MovieChat Forums > Aqua Teen Hunger Force (2000) Discussion > WHY DID THE CREATORS RUIN THIS SHOW?


The first four seasons were absolute perfection. Every single episode was funny and was worthy of watching in rereuns over and over again.

Season 5 was not as good as the first four, but it was still pretty damn good and two thirds of the episodes were on par with the first 4 seasons.

Season 6 was ok-- Not great at all and for the first time the show went from hysterical without any gimmicks to lots of shock value *beep* and cartoonish violence to compensate for mediocre writing.

Season 7 is absolutely unwatchable. Not even remotely funny at all. It's still early so i am willing to give it a shot, but the downhill trend is likely to continue.

My question is WHY!?!?!

Is there some unwritten rule among the creators of TV shows that once the show is great, it's time to totally destroy it?

I would honestly prefer the show be taken off the air and forced into re-reuns than be dumbed down to the painfully unfunny bs it's putting out now.


I don't know, I found amusement in the recent episode with the numerous Meatwads. Though, I do have to say, there seems to be a different feel to this season and some of last season.


I also think the dynamic has changed quite a bit. All of the characters seem to now have different personalities. WAKEnSHAKE has already adequately described the change the change in Shake, so I won't go into that. I haven't seen too many of the new episodes (not good enough to watch consistently) but it seems that Frylock has abandoned the position of straight man and Meatwad has lost his naivety. Carl seems to accept what the Aqua Teens do more than he used to and actually goes along with them most of the time. He's lost his sarcastic bite and seems to like the Force too much. It was funnier when he disliked them. I would also add that I don't think he's quite dynamic enough to hold an entire episode by himself. Without anything to sarcastically comment about, he's kind of boring.
Beyond that stuff, I would agree that the writing seems sloppy. The episodes lack anything that resembles resolution or symmetry and often abandon established plots wholesale. The first few seasons never made perfect sense, but they were coherent enough to follow. The new seasons are just a bit too out there and non sequitur for me.


I'd say stick with the first 3 seasons (with a few episodes from the 4th) and skip the rest.


They haven't run out of ideas, but I'm willing to bet that they THINK they've run out of ideas. I remember when they said thatif they ever reference a time machine, that is a sign that the end is near.

Coming Soon... The December Man


I thInk season 7 has been the best one since the first 3 or 4. I think season six sucked horribly tho


I kinda dig the new direction, after a few repeat viewings, but I know when I'm outnumbered.

That acting was so bad, I think you gave me cancer.


I noticed the shows decline around the 4th season and completely stopped watching it during Season 5. I'm surprised to see that it's still on actually, I'm guessing Adult Swim is milking it for all it's worth since it's the only remaining show from the original AS lineup.

Because sponges never have bad days.



i dont smoke pot but i LOVE seasons 1-3, and seasons 4-5 are good too...but after that they just went i pretty much stopped watching, and bought seasons 1-5 so i can rewatch all the clasics that i loved the first time i watched em..



I didn't like season 4 much but I thought season 5 was great.
I've only seen the first few episodes from season 6 and they were ok.
I'll have to go back and watch season 4 again to see if I like it more, but apart from Handbanana, which I watched twice, I've forgotten what happened in the rest of the season.


Season 4 sucked and seasdon 5 is not bad. But Meatwad is a really annoying acharacter after the 3 season. They shouldn't have had him there anymore.

The Social Network more golden globe noms then True Grit
Hollywood is crazy.


The last few seasons really are terrible. I Really hate to say it too because at one time it was my favorite show. But for instance like tonight, WTF is up with Frylock becoming "Ray"? I can't watch this show anymore


I was hoping the decline that began around Season 4 was a result of them focusing on the movie (Which ultimately didn't work either IMO). But I think now it's safe to say that the decline is just part of the natural course a long-running show eventually takes. At some point the creative spark is gone, you paint your self into corners and run out of ideas. You build and build and build and one day the building just gets too tall and wobbly and falls down.

Some people have mentioned its animated contemporaries like "The Simpsons" and "South Park". I never did get into the former but I was a huge "South Park" fan for years but the last three or four seasons have seen it take a huge nose dive too and I bailed.

I spent the last five months making my way through "The Venture Bros." on DVD and its season 4 finale, "Operation P.R.O.M.", was the show at its absolute zenith. Some have complained that it's gotten away from its simpler roots but its done so in a "Seinfeld"-at-its-peak way with a universe of wacky side characters helping to shoulder the funny load. As soon as the episode ended I felt a bit sad because I got a feeling that when seson 5 rolls around the decline will slowly begin.

Now playing: Visionaries


Yeah Season 7 is really solid.

People just like to complain. I remember when South Park was blasted when everyone said it was done after Season 6...


Yeah Season 7 is really solid.

People just like to complain.

I'm inclined to agree. I recorded the whole season, just getting around to watching and I like it. Maybe it's just me

I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ-Gandhi


You're not alone, I still love this show. Most of season 7 was great for me and my absurbist sense of humor. The only episodes I didn't care for as Eggball and Juggalo. Calling it "unwatchable" as others have on this thread is something that I don't get.

Patrol Squad was not quite as enjoyable for me as it's a bit more structured and thought out. I prefer the randominity Hunger Force where things are coming from all sorts of different directions and plots seem to be founded on whatever home projects the creators are doing at home (planting azaleas, caulking).

As of yet I have not watched season nine as I've moved continents, but soon and hopefully the negativity here wont effect my overall enjoyment.


I think the newer seasons are just as good as the older ones (I count season 1-4 as the old ones), and I just don't get the damn complaints!!! So tired of it! I like season 8 the least, but all the seasons are great, quality dialogue-humor and surrealism!
I haven't seen Eggball yet, but I think the plot sounds interesting.
I have to disagree with you on Juggalo though. I really liked that episode.


I've gone a few years without watching Aqua Teen at all. I went back in the last couple of days and rewatched the first couple seasons, and laughed my ass off at all the jokes I had forgotten. This rekindled my interest in the show, so I downloaded (I know, GASP) the newest episodes of Aqua Unit Patrol Squad and...yeah...I don't care much for it.

The differences are really jarring when you compare the newest episodes to the originals without any of the in-between seasons to ease you into it. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there is a definite difference in "feel" between them. I get it, long-running shows have to evolve in order to avoid growing stagnant and keep the creators from getting bored. That said, I've come to the realization that the show that I was once obsessed with has evolved into something that I don't particularly enjoy anymore.

I'm sure it's still got a fanbase and that's great, but I don't count myself among their ranks anymore. I can always go back and enjoy the earlier seasons.

