I saw all these movies in the right order and still thought Hypercube was by far the best one, followed by Cube and Cube Zero is incredibly far behind. I bought the DVD and sold it to somebody right after and I never did that for any other movie. It wasn't that bad but after Cube and Hypercube this number 3 was absolutely ridiculous. I'm glad Ernie Barbarash didn't have more power than he had on Hypercube, it's like Kim Henkel who fought with Tobe Hooper about certain aspects of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Tobe Hooper refused, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a masterpiece. A few years later, Kim Henkel makes his own Texas Chain Saw with his original ideas, and this is one of the crappiest movies ever made. Cube Zero made me feel the same.
Hypercube was better for me in the way that it was still a low-budget movie pretty much as Cube was, but I thought the cinematography and the directing were much better. The two stories are different takes on a same concept, I love both for different aspects. I just thought that Cube was rather classic after all, we're pretty much used to see this kind of movies in the Indie movies genre, whereas Hypercube is a little bit more unique but it's true that it was maybe easier for them as they already had the concept of the Cube and just had to come up with a different side of the story. And nobody ever seemed to have understood that there is NO trap in Hypercube, as opposed to Cube. That's what I liked in Hypercube.