the ending sucks

i don't like the ending - she was so mean to them all, especially to him, because she loved herself more than she loved him: instead of drinking from the spring and living forever with her true love (i suppose he was her true love), even if she would have suffered because of the others passing away, she preferred to live her life (so maybe he wasn't her true love) without suffering the eternity, but leaving him heartbroken, to live forever with an unhealing pain in his heart (because he did love her - even after almost 100 years he came back).
what do you think?


To me, the ending is sad, but it's realistic. Winnie did love jesse, but as another person here already stated, she had a life to live. It's also like Angus Tuck said on the lake: "Don't be afraid of dying, be afraid of the unlived life." Living forever isn't actually living life, it's running away from the outcome at the end (dying).

I know I wouldn't want to live forever because it would mean watching everyone around you die and being stuck in one place for the rest of your life. In my opinion, as hard as it must have been, Winnie chose the right path. But to each his own opinion.

([R.I.P HeAtH lEdGeR!!!!! <3333])


Oh well. *sigh* I'm just appeasing myself that Winnie Foster came to marry a Jackson which, well, is the surname of the guy who played Jesse Tuck - Jonathan Jsckson. :)


IT was almost like he waited long enough - so that if she made the decision not to drink he wouldn't have to see her. What if he'd only come back after 20 years? Seen her with a family? How heartbreaking would that have been? Like when peter pan went back and wendy had grown up?
what if she was waiting to drink UNTIL he came back for her?




I'm neither quite young nor inexperienced in life, but I don't think anyone can define love for anyone else, just as no one knows what really goes on in a relationship except for those involved in it.

If life is lived in moments, so love can be felt intensely, or however one feels it, in moments. I think the romance was highlighted to in fact show the treasure of special moments in life. So it was focal point or rose to illustrate that idea.

Everyone defines or feels love differently, and it's for that person to choose whether to hold on to something for a time or let it go. But a quite young person can honestly love anyone, including a parent or sibling. As for romantic love, that is subjective and dependent entirely upon the intimate nature of the individual. May be idealistic, but who's to say it's not authentic.

Our civilization is flinging itself to pieces. Stand back from the centrifuge.


& I'm afraid that in some ways, I very much disagree with bre_ane:

Your point that given their ages - 15 and 17 - they were likely to grow apart and fall out of love is certainly valid. However, because it is a movie - with fantasy elements in the plot, no less - I think we are supposed to assume that it is 'real love'; that it *could* last.
I think most movies that focus on a love story rely on the audience making that assumption.
& it makes Winnie's decision to live her life and not drink from the spring all the more powerful.

I'm very sorry that you have lost love in your life, yet I'm also glad that you have a positive outlook on that loss as a growing experience...
I too have lost great love so I know where you are coming from.
However, there are people out there who meet the love of their lives in their teenage years and spend their whole lives together, happily, and grow old together. These same people could certainly spend eternity together. Just because neither you nor I were so lucky does not mean one should underestimate Winnie and Jesse's feelings for one another.

That being said, IF Winnie and Jesse's love were 'real' and lasting, if I were in Winnie's position I would drink from the spring. Immortality would be empty and lonely if you had no one to love, but if you had that one person along for the ride... it could be amazing :)

I did like the ending though & it is consistent with the message of the movie.


I think most people would live forever if given the opportunity.


Suck Everlasting


It was unfortunate they couldn't be together forever, but her decision reflects the story's theme, which is explained by Tuck when he takes Winnie out on the pond.

"Do you want to stay stuck as you are right now, forever?"
