the ending sucks

i don't like the ending - she was so mean to them all, especially to him, because she loved herself more than she loved him: instead of drinking from the spring and living forever with her true love (i suppose he was her true love), even if she would have suffered because of the others passing away, she preferred to live her life (so maybe he wasn't her true love) without suffering the eternity, but leaving him heartbroken, to live forever with an unhealing pain in his heart (because he did love her - even after almost 100 years he came back).
what do you think?


The ending didn't suck. It showed that she would rather spend a short time on this earth and life rather then spend eternity trying to. If he really loved her he would have come back sooner and not have waited a hundred years because realistically things would have blown over after the first ten.


Which is exactly what Angus told her would be the best choice!


I thought the ending was sad but i think that was supposed to happen....that was the point of the movie- live ur lyf as if there was no tomorrow.....


Well I was an extra in that movie and have drank some of that water and it didn't taste like heaven to me.
Did ya know that after you drink that water that your never tired or sleep anymore ? You become a narcoleptic - insomniac.
I haven't slept in the last few years and have decided with the remaining samples I have left, that I will sell them on ABay starting Sept 31 2005.
I plan on raising enough funds to take a trip to Gniyl Mi located south of the
Fewl-Ja Islands. I have bottled quite a few gallons of it and give it away for free to customers who use the right password (password is : can i have an ice cold glass of hot water in a cup please and a table for 3 in your non- smoking section with 4 ash trays ?).
So remember people if ya want any of this water to log on early and get your orders in now @ uu-uu-uu.secretwatergotcon .
Well ciao for now
I'm off to Ibiza with Halle Beery.
will give details when i return a week from last Monday.


Very funny comments, rprokipczuk, I really got a kick out of them.

smile321, I enjoyed reading your entire lengthy post. I agree with you completely, I think you make some very good points.

My daughter had to read the book for school, and we all watched the movie after she was done. A very good movie, I plan on reading the book too, even though my daughter said some things are different in it (as happens quite often!).


Well they were simply trying to keep the feel of the book in there...that is the way the book ended...except it was Angus who finds the grave, not Jesse...I personally likjed Jesse finding it had more emotional baggage to it....


well when i saw jesse see the grave and not winnie, I thought yes the film did suck. I couldn't understand how she wouldn't want to say with him forever cause I did think he was hot! But when they narrotor said the last line 'Do not fear death, but rather the unlived life. You don't have to live forever. You just have to live. And she did.' I understood. It would have been so lovely for him to come back and see her waiting there for him but I believe that would have been wrong. She lived her life fully married and had kids. She lived her life to the full and thats exactly was jesse wanted her to do. So though it was a sad ending, it was the right ending and this for me made the story beautiful.


i just would like to say that someone mentioned earlier about miles being sad and never getting over his 'lost love' but didn't you notice that he said that he was sad about still being alive not so much they had died but that he could never ever join them i think that is what he found most difficult he also said immortality isn't everything the preachers rack it up to be. none of the family were happy not tuck, miles, mae or jesse with their immortality.


Personally I think the film ought to have ended with her sitting by the spring, j=just when she looks into the water. Then you'd always be left wondering and could choose what happened. THat's the point of the film isn't it really? What would you do?

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve it by not dying"


How do they know for sure that they are going to live forever? How do they know that they're not just ageing very, very slowly? They've only been around for 300 years or so. That's not so long in the big scheme of things, is it?


I have to agree with losing faith and etrnalpunk:

if he really did love her as much as he said then he should have came back sooner! (I think his love for her was true tho)

it would have been cool if he did come back and see a girl that looked like her and possibly a love connection!




The ending sooo doesn't suck. If you think this at all, or think that the ending is okay, but don't like the fact that she "got married," are in need of head exams because you totally don't understand the true meaning of this movie. Just because two people don't end up together doesn't mean *beep* Consider Jack and Rose from Titanic. The point is to MOVE on and LIVE your life, no matter what curve balls may be thrown at you. It's sad that Jesse will have to live with the pain of her death, I'll give you that, but you can't blame her for wanting to live her life.


