The first four seasons were absolute perfection. Every single episode was funny and was worthy of watching in rereuns over and over again.
Season 5 was not as good as the first four, but it was still pretty damn good and two thirds of the episodes were on par with the first 4 seasons.
Season 6 was ok-- Not great at all and for the first time the show went from hysterical without any gimmicks to lots of shock value *beep* and cartoonish violence to compensate for mediocre writing.
Season 7 is absolutely unwatchable. Not even remotely funny at all. It's still early so i am willing to give it a shot, but the downhill trend is likely to continue.
My question is WHY!?!?!
Is there some unwritten rule among the creators of TV shows that once the show is great, it's time to totally destroy it?
I would honestly prefer the show be taken off the air and forced into re-reuns than be dumbed down to the painfully unfunny bs it's putting out now.