pizza place", besides, who knows what the reason may have been, maybe it was not his fault at all?


The line was meant to demonstrate further the rags-to-riches story. Rabbit worked in a sketchy plant for ex-cons and welfare moms, so he was at the bottom of the social ladder. We presume at the end that he would make it big as a musician. So he went from the bottom to the top. I think, given many of the other details (e.g. the setting, the plot), that Greg's line was meant to be taken as true: the plant was really a place filled with ex-cons and welfare moms

He did say the line to tease and humiliate Rabbit. But his intent didn't make the statement any less true

Getting fired from a "pizza place" is humiliating because the job at a pizza place (probably delivery-man or stock-boy or something) was likely easy. Losing that job was like failing an easy test or something


A++ response. after reading this there's really no need for any other comments to put forth a differing take
