Dark Blue vs Narc vs Training Day
Which is better?
2.Training Day
3.Dark Blue - Kurt Russell is an actor who I always like to see about though he great
Which is better?
2.Training Day
3.Dark Blue - Kurt Russell is an actor who I always like to see about though he great
Training Day was brilliant. I would watch it again and again.
Dark Blue was good. I would watch it once.
Narc was garbage. The characters and the things they did did not make sense.
2. Dark Blue
3. Training Day
All 3 are great flix... but I'd like to add the 80's classic "To Live And Die In L.A." ,even though the cops were Feds. Great gritty look of L.A. plus an all time great chase scene.
share1. Training Day
2. Narc
3. Dark Blue
1.training day rocks
1.narc rocks
1.dark blue rocks
what can i say i like all of them
1. Training Day
2. Narc
3. Dark Blue
Training day is the best cop film around! period. How can people say it is unrealistic that a rookie cop can uncover a scandal in one day. He really didnt have anything to uncover it just showed how corrupt law enforcement is and how he, being person of morals and good ethics, disagreed with them. I felt it was extremely believeable, at least by LAPD's reputation. Dark blue was solid, i was entertained.
"Your lucky i got more pressing business or else id cut your *beep* dick off and stick it up that funky little ass of yours... Bitch! DAMN! IM THIRSTY!I WANT A BEER!" - aLONZO hARRIS
1. Dark Blue. Kurt Russell gives a great twist of controversial cop drama.
2. Narc. Ray Liotta made the movie depressing so it's quite a touching.
3. Training Day. Didn't like the atmosphere in the movie because it's a little of the line. But it's my opinion.
Training Day is a better film because it has suspense, great storyline and Denzel's Oscar winning performance of a rogue police officer.
Narc gets the nod thanks for Ray "GoodFellas" Liotta's role.
And Dark Blue was an okay picture-- bland storyline and Kurt Russell was average.
The Glimmer Man is the best cop movie! WOW it's so good.
I found that Training Day was more polished and exciting than Dark Blue, especially in a blockbuster Hollywood sense.
... I died a little inside making that joke... you'll die a little inside reading it...
1. Dark Blue-Good story, great performances and the last 15-20 minutes are uber intense.
2.Training Day-Denzel is having a ball and Ethan is just as good in a less showy role.
Narc-A great cast does there best but the movie is a dull iritating piece of crap.
Who says violence is not the answer?
its funny that all three of these movies have rappers in them.
and i like narc the best. if for no other reason then that it doesn't take place in L.A. the fact that it takes place in detroit is a plus. I just think its boring when movies take place in L.A. or New York. There are more then two cities in this country.
Feed Me a Stray Cat
1. Training Day - Leave it to Antoine Fuqua and Denzel, channeling Cagney, to restore Warners to its crime picture glory. Gritty, brutal, LA. Scott Glenn as a low-rent dealer, Tom Berenger as a Wise Man, and appearances by both Dre and Snoop. Like a streetwise hallucinogen you just can't let go of. Dust and asphalt, cold beer and glocks, alleys into Hades, all in the City of Angels. And Ethan Hawke, a Dead Poet no longer, somehow tames the hood, single-handedly. What the *beep*
2. Narc - Liotta, in his finest turn since Henry Hill, makes Jason Patric eat his *beep* Chicago street jazz, was beloved to William Friedkin(director of, well, only the Greatest Cop Movie Ever Made, The French Connection, though El Scheid kicked ass in the Seven-Ups), and the shotgun junkie scene is hilarious. But Ray must bow to Denzel in the corrupt cop sweepstakes.
3. Dark Blue - They couldn't afford Orlando Bloom, so they got Scott Speedman. Ron Shelton rewrote David Ayer's script, and considering his recent script output has included Play it to the Bone, Bad Boys 2, and Hollywood Homicide, that's not a good thing. Sorry Ron. Kurt Russell's character is overly ambiguous, which makes him a figure of disinterest. And the LA Riots is turned into the Clone Wars, in that it is promised, but we only get a taste. "Backdrop" does not mean a device sparsely-used at the climax. Cops in the LA Riots! Violence in the air! Another promising premise wasted in a half-ass film. What a shame.
