MovieChat Forums > Enough (2002) Discussion > Can YOU think of a better solution?

Can YOU think of a better solution?

This forum is full of holier-than-thous who love semantics. "It's not self-defense" and "it's murder" and "she should go to jail."

Well, can YOU think of another solution? I wonder if the people saying these things actually watched this movie. Was she supposed to spend the rest of her life running? Letting her husband stalk her, threaten her, try to destroy her life?

What Slim did may not be "self defense" by the legal definition of that concept, but it was the only thing she could do by means of self-preservation.

I'm not advocating premeditated murder by any means. However, she pursued every legal avenue available - and all failed her. Wives are not property. For anyone to say that she didn't have the right to do the ONLY thing that would stop her husband from destroying her, is like suggesting that what he did wasn't so bad. Can you look yourself in the mirror and say you wouldn't do the same thing?

Slim would have ended up dead if she didn't confront Mitch and stop him. His torment would never stop until he's dead. So many people think that he somehow has more right to live than she does.

Makes me wonder how they treat their wives/girlfriends/significant others.

So, if anyone wants to say what she did was wrong, how about backing the statement up with an alternative.

And this is coming from a MAN. Everyone has the right to live free of threat. Yes, this film is fiction, but even if it was real, I have no sympathy for men like Mitch. He was a cold and calculating abuser, and he would have either killed her, or tormented her for the rest of her days.

She did the only thing she could do to protect herself and her child - she killed him.

And some people here actually feel sorry for him?

There was no other way. She did what she had to do to survive. Is the world worse off when violent bastards like Mitch are dead and buried? How else do you stop them?



I haven't read the forum yet, but there are actually people here sympathizing with the Mitch character??



No one is going to argue with you on this because there is no argument. You're absolutely right. So good to hear from a man with sense...

"You will get precisely the news you deserve if you accept mediocrity."
Nick Clooney


Woooo! I agree with every single thing you said! The world (and these boards) need more people like you! Way-to-go, man!


Thank you, Futura. What people don't realize is that the law is very rarely on the side of the women in domestic abuse cases and can do very little to help them until it's too late. I say, that situation wasn't going to end until one of them was dead. Mitch didn't play by "the rules," there was no reason Slim should have to. She did the only thing she could: leave a paper trail in order to cover her ass the best she could in a legal sense and then level the playing field and have it out with him, and may the best man win. It was her right to at least give herself a shot at being able to be the last one standing.


I'm in my 30's, and I don't have a girlfriend right now, but I will tell you that when I DO get one, I am forever gonna treat her like a queen. Mitch is a disgusting pig. He and whosits, the guy Noah played. I felt so sorry for Slim, and I wanted to stab Mitchin the face with a soldering iron. So I agree with the OP. Good work man.

You know what I hate? People who take certain films seriously.


I think the movie is more about the irrational decisions made by a woman. From the beginning she was obviously not intelligent ENOUGH to figure a solution to the problem.

I can understand that women will sympathize with J-Lo's character, merely because she was battered(hit a few times). Mitch, when he was kicking her, it was more corny than anything, is meant to get women to sympathize for J-Lo's character. But in the meantime while women are sympathizing they are not even bothering to notice how stupid the J-Lo character is.

She's a mother? She's scared? She's running for her life? Almost every action that J-Lo's character makes is irrational.

This movie is meant to draw sympathy from people, while people are totally ignorant to the craziness of the woman in the film (not J-Lo but her character).

I dare you to watch this movie again if you don't notice the flaws that the woman makes you can't.

In reality J-Lo's character would have been tried for premeditated murder.


In the real world this would never happen. Since no way would Slim marry Mitch.

The biggest plot hole in this movie. Is how Mitch was able to hide what he truly is from Slim all those years. Either he was a terrific actor or he had good and evil switch in his back somewhere.

I think the filmmakers made a big mistake not showing what he truly was until, he and Slim had a kid.


That's where you are wrong, pnay. Some abusers will sweet talk their way around like a little puppy until they get married but when they realize the abused is in a position they think he/she cannot get out of, they will start abusing. Having a kid is one way of thinking in a position someone cannot get out of for the sake of the child.

