The darkest episode.

I know there were a lot of seasons but I was just wondering what people thought were the darkest/grimmest episodes and what about said episode/episodes stood with you?





"To the Bone" was the darkest, in terms of suspenseful, imo. The reason being that they used machetes to murder their victims, and the interview between Chris Noth, and Whoopie Goldberg is intense.
The most wrenching episode was the one in which the Hispanics killed the three African-American kids home from college. I can't remember the name of it, but it was based on an actual case from New Jersey. That one had a chilling interview too.


I agree with you about To the Bone, which gave me chills the first time it aired.

The other episode about the African-American kids is aptly called Senseless; I'm watching it now, and it still upsets me. I remember the original case, which also made me cringe.

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops! 


The two that always stood out for me were "Love Sick" and "Family Values", though I'll admit I love watching them -- it's a little like the way some of my friends describe watching horror movies -- but both episodes are just so perfectly done right down to the use of music and camera angles, it really gets the dark feeling of the episode across.

You? Go to hell. Take a toothbrush.



Senseless and To The Bone gave me the chills. When I first watched Senseless, I felt a chill running down my spine, but also a bit of sadness for the African-American family. Also, the girl was the last to die. I also felt for the two Hispanic brothers. The younger brother was clearly scared of that guy Felix.

As for To The Bone, I remember watching that and thinking that Whoopi Goldberg was one of the scariest villains I have ever seen on that show. That shows how much range she has as an actress.

All I need is one mic...


The one where the doctor was experimenting on homeless people's eyes was really scary for me. The scene where the M.E. is describing how the victims' eyes were covered in scar tissues from all the unnecessary incisions and cauterizations made my skin crawl. I think it's because the eyes are the most sensitive organ; even the thought of something going near our eyes makes us flinch, so someone strapping people down and cutting into their eyes over and over (even in a "medical" situation without any good reason for it is scary.


Ill Bred and Sound Bodies. While they are not fully about animal abuse, I am a vegan because of my deep love of animals, so any animal episodes I skip. But, I find Homo Homini Lupis one I cannot watch.


The one with Neil Patrick Harris (essentially playing Jeffrey Dahmer) creeped me out.