All three of the movies are superb. Loved them.
"action!", director
1. Dark Blue - A bit confusing in the beginning, wraps up really nice. Also great acting and avoids a lot of Hollywood clichés.
2. Narc - Great acting, somewhat confused plot. The movie was a little too short and the characters were a bit underdeveloped.
3. Training Day - Great Performance by Denzel Washington but I found Ethan Hawke to be very unconvincing, the plot was a bit overambitious as well and some of elements in the movie were exaggerated. Big plus for showing Eva Mendezes privates and boobs though...
1. Dark Blue
2. Narc
3. Training Day
"No, I shot him. Bullets and the fall killed him!"
Vincent, Collateral
1. Training Day, hands down
2. Dark Blue
They should make a movie with Alonzo Harris, Eldon Perry and Henry Oak in together. Bad-ass cops.
1. Training Day
2. Narc
3. Dark Blue
Best secondary characters
1. Jason Patric
2. Ethan Hawke
3. Scott Speedman
"You're a handsome devil, what's your name?"
"Training Day" was horrible. How anyone could like Denzel Washington is beyond me. The guy is a robot. The same in EVERY movie he's done. I don't know who he's bribed to have gotten the Oscar for that horrible movie and horrible performance, but that overrated movie sucks. Ethan Hawke KILLED Denzel's performace. What makes that movie or Denzel so great with horrible and corny lines like "King Kong ain't got nothin' on me!" delivered so crappily, by the robot that is Denzel? I just don't get the hype over this movie or his performance. Every other actor in the movie gave better performances than him, why are they overlooked?
Now "NARC" was a HELL of a lot better movie with MUCH better performances. I can agree that "Dark Blue" had a lot of weak parts and not a very good story, but Kurt Russell absolutely KILLS as a corrupt cop. He gave a GREAT performance. Too bad it was on a crappy movie. But regardless, my point is that Kurt Russell and Ray Liotta and Jason Patric could act circles around the extremely overrated Denzel. Hell, Don Cheadle would've been a better corrput cop and could s*** on ANY Denzel performance. But since Denzel is more of a pretty boy than Don Cheadle, he's gonna get more exposure than him. But he sure as hell doesn't deserve it for every robotic performance he's done and continues doing.
1. "Narc"
2. "Dark Blue"
1 Kurt Russell's performance
all of them.
I wouldn't even put "Training Day" on ANY list except a "worst" list.
1. Narc
2. Dark Blue
3. Training Day
I thought all 3 were great films. I would say:
1) Narc (I thought it had the best story and acting)
2) Dark Blue (Kurt Russel great as always)
3) Training Day (Denzel was very good, deserved the oscar, but like someone said the story was a little hard to believe at times)
1 Training Day Ethan Hawke did a great job
2 Dark Blue i like Kurt Russel it was a good movie not great
3 Narc good acting but the plot was a little weak but still a decent movie
All three films are great films, but "NARC" takes the cake for being the most realistic and hard movie IMO. It brought back some fond memories and Liotta and Patrick give performances that are both extremely powerful and realistic, ie not just kicking ass with an 8-ball and sock but also working around the paper aspect of the job, and the close relationships between Liotta and Calvess's family. Busta Rhymes and the other thug were excellent too. I was shocked when I saw BR on the screen, he was a straight cut out of work.
I like the fact that NARC is set in a city that gets little coverage regarding movies/TV, and has a crime rate/culture that rivals those of typical "crime ridden" locales. Detriot was beautifully cold in this movie and, combined with Carnahan's directing and use of light, the movie just gets darker, colder, meaner and more depressing. The opening chase scene was shockingly real too. While I was never involved in a situation as Patrick's character was, they captured the feel of chasing someone down to the T.
NARC wins it for me, but all are great films. It's a matter of what you like, what entertains you, and the experiences you have had.
Vincent: Take comfort in knowing you never had a choice. - Collateral