Sit down, Shut up or I'll throw my stiletto at you.


slim would most likely marry mitch irl, especially if she didnt know he was abusive and a womanizer... she just knew what he showed her... abusive guys are manipulative, they know how to show a woman the side she wants to see, only to bring out his true nature usually after she has fallen for him... he will also make excuses for his behavior to garner sympathy, make her feel like he didnt mean to do it, he just let his anger or emotions get the best of him... although guys like that can seem like decent guys to most of the ppl they know, they can hide their evil nature to benefit them... plus kids do complicate a situation, its not easy gettin away cause they might not have the money, family, and/or friends... what some abusive guys do is move the woman away from her family and friends so she has no choice but to rely on him... also plenty of guys will manipulate a woman by saying he will change, but its up to the woman to decide if he really will or if she should get away before the situation gets worse


I guess you know little of the "real World," because people hide things from people all the time! You may think you know someone truly and then you find something out that you would have never thought they'd do or be. That was the worse point of your post. In the real world, people are abused all the time. Ignorance is bliss, I guess!

Lisa "Lefteye" Lopes, EyeLegacy - Jan 27, 09!...Get Lisa's album NOW!!! =D


He was clearly a sociopath. He probably didn't care about Gracie at all, let alone Slim. He wanted to be in control and when he lost that control, he decided to make her life a living hell. It real life. Women are fooled by men who are fantastic at charming everyone around them. Everyone loved my grandfather when my grandma introduced him to the family. After my mom was born, he ditched them and moved on to start a new family. I doubt he was a sociopath, he didn't do anything sadistic or truly psychotic...but still. He fooled them and ruined a few lives. Just like Mitch.

-- I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been


Have you seen 'Fear'? It stars Reese Witherspoon and Mark Wahlberg. She meets him at a club and he sweet talks her for a while before she realizes his true nature. He even manages to turn her against her own dad. When she calls him and he's with his friends and they're about to go cause some trouble together, even though he's with his friends, he puts on this sweet, soothing gentlemanly voice to talk to her.

He showed her what he needed her to see to get her to trust him and then the fit hit the shan.


In the real world this would never happen. Since no way would Slim marry Mitch.

In the real world this would never happen, not because Slim would never marry Mitch. It's not unrealistic that she was seduced by him and married him, but it's unrealistic what happened after that. In the real world, this wouldn't happen since 99% of abusive husbands aren't super powerful Mafia boss guys like the guy in the movie, who have the power and resources to track someone all over America for several years, actually hire several people to spy on and even go as far as committing crimes and attempting to kill the woman. I mean, this was just unrealistic. Most abusive husbands just aren't mobster bosses with unlimited pecuniary resources to do what the guy in the movie did.


So answer the OP's original question, can you think of a better solution? I will say it's obvious you aren't a parent.

I will also say that the best thing about this movie is the song Enough by Aimee Mann.


In the USA the leading cause of death other than accidents in women 18-25 is being murdered by their husband or boyfriend and the leading cause of death in pregnant women of all ages except for pregnancy complications is being murdered by their husband or boyfriend. Every nine minutes a women is being beaten by their husband or boyfriend. 54% of men that abuse their wife or girlfriend also abuse their children.

I work at a domestic violence shelter and I see the kind of destruction men like Mitch can do. The idea that a man can't fool a woman, yes, even an intelligent woman is a common misconception. We see it all the time. The police are often entirely useless. The courts do little to protect women. Police will rarely enforce orders of protection. Many ignorant people say "why doesn't she just leave", but economic and child custody issues often make the situation a little more complicated. Besides, like in this movie, leaving actually puts the woman in more danger. These scumbags don't give up easily, if ever. If a woman defends herself against her abuser, she will end up in jail. Men who abuse women are like child molesters, there's little chance of rehabilitating them. So women who get sucked by these very clever manipulators have ongoing issues.

Personally, I have absolutely no problem with Slim killing Mitch. She actually did the world a favor, as men like that do more damage than they could actually do in benefit of society. Law enforcement was not going to help her, and he was going to hunt her until she was dead. I call it self defense. It doesn't surprise me to see a man post a comment like yours. With all those women being beaten and killed, there have to be some men that are doing it, or sympathetic to those who do. We see that with the police all the time. One thing you said was correct. She most likely would go to prison. Men who beat their wives and children rarely spend much time in jail. Women who fight back usually get more time. Men who murder their wives or girlfriends serve an average of less than ten years, whereas women that kill their husbands even when there's ample evidence of abuse, usually get life in prison. This tells us that in this country it's basically okay to beat your wife and child, but if they fight back they will go to huh?