I agree the ending STINKS! When Jesse told her to go back to the Spring and that he'd come back for her I finally understood the start and I was like "YAY THEY'RE GONNA BE TOGETHER FOR EVER WOOHOO!!" and then I find out that she didn't drink the water!! What a frickin idiot!!!! Jesse was so hot too =[


I agree with the ending stinking, too, but not just because the love interest doesn't pan out. There's a huge theme here that was totally ignored: What will happen to the Tucks? They're good people who've been given a gift they don't know what to do with. Why are they left to fade away into oblivion? This movie is about more than Winnie deciding to listen to pessimistic Angus Tuck about his "life unlived." His life was unlived because Angus didn't value the gift of immortality he'd been given. He saw it as a curse rather than a blessing, and this is allowed to color Winnie's (and the viewer's) whole perspective of immortality, creating a bleak and incomplete ending. You're supposed to agree with Angus (or rather Ms. Babbitt, the author).

Hogwash. Angus could have saved the world with that gift! You have to value life to value the spring, and treating the spring of everlasting life like a curse seemed like a sacrilege to me. Of course, that's just my personal viewpoint. But I believe if we were meant to die we wouldn't fight it every step of the way like the majority of us do, nor why we put such importance on living a "long and happy life." WE are immortal. Only our bodies die. Why is it so bad to wish them to last as long as we do?

Angus didn't value his immortality, but Jesse did. He wanted to "see the whole world, every speck of it!" and since the world is always changing, there would always be something new to see. More than that, something new to accomplish, new goals, new dreams, which could start with the beautiful blessing he already possessed: appreciation of what he's been given.

Of all of them, Jesse understood what it was to actually live his life. He chose to embrace it every day, revelling in it with all its changes. He encouraged someone else, Winnie, to enjoy it with him.

Winnie needed freedom. She suffered the grief of her grandmother's death and heard her mother's heartfelt words, "I wish you could always stay my little girl." Her family needed freedom from that stifling high-society life they were trapped in. They could have been good people too. They could have protected the spring and the Tucks, using their wealth and position in the community to find a way to bring this blessing to the world without a stampede, or more people being killed over the business opportunity.

Winnie would have been the perfect person to bring the first step of resolution to the Tucks' dilemma of "what do we do with this?" If she'd loved Jesse enough to drink the water and go with him, Miles could have seen how happy they were, and found the courage to find his own, really true, love, the second time.

Angus is a coward to hide his family away from the world just because they are different. Yes, the gift of immortality is a dangerous one. But not everyone is a "man in a yellow suit." A gift like that, carefully guarded and given away, could create a Shambala (or Shangri-La).

Mae only needs her family to come to terms with its gift to be happy. She tries constantly to create peace among them. When Jesse, Miles and Angus are happy, she will need nothing more because she is that kind of person.

Together, the Tucks and the Fosters could have literally created a "heaven on earth," because when you are immortal, and you base your life on love of one another, and love of your neighbor, such a thing could be possible, eh?

I had to write this because the movie left me desperate for a resolution to the Tucks' situation, and Jesse and Winnie seemed like the perfect answer. Sorry, but I don't buy the "we're meant to die" bit. I never have and never will, and Ms. Babbitt can keep her view of it as far as I'm concerned. Each person on this earth is a unique individual, with unique contributions to make to the world, and the loss of any one is an eternal loss.


I agree completely ts611, I was about to post almost the exact same thing. Minus the utopian vision, I hadn't thought that far. Why is a life that's not filled with the aches and pains that inevitably come with age considered less of a life? Can anyone honestly say that Jesse wasn't alive?

My favorite TV show is Highlander, which after you get past the silliness is about essentially the same thing. How people who live forever choose to live. And despite the ridiculous amount of fun the guy has, the main character in that has the same view, that it's better for all the potential immortals if they just grow old and die. Why?

I already know, at the age of 24, that there's not going to be enough time in my life for everything I want to do. What scares people so much about staying young and healthy forever? It almost seems like a kind of willful denial that getting old and feeble is pretty *beep* no matter who you do it with.

I know we're not going to find a magic spring, but If we we're so content with the natural order of things, why invent painkillers? surgury? medical care of any kind? We are moving closer, incrementally, to this kind of immortality. We'll never get there, but as a species we are trying. I think that's important to acknowledge.


I think what made it less of a life was that jesse could not have a family. The natural order is that you die in order to make way for new life. Jesse will never get married, grow old with a wife, and have children. And if he did, they would die while he remained. There are other things in life, but there is something fulfilling in growing old with friends and family and ushering in new life. If everyone was immortal we would just be stuck in time like the Tucks.



Some of you don't seem to understand the message of this book at all. I read it in fifth grade, and it's a beautiful book. And through the entire thing, circles are used as an example. Everything moves in circles. Life runs in circles, that's the way it is. And the Tucks aren't in that natural circle anymore. Their existance is meaningless.

