MovieChat Forums > Secretary (2002) Discussion > The Secretary Board venting thread--post...

The Secretary Board venting thread--post your peeves here

I've been thinking about starting this thread for a long time now, since it seems like we are a bunch who have no trouble talking about all the things that drive us crazy (in the news, in our own lives, etc). I have had such a couple of weeks where if I start writing I may never stop...right now I cannot stand:

~My e-mail provider--it's absolutely the worst ever as of late.

~People who spend money blindly/foolishly, then complain they don't have any--I know some and they are getting on my last nerve.

~People who won't bathe and/or seem oblivious to how their personal hygiene (or lack thereof) affects others



This Columbus visit has been a FAIL of EPIC proportions--I can't tell you guys how upset I am right now (though I'm sure I'll give you some ugly details eventually.)

And I am also worried about things back home, I feel like my dad wasn't even going to tell us about the death of his brother--had to learn about it from my cousin's Facebook page. Nice.

And I have a cavity in my wisdom tooth and am scared to have it pulled because it is considered surgery, after all. I'm just a wuss at heart! I didn't say anything sooner because I wasn't going to do it before my birthday, but that's over with now, so I need to call the oral surgeon. It wasn't really bothering me but now I am starting to feel twinges of pain now and then--it will only get worse.
Guess I shouldn't worry about not being able to eat, since everyone around here seems to be on a hunger strike anyway as of late.

Oh, and some days my brother-in-law just sucks at life.

Welcome to your everything.


Oh, dear, I'm confused; I thought you went home sveral days ago? Did you go back to Columbus already?

As for your tooth, you really need to let a dentist look at that; rotten things, whether physical or emotional, only get worse when ignored.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Oh, dear, I'm confused; I thought you went home sveral days ago? Did you go back to Columbus already?

O, sorry for the late reply, yes I was still in Columbus, though back home most of this weekend for the viewing and funeral. You are right about the tooth, I have been fortunate so far (didn't realize there was a cavity until last month's routine X-ray), but even my dentist and my favorite hygienist both told me to take care of having my tooth out before it became infected/swollen up.

Welcome to your everything.


It peeves me a lot when vegetarian food isn't provided even when I've been assured it will be.

Yesterday I went to a family lunch party at an expensive gastro-pub. Just to be on the safe side I checked the day previously and was told that the person booking had asked specifically that there should be a vegetarian alternative. There was, in fact, a plate of courgettes and red peppers in a heavy oil dressing and a dish of cold pasta pieces - again with red peppers. Carnivores got a plate of beef slices and pieces of fried chicken.


I know what you mean, Indy; I love bell peppers myself, but they are omnipresent in a lot of healthy alternative cuisine.

It also irks me that any dish, no matter how huge, pricey or elaborate, is automatically classified as "a side dish" unless it has a dead animal in it. Dole makes these wonderful bagged salads with the croutons, dressing, cheese etc all included; my favourite, the Oriental Sesame, has twelve ingredients. Anyway, every single one says on the front something like,"To make a meal, just add diced chicken". Or shredded beef. Because without a handful of rubbery chicken bits scattered throughout, it just doesn't qualify as a real meal. Grrr.


Indy, I am not sure I realized you were a vegetarian--I could see where that would be a major peeve. So you, Rose, and the two Victorias don't eat meat? That is interesting to me that many board regulars (at one time, I mean, you were all regulars) were vegetarian or vegan.
Missy, I know you crave hot dogs from time to time but sounds like you don't eat a lot of meat, either. I will admit at I could eat chicken breast at almost any meal, but have plenty of vegetarian faves as well.

What Missy said about so many things saying "Add meat to make a complete meal", yep, my beloved Zatarain mixes say that as well. I love that while I do enjoy meat in them (especially chicken breast), I have made them into vegetarian dishes as well by adding various beans, black-eyed peas and/or garnishing them with shredded cheese and sour cream. You don't always need meat to make a meal!