Personally, if I had written this screenplay I'd have preferred poison. Something slow and agonizing. His death felt a little too easy considering the kind of evil pig he was. I'd have had her pretend everything is fine, then fix him his favorite meal. I'm sure with sufficient research you could find the right toxin.


I work at a domestic violence shelter

Heya Kate - I was hoping there'd be someone on this board who works with victims of domestic abuse. First - my biggest problems was Slim not going to the authorites after she was beaten up during her big escape. At what point does she start working with The System to protect herself? I mean, this seems pretty strong evidence of abuse, there are witnesses - is the system so corrupt, Mitch's reach is so deep, that he can just get off scot free after that beating he gave her?

Also - did she have no resources, in the System or out, to protect her? I'm thinking battered women's shelters and the like. I get that the ending gives us in the audience a cathartic release - Mitch gets what he deserves from the woman who most deserves to give it - but the message seems to be that a woman in this situation has no options short of taking ninja lessons and beating the beater to death. Or poison.


I'm not making excuses for them but they are likely not wanting to believe that this is seriously what happens to abused women and they don't have anywhere to go. The police can't do anything. I've heard it Rhianna got beaten that it was her fault for not leaving Chris Brown and women said that crap!!! I was like what the hell? They are going to leave the relationship when the guy will threaten them for trying to do so? I can't even imagine being in this situation myself. It's so scary.



Goombas, you are right...violence does only cause more violence...which is what led to Mitch's death. He beat her repeatedly and eventually it got back to bite him in the ass.

While I am not at all saying J-Lo is 100% wrong or anything like that. I believe she did what she had to do to free herself from Mitch. But that doesn't change the fact it was premeditated murder and if enough evidence was found, she would be put to trial. Her sentence(if convicted) would be seriously brought down based on the abuse evidence..but hey, she may have even had an acquittal.

So, no, I can't think of a better solution(nor do I think it was the wrong one made by Slim), but it was still illegal. It's a lose/lose situation for Slim...she had to do what she did. If she waited for him to come to her he would have had a severe advantage by either bringing a weapon, or multiple people to bring her down.



Best post ever. I could not have said it any better. Thank you!


OK, so I can't really feel sorry for the Mitch-character, but what totally annoyed me about the move that there was - like duh! - an obvious better solution. About five of her friends were threatened by either Mitch or one of his henchmen, her daughter had been witness of the abuse. Friends had been witness of the abuse.

There is no chance in Hell Mitch would've gotten custody of Gracie. Even when people are thought to be abusive they will be followed by Child Services and all these witnesses together would've been ground enough to put Gracie in a safe house. Furthermore, she could have STILL made a case against him when she met with the attorney. She was covered in bruises, once more: she had many witnesses to back up her story and she had Gracie.

You have a solution right there.


Umm, no. First off, Gracie could not really be counted as a reliable witness. Her friends? Mitch already said in the house when he called Phil a rug head that if they went to the cops they "would find drugs in her car, or dresser or whatever" and "would have custody of Gracie by the end of the week". He was rich and had friends in high places; namely the police department. In a situation like that, especially after she went to the police station and the guy told her she could get a piece of paper that she could throw at Mitch, she felt like she had to take matters into her own hands. My ex came up to my school with a gun after I broke up with him, and because I had decided not to press charges on him in the past they wouldn't even give me a restraining order. It's a big risk to think that the person that is beating you could possibly gain custody of your child and do the same to them.


They had more than enough proof to build a case against Mitch. That much is true.

But let's say he loses custody of Gracie AND faces repercussions like jail time. With all his money, power, and friends in high places, I doubt he would serve any real amount of time, and even if he did, you think he couldn't get to Slim from behind bars? Or once out? Going to the police would be a temporary solution, not a permanent one.

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Yes you keep up the happy family act..then put antifreez in gator aid bit by bit unitll he drops dead from kidney faliure
