To Johnathan-7:
I believe she was referring to them being in gang, regardless of their ethnicity. Obviously by being part of a gang, their morals are warped and i agree that in real life, they wouldn't have stopped. I grew up near this area, mostly in South Central, and I know these types of guys have no qualms about rape. Doesn't matter if their hispanic, black, white, or purple.
To everyone else:
To the matter of if she was raped or not. This movie has bad editing, so I think that's why we are all confused. I saw it as she's willing to do the three guys and things go sour one she's being dp'ed. If could be of bad editing, but I saw some time pass before she started to protest. I believe that were trying to portray that she thought she could handle it (by earlier saying 'i want to do this...' like she was almost convincing herself) and maybe even thought she could handle both men in her the same time.
However, she is young, and having two men in you like that is harsh on a woman's body. Being still in high school (whether she's 18 or 17), doing something like a dp is not something that really happens, anal sex isn't really that popular at that age. I think that as soon as he was inside her and they both went at it, that's when she started to yell and freak out, obviously in pain since her body can't handle that.
Again, with the editing, I saw that they stopped before Allison came in, since Emily was spitting up on the side of the bed when she got to her. I don't view it as rape, since I saw them stop when she freaked out. She was probably traumatized and that's why she called rape on them.
And to the matter that they had it coming, no woman has that coming. Yes, they made poor judgement choices, but they are still in high school. To an outsider, you can see it coming, but when you are in the situation, you don't see as clearly. Nobody should have anything coming, that choice is up to the person who does the crime. You don't have to rape anybody, mug anybody, steal anything, etc. That choice is yours and yours alone.