My uncle's funeral luncheon had a nice mix of both healthy and not-so-healthy but comforting favorites. They had things like plates of fried and herb-roasted chicken, meatballs, several salads, a delicious pasta salad that was vegetarian (but not vegan, it contained a delicious white cheese), deviled eggs, croissant sandwiches, various meat sandwiches on wheat bread, huge fresh fruit tray, huge fresh veggie tray, olives, chips to go with the sandwiches--just a fine spread.
The dessert table had homemade pies and cakes. My uncle would've been pleased, I am sure.

Welcome to your everything.


Indy, I am not sure I realized you were a vegetarian--

I probably haven't mentioned it before because it's something I take for granted - except when I find myself in a situation where there isn't an acceptable vegetarian alternative. Then I get and !


My sister and brother-in-law are vegetarians, and raising their two sons as vegetarians as well. I know how difficult it can be for them and even though I don't limit myself in that way I can certainly appreciate the challenges one faces as vegetarian.


I think Raw Honey was not only a vegetarian, but a vegan. Must be a legacy held over from that communal kibbutz she grew up on. I'm glad she didn't 'rebel' and think she had to eat half a pound of bacon every morning to demonstrate her independence.

I've heard about those legendary Catholic wakes, JJ. I'm glad your uncle had a good, albeit fattening send-off. Speaking of wheat bread sandwiches, this year, for the first time, wheat bread outsold white, -woo-hoo!!
(True, my euphoria is tempered slightly by my previous assumption that this all happened twenty years ago, but still . . .) 00801,0,4873702.story

Hey, have you heard that they're going to be combining the three most popular websites -YouTube, Twitter and Facebook- and calling it "You Twit Face"?

(Made you smile.... )


Hey, have you heard that they're going to be combining the three most popular websites -YouTube, Twitter and Facebook- and calling it "You Twit Face"?

(Made you smile.... )

You did make me smile! That sounds exactly like a joke Craig Ferguson would tell, am I right?

I'd forgotten about Raw Honey's conversion to vegetarianism! I think because she'd told me before about how she lost weight once having lots of chicken as her main protein. I don't think she is vegan, though she could be. Rose is vegan, and I think Terry is, too.

Bacon sounds great right about now (only if it's crisp, though!) I would love to be able to tell people I am doing the vegetarian thing--it would go along with the artsy, socially-conscious side of me (not to mention probably improve my health)--but truth is, I would probably miss meat too much, and get too bored with nothing but plant protein. I don't even eat that much meat, and enjoy the challenge of planning vegetarian meals, but when I want a piece of chicken, a cheeseburger, a hot dog, or meat in something, then nothing else will do. Cannot imagine never having my grandma's chicken tetrazini ever again, or any of the numerous Mexican recipes I make that include chicken breast.

Welcome to your everything.


I think Raw Honey was not only a vegetarian, but a vegan. Must be a legacy held over from that communal kibbutz she grew up on.

She is indeed a vegan, but not from upbringing; as I understand it, she finds vegan food rather unpalatable so it's easy for her to maintain weight while eating it. She enjoys meat, so if she allows herself to eat it she tends to put on unwanted weight. She's probably the only vegan you'll ever meet who A) recognizes that veganism is unnatural, and B) will agree that vegan food is rather nasty.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Actually, I have never tasted any vegan food that wasn't absolutely delicious (but since it wasn't prepared by me I would probably have no clue how to make it so I would enjoy it on my own time without a lot of time/effort) and lean meat doesn't make one fat, quite the opposite. All the quick weight-loss plans I have studied (and I looked at a few last night) eliminate carbs for the first few days or even weeks.

Welcome to your everything.


All food is good...when you add either bacon, cheese, chocolate or fruit to it...depending on the original food.


OK, both of you; I forgot the word "most". Besides, I'm talking about what Honey said, not what I say.

I often prepare meatless meals for my family, or meals in which meat is only a small part, or meals based on eggs or cheese. But this is because I believe that variety and balance are the keys to proper nutrition. Treating any particular food or food group (to which one is not allergic) as "evil" is the hallmark of a fad diet, and unless carefully managed can ruin one's health.