The thing about life that motivates people is time. We don't have forever, so we go to school young, get out of college and get a job and become sucessful. We try to do everything before we die, because we know that death is inevitable.

Yes, it's romantic thinking about living with you true love forever. But in my opinion, JESSE was being selfish by asking her to live forever. He knew what it was like, and he knew that he was asking her to give up her entire life, literally, just to be with him.

And their whole relationship semeed a lot more like infatuation to me, by the way.


It's not that we don't understand the message. We're just saying we don't agree with it.
But it's o.k. if you do.

Just don't expect me to.


I agree it wouldn't b the same if she did drink it and it was a happy ending but it's still tearing me appart. I do get the message but I so FN hate it! and I know I can't know for sure what I would've done in her shoes, but I think I would've drunk from the spring! I canæt believe she did what she did and it makes me cry! He loved her enough to come back after so long, and if you look after you can even see the sence of a smile on his face when he looks up at her house (saying I'm-looking-forward-to-finally-meet-her-again), and then the disappointment when he sees her grave! I was crying so much when he saw her grave! I can only immagine his heart pounding so fast and hard and thinking like "Am I hallusinating, does it really say winnie foster (jackson)?"
Like FINALLY he had something 2 live for, and it's just gone! I can immagine his exitement the days b4 arriving, thinking she'd be there!

I am almost 100% sure I would've drunk from the spring even if I'd have to live for ever, I'd be happy for myself AND for him! I can't stand the thought of leaving him there all alone without his love, not even a good bye (though I know there was no posibility 4 that, other than the Tucks leaving after getting Mae and Angus out of jail)! I would have loved everything about it, and I know he would've loved me too, and i'd b his only ONE!

In one point I would want 2 change the end, because this end tears me appart. But at the same time it wouldn't have been the same, this is what makes the movie.

And also, realistically it would not have bn blown away after 10 years, not the fact that they were immortals. the crime isn't what he was talking about, it was the fact that for xample the police officer saw them rising up again after he shot them. don't u think he would have told all of his friends, his kids and grandkids? i don't think jesse wanted 2 take the chance of someone recognizing him, even though i think if i loved someone enough I would have taken the chance.


The ending didn't suck because she didn't drink the water. I don't blame her for that. The ending sucks because he didn't come back for her for 85 years! What was he thinking? Maybe she did wait for him for awhile, but eventually gave up on him.



I'm not specifically replying to this post just to the topic of the ending sucking in general. I haven't read the book but I just finished watching the movie. I felt really unsatisfied by the ending,but I'm not sure I feel that she was selfish or mean. People are going to argue that age isn't important, but how would you really know at 15 that you've found your "true love"? And isn't the prospect of living forever daunting? I don't blame her for not drinking from the spring.

But I hated the ending- Seeing him sitting there in from of her tombstone, all alone, and the knowledge that he is basically doomed to live forever... it seemed unfair. She has a right to live her own life, but then... well, what happens to him? Does he just continue living like his brother? It's not fair!

I wish there could be a different ending. Like them finding a way to make him mortal again, so they could live and die together. Or at least something cheesy but pleaseing like her having a grandchild that was just like she had been throughout the movie, so that he could be with her... until she died. Or something.

Well the point is... besides the fact that I have no point, we can't really do anything to change this movie. So lets enjoy its beauty, wallow in its sadness, and be happy that we aren't faced with the choice she was.


When there are pages and pages of comments, I don't normally read them all.

In this case, I continued reading after page 1 because I was surprised that NO ONE seemed to get that Jesse could not have truly loved Winnie or he would, in fact, have insisted that she NOT drink the water!

Thank you for showing me that at least one other person believes true love means wanting what is best for your sweetheart, even when that means your sweetheart must leave you.


i don't know if this has been said... i didn't have enough time to read it all..

if she did drink the water, would the whole point of the story be ruined??

i mean, it's not JUST about love.. it's about the agony of living forever.. it's a lesson in living life...

and if you're looking for such ending, then i don't think you understood the story at all...


I understood the message behind the story and I thought she made the right choice! To live forever isn't really living at all..

HOWEVER!! If that were me and my boyfriend I have to admitt I'd drink it in a heartbeat...I guess I wouldn't be "living" But to spend eternity with the person I love is somthing I don't think I could pass up! But then again I wouldn't have to wait for my boyfriend for 85 years to come back to me!
