Can YOU think of a better solution?
This forum is full of holier-than-thous who love semantics. "It's not self-defense" and "it's murder" and "she should go to jail."
Well, can YOU think of another solution? I wonder if the people saying these things actually watched this movie. Was she supposed to spend the rest of her life running? Letting her husband stalk her, threaten her, try to destroy her life?
What Slim did may not be "self defense" by the legal definition of that concept, but it was the only thing she could do by means of self-preservation.
I'm not advocating premeditated murder by any means. However, she pursued every legal avenue available - and all failed her. Wives are not property. For anyone to say that she didn't have the right to do the ONLY thing that would stop her husband from destroying her, is like suggesting that what he did wasn't so bad. Can you look yourself in the mirror and say you wouldn't do the same thing?
Slim would have ended up dead if she didn't confront Mitch and stop him. His torment would never stop until he's dead. So many people think that he somehow has more right to live than she does.
Makes me wonder how they treat their wives/girlfriends/significant others.
So, if anyone wants to say what she did was wrong, how about backing the statement up with an alternative.
And this is coming from a MAN. Everyone has the right to live free of threat. Yes, this film is fiction, but even if it was real, I have no sympathy for men like Mitch. He was a cold and calculating abuser, and he would have either killed her, or tormented her for the rest of her days.
She did the only thing she could do to protect herself and her child - she killed him.
And some people here actually feel sorry for him?
There was no other way. She did what she had to do to survive. Is the world worse off when violent bastards like Mitch are dead and buried? How else do you stop them?