Every vegetarian I know actually eats fish, eggs, cheese or even chicken and thereby adds animal protein, which our bodies require. On the other hand, every vegan I have met in real life looks as though she died and somebody forgot to tell her.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


I was really just expressing my love for bacon, cheese, chocolate and fruit...and I do know one painfully attractive vegan...but she's also 23, so I wonder how she'll look at 40.

I don't know any unhealty vegetarians, but I think that has far more to do with their vested interest in how they eat rather than what they don't. The wife and I are trying, and succeeding to some degree at improving our diets. My back issue has really hampered my workouts, but I've managed to still maintain some weight loss thru diet. That damn bacon, cheese, chocolate...not so much the fruit...are slowing me down.


I often prepare meatless meals for my family, or meals in which meat is only a small part, or meals based on eggs or cheese. But this is because I believe that variety and balance are the keys to proper nutrition.

That's pretty much my own personal philosophy, too. I feel frustrated because people largely seem to have forgotten these days that life is all about balance--or should be, anyway. It's all about "Extreme" this or that, makeovers, diet, sports, whatever--and I wish it would end, because I'm not that kind of person, it's not how I want to live my life.

I've never known any vegetarians who ate chicken! However, I did know one who ate fish because she was allergic to tofu and couldn't get enough protein otherwise. I thought she was wise to include that (yet still she was too thin, in my opinion.)

That's interesting you mentioned 'the look' most vegans tend to have, because my sister has observed it too, called it something like "the sunken-in look you get when you aren't eating any of that stuff" (meat, dairy, animal fats.) One of her best friends went vegan with her mom a few years back--and honestly, she looked better before (she never had a weight problem, they did it for health supposedly.)

Welcome to your everything.


I eat eggs and cheese. I just don't like the idea of eating flesh.


I can understand that, Indy.

And since you mentioned it, I never understood why some (not all) who don't eat meat for the animal-rights would also shun products like cheese, eggs, dairy--those are by-products of the animals, and nothing is harmed when they are 'harvested' if you will. Quite the opposite, in fact, since it puts to good use what might otherwise be discarded (milk from the cows, for example.)

Since IMDb doesn't give us a cow icon (yeah, why not?) Here's an adorable pig:

(And yes, if I raised my own meat there's no way I could kill and eat it, I freely admit that. I can't think about it having a face first, as I'm just a softie at heart.) I do derive comfort from considering animals' place in the food chain, and them having a purpose in providing nourishment but I do not support inhumane practices and there is some meat I don't eat (such as veal.)

Welcome to your everything.


I never understood why some (not all) who don't eat meat for the animal-rights would also shun products like cheese, eggs, dairy--those are by-products of the animals, and nothing is harmed when they are 'harvested' if you will.

As Honey has pointed out, "animal rights" people are completely out of touch with nature; they ascribe human moral principles and psychological characteristics to creatures which don't have them. I've heard them claim that milk, eggs, etc are "stolen" from the animals, which demonstrates their appalling ignorance because unfertilized eggs are merely a by-product of a chicken's reproductive system; they care about them like we care about the blood and tissue we lose in menstruation (only less because they can't think).

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


I eat eggs and cheese. I just don't like the idea of eating flesh.

I thought you ate fish as well?

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


I thought you ate fish as well?

I don't like eating fish and do it as seldom as possible. If I could always eat out (preferably in vegetarian restaurants) I would never eat fish but I don't have the patience to prepare the kind of meals with pulses and nuts which would give me a balanced diet and obviously too many eggs and too much cheese isn't a good idea.


My goodness, I'm glad we aren't vegetarians; cooking is an art for me, and I would hate to have to ruin it by having to worry about all those nutrition numbers, reading ingredient panels and the like! I do measure carefully when making recipes, but my choice of meals isn't determined by balancing numbers to make up for things we aren't allowed to eat; I just plan my menus by instinct, doing what feels right to me, and I wouldn't enjoy it at all if it felt like a math class or changed every time some pseudoscientist announced that something else was either "good" or "bad" for one.

