Beyonce Ruined The Movie

I liked this movie, except I found that Beyonce's dreadful performance ruined it for me. She and Mike Meyers had no chemistry whatsoever. They barely even touched throughout the entire film. Her performance was flat and one dimensional and unnecessary. They should have hired an actual actress.


The whole movie was flat.

It regurgitates too much from the previous one (time travel, again?), and - this time - going to the mid-1970s and unintentionally reminding us how bad the era was because the movie happens to be bad.

I did like the scene where she used the white dude as a puppet (just don't ask how), and the opening bit where Austin is seeing his own movie made with cameos by big name action actors was not bad, but the verve and feel to the production is not there. They're all phoning in their performance, because the scriptwriter pretty much slept while writing it.



She wasn't exactly gold here( no pun intended) but when you think about it who really goes into these movies for the acting? They go for the laughs, and to an extent the eye candy.

Spider-Man 3. The Dark Knight Rises. Really, what's the difference?


I didn't think she ruined the movie, but her 'I'm Foxy...' line got old after the first 2 times she said it.
She looked gorgeous here though, its a shame she never looked this good in any film ever again afterward.
One thing I wondered though: At the end (and at the beginning briefly) we see different actors portray the characters. Why did they use a white actress to portray Foxy?
Just seemed odd.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


It didn't ruin the movie for me, but it sure didn't improve it. She was very bad in what I guess was her first acting role. There was too much of her putting on for me, too much exaggeration or emphasis on being Foxy Cleopatra. The best thing was her singing performances. Thankfully she's a bit better now.


Its obvious that Mike Myers wanted her in the movie for no other reason than she was BEYONCE KNOWLES.

In Beyoncé's defense, she had a very vague, half-baked character. When you think of the first two movies, Vanessa and Felicity at least had a clear-cut relationship with Austin:

Vanessa = the opposite of Austin
Felicity = the female Austin

Foxxy was basically a poor man's Felicity. The whole Blaxploitation angle really amounted to nothing and they could have done more with her having worked for Goldmember and knowing his behaviour, weaknesses, etc. Having said that, Beyoncé's acting was nothing great - wooden and terrible comedic timing.


Right. It reminds me of when they put Jennifer Hudson in one of the Sex and the City movies. She really had nothing much to do in it. Her character added nothing much to the storyline, she was just the most popular celebrity of the time. I can give Beyonce a break for her it being her first acting job, but the character was very literal and I believe a stronger African American actress could have done it more justice. It was okay, but cringeworthy.


I actually liked the movie more because of her character. And I'm not even a fan of her music or of R&B or hip-hop in general.

I liked Elizabeth Hurley in the first movie and Beyonce in this one. While I think Heather Graham is very attractive, I didn't really like her performance in the 2nd movie.


goldmember was a junky character. i believe he was in the film because MM's ego was so large that no one was going to tell thim "no, you stupid jacka55, that's the wrong way to go"

Thread ender.


"I liked this movie, except I found that Beyonce's dreadful performance ruined it for me."

Not to mention her ATROCIOUS, awful japanese pronunciation - someone should have at least thought her how to pronounce a couple of simple words correctly. I don't think I have ever heard as bad japanese pronunciation! Even Rowan Atkinson's dreadful butchering of the japanese language in Johnny English is slightly better than her verbal vomit. Yeecch!

I hope I never have to hear her speak (especially attempting to pronounce japanese words) or watch her 'act' again.

She was definitely the major contributing factor making this movie boring and sucky.

I mean, the only thing worse than a male machoism is female machoism.


Acting-wise, I found this to be one of Beyonce's more tolerable performances. Usually I can't stand her.

That said, the character of Foxxy herself sucked. Easily the most useless and incompetent Austin Powers girl. I mean, she constantly tried to apprehend Goldmember the same exact way, only for him to kick her square in the face every single time.

Logan, buddy. It's me, Deadpool! I shot youuuuuu....


She was bad every scene she was in. It took me out of the movie.
