MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2001) Discussion > Best quote in the entire series

Best quote in the entire series

Flash in Lex's body. Grodd discovers him

Grodd: I just had to see it for myself. Flash
Lex/Flash: Me, the Flash? You've totally lost it Grodd! I'm Lex Luthor!!
Grodd: and I'm Charlton Heston...DOLT!!


Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


My favorite is from that same episode...
When the bad guy asks "Lex, are you going to wash your hands?
Lex: No. I'm evil.


Keeping with the theme of this episode:

Luthor in Flash's body:
"I can't wait to learn the Flash's secret identity"

Rips mask off...

"I have no idea who this is..."


That was classic.


Luthor in Flash's body:
"I can't wait to learn the Flash's secret identity"

Rips mask off...

"I have no idea who this is..."

And here it is!!

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


Superman: We're going to send you to the Phantom Zone. You won't be hurt, but you also won't hurt anyone again.
Doomsday: You're gonna wish you killed me
Plus anything Batman or the Question says


My favorite Question line is after Supergirl asks him "...did you go thru my garbage?"
Question: I go thru everybody's garbage.


Haha that one is great. One of mine is when Huntress says "I'm out of the league. Your lucky to have me along"
Question: "Hardly, you're drawn to my eccentric charm."
It reminds me of my relationships haha


That whole Huntress and The Question romance was hella funny. And cute too!!

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


I thought their romance plus their squaring off against the Arrow and Canary was one of the great highlights of a great series.


"Just as I suspected. Thirty-TWO flavors!"


Same ep, I think:

Huntress (seductively): "So...what are you wearing?"

Question: " socks."

Huntress: " suck at this." *hangs up*

A lot of H/Q stuff, actually.

Oh, Hawkgirl: "I hear she's..."

Flash: "..What??"

HG: "...Brazilian."

(This was in a scene where he was going to ask out Fire, and it was rumored(?) in the comic she and Ice were together.)

somebody says something that you think is wrong or incredibly stupid.
-VD outlines the IMDb boards.


Joker: "Here comes the Bat. He's dressed in black. Always sheek. But here come the fashion disasters"


Joker: "Here comes the Bat. He's dressed in black. Always sheek. But here come the fashion disasters"

"Chic" It's French.


Just a bit OT. Does anyone remember the Superfriends episode? All the dangerous crminaly were at an auction for Gold Kryptonite. They make all kinds of redicilous bids for it. ( the currency was called bleens) Darkseid bids and he says " one Bleen". Everybody else shut up.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


I think that the monologue Superman gave in Destroyer about letting loose, Question's interrogation scene in Question Authority (that 4-parter was great), and pretty much anything Question said. It's too bad most of his quotes only ework in the context of the show. If they were more applicable, I'd be quoting him constantly.


"There was a magic bullet! It was forged by Illuminati mystics to prevent us from learning the truth!"

Hulk want hug kitties
But they so easy to squish
Hulk live in cruel world


Superman: "'re not always right."


I liked that one too. Batman was very arrogant when he first joined the league, and it took him a while to respect Superman.


The Question (again)

"The tips on shoe laces are called aglets; their true purpose is sinister!"

and Flash:

"The Batmobile lost it's wheel..."


"...the Joker got away...."


"..That's what I heard."

"Fortunately, Ah keep mah feathers numbered for just such an emergency!"


In the very first episode of Batman: The Animated Series, Joker decorated a Christmas tree in Arkham while singing the whole "Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid and egg" lyrics. Then he ignited the tree, which turned out to be an escape rocket, and as he blasted off sang, "And the Joker got away." I think Flash was referring back to that very first episode in what became the DCAU. 


Shayera Hol: "Less talking, more hitting!" -


Lois Lane: " lobotomized him."
Evil Superman: "What's your question, Lois?"

On November 6, 2012...God blessed America


Lois Lane: " lobotomized him."
Evil Superman: "What's your question, Lois?"

that's the one for me too. brilliant.

Never, never to be squandered...the miracle of another human being.


Flash: Let's see, after I caught the gorilla, he told me that...
Green Lantern: He talked to you?
Flash: Yeah, right after I stopped his car.
Green Lantern: I'm supposed to believe this?
Flash: Hey, we've both got a Martian's phone number on our speed dial. I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt here.

RIP Dwayne McAullife. Met him once at a con, nice guy.


As Bruce Timm said in the commentary, he's not Evil Superman, he's just Dark Superman. There's no loss in lobotomizing Doomsday. 