And I must be doing something right, because my family's only health problems are things like injuries and Xena's glaucoma, which have nothing to do with food.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


October, we're on a different wavelength here. I dislike meal preparation so much that I will bribe my beloved to peel and de-eye potatoes for me while I do some task on the computer for him. (There's no icon for hanging one's head in shame otherwise I'd put it here.)

I love food but not it's preparation and cooking so I buy a great deal of prepared meals - but find the vegetarian choice is very limited. I also make meals from tofu sausages, burgers, etc.


Everyone is different; for instance, I daresay most girls on this board would feel uncomfortable earning a living in the way I enjoyed most, and I can't understand what Missy sees in television programs or you see in crime novels. If we were all the same, it would be a boring world; Vive la difference!

And rest assured that if you ever move onto our estate, I won't try to make you help me in the kitchen if you'll agree to take over the dusting.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


JavaJ, I actually saw 'You Twit face' on a t-shirt, a rather striking compilation with all three logos lined up, and the little Twitter bird, -in glasses!!


I confess that Raw Honey's curious diet tip of only eating things you don't particularly like -this wouldn't work for me, since I can't think of anything- reminded me of a story I read once about a medieval saint. I forget his name, but I know just the book it's in: Bridget Heinish's Fast and Feast; I'll look it up. Anyway, he followed an extremely austere lifestyle -hair shirt, straw pallet on the floor, no pillow, only drank water, the whole nine yards. He limited himself to just one meal a day, a plate of cooked vegetables. One day he was sitting there eating and suddenly realised to his horror that he was actually enjoying his food; oh, you vile wretch. This possible complication would never have even occurred to our meat-loving 13th c. ancestors.

What to do, what to do, what to do...? He compromised from then on by sprinkling an unpalatable powder on his veggies. My medieval boyfriends are such fun to be around, aren't they?

It suddenly occurs to me that this ascetic, Spartan diet of spring water and one meal, considered so harsh by people of that time that observing it would be guaranteed to earn you sainthood, is now not far from the norm recommended for people today; for women anyway. No wonder poor V is messed up, J.


Everyone is different; for instance, I daresay most girls on this board would feel uncomfortable earning a living in the way I enjoyed most, and I can't understand what Missy sees in television programs or you see in crime novels. If we were all the same, it would be a boring world; Vive la difference!

Just to at least partially redeem myself in the eyes of you, Java and Missy (and other good cooks on this board) I make great omelettes and pancakes. I don't know how I do it - I just do. And the whole thing is effortless.

And rest assured that if you ever move onto our estate, I won't try to make you help me in the kitchen if you'll agree to take over the dusting.

That's a deal. Dusting I don't mind at all.


That's a deal. Dusting I don't mind at all.

There, you see; we've got the makings of a functioning commune going. Now all we have to do is find someone who doesn't mind cleaning toilets and we're all set.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


And someone willing to wash the dishes.


Actually, I don't mind washing dishes or clothes; I just hate cleaning toilets.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Odd, while I would never consider toilet cleaning among my favorite activities I don't mind it THAT much...unless we're talking about some truly heinous situations...I did work at a fast food restaurant. Cleaned up a few borderline crime scenes there.


I honestly think it's a conditioned response to the actual open toilet itself, because I'm not one of those people who gags at the sight or smell or fecal matter. I think it's because when I used to have those attacks in my early teens, I would spend tremendous amounts of time in front of the toilet heaving. To this day, even the sight of a clean, open toilet (with the seat up) makes me feel slightly queasy, and if I get down close enough to smell a dirty one (just that mildewy smell, not a human-waste one) I can barely suppress the urge to throw up. Cleaning toilets is therefore an ordeal for me, albeit a necessary one.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Now all we have to do is find someone who doesn't mind cleaning toilets and we're all set.

Oddly, I actually don't mind cleaning toilets as long as you are talking residential toilets within range of normal use. I don't