MovieChat Forums > Enough (2002) Discussion > Can YOU think of a better solution?

Can YOU think of a better solution?

This forum is full of holier-than-thous who love semantics. "It's not self-defense" and "it's murder" and "she should go to jail."

Well, can YOU think of another solution? I wonder if the people saying these things actually watched this movie. Was she supposed to spend the rest of her life running? Letting her husband stalk her, threaten her, try to destroy her life?

What Slim did may not be "self defense" by the legal definition of that concept, but it was the only thing she could do by means of self-preservation.

I'm not advocating premeditated murder by any means. However, she pursued every legal avenue available - and all failed her. Wives are not property. For anyone to say that she didn't have the right to do the ONLY thing that would stop her husband from destroying her, is like suggesting that what he did wasn't so bad. Can you look yourself in the mirror and say you wouldn't do the same thing?

Slim would have ended up dead if she didn't confront Mitch and stop him. His torment would never stop until he's dead. So many people think that he somehow has more right to live than she does.

Makes me wonder how they treat their wives/girlfriends/significant others.

So, if anyone wants to say what she did was wrong, how about backing the statement up with an alternative.

And this is coming from a MAN. Everyone has the right to live free of threat. Yes, this film is fiction, but even if it was real, I have no sympathy for men like Mitch. He was a cold and calculating abuser, and he would have either killed her, or tormented her for the rest of her days.

She did the only thing she could do to protect herself and her child - she killed him.

And some people here actually feel sorry for him?

There was no other way. She did what she had to do to survive. Is the world worse off when violent bastards like Mitch are dead and buried? How else do you stop them?



Thank you for this well thought-out post. I'm moved that you are male yourself, and yet can see the movie this way. I wish I'd met someone like you before I got married.

Mitch indeed told Slim that he would kill her, on several occations. Her fear for her life was real. She had to turn and fight. She had no choice. But imagine what would have happened had she only put him in the hospital.

Right. Killing him was the only option he gave her.

I bought a copy of this movie once I'd seen it on TV. I watch it often. I cry EVERY time.


This film for me is a mockery to women in real life with situation just as similar to what was on this film. Not all women were able to leave their abusive husband because of lack of money or lack of support or worse lack of courage and strength to leave.

My mother was involve in that kind of *beep* Thank God my father saw the light and changed his way.

Back to this film, I would have written that Slim (if that's her real name or J Lo picked that out herself), went to jail and her daughter was adopted and raised by her surrogate grandpa with the help of Jupiter (again if that's his real name).

Most cases like this ends with the victim defending themselves against their abusive parnters and sometimes they get away with an SD and sometimes they don't. The fact that she ends up getting away with murdering Mitch is Hollywood *beep*


Bravo OP. The people who sympathize with Mitch are the type that would rather blame the victim IMO.

I also think it's another way to shame women and bring them down. How could anyone be sympathetic to the husband in this case? I mean really, not even the LAW was on her side!


I think the thing that made her getting away with it plausible was that the police would have found no weapons used, or evidence in the house that anyone else was there. The policeman called her one of the "lucky ones." They would have concluded that him falling off the balcony was lucky for Slim, otherwise he would have gotten her in the end.

There was one detail that I thought could gotten her arrested, was when she cut the wires to the home phone. If they noticed that, the gig would be up. I also thought dumping the tools in ocean right by the house wasn't very smart.

There are some rare times when women are not charged or they are acquitted. I'm thinking of the real-life case behind the movie "Burning Bed."


They could have also notice the bruises he has which was more then what she had plus the question as to why she called her friend instead of calling the police, the knives in the fridge and guns all gone.

All looks circumstantial to me.


I liked the movie, but I am worried about what it says about me.

The plot was set up that Mitch was an entitled sociopath who would not stop. He was able to fool Slim until his cheating was obvious. Some people think that his true nature coming out later in the marriage was implausible. That is not exactly true.

Actually, the way he had to scam Slim into dating him was a hint that something was amuck with his personality. Then when he talked the man with the house into selling, it was another hint that he was not too worried about other people and what they want; he even threatened the man with continual harassment. Slim was a little dense when it came to those clues.

It is implied that Mitch just used whatever tool that would work, to continue to get what he wanted. First it was scamming, then it was persuasion & emotional manipulation, then throwing money at problems, threatening, lying, more threatening, then violence. Violence wasn't really his tool of choice, but when Slim wanted to leave, he was willing to use it. I think there are plenty of people out there that are like that.

I don't know if it is really plausible that he had all those powers to track Slim down though, when she ran. If she is smart enough to get a new identity for herself, she would be smart enough to know she had to cut all ties with other people like her old boyfriend. I think in real life, she would go underground and stay underground until the daughter was old enough to choose who she wanted to live with. She would probably have to migrate to another country.

If Slim could have managed to stay underground for a decade, by the time she resurfaced again, I doubt that Mitch would have still been interested in killing her. By that time, he would have had another wife and family to abuse.

I'm not completely sure about the law on this, but from what I've read, she would not be charged with kidnapping, because she left before there was a custody hearing. Now if she left with the child after Mitch had been awarded joint or sole custody, she could be charged.

Hiding would be a hard life, but like the real lady who behind the story "Burning Bed" has said, killing your husband is not something easy to live with either.

I think, from a practical standpoint, since her father Jupiter was wealthy and it appeared he slightly unscrupulous too, it would have been a lot easier to hire a hit man and engineer an "accident" or mugging gone wrong. But then we wouldn't have the satisfaction of seeing Slim get her revenge.

I think the character was called Slim because there she only had a slim chance of emerging out of this situation alive and free.

Just my two cents.


This movie as a whole is absolute HORSE *beep* it still latches on to the tired idea of "someone did something bad to me, I'm getting my revenge" that every single Hollywood movie follows. It explores NOTHING of the domestic abuse theme, go watch the South Korean movie Breathless and then come back to this and you will know just how dumb this movie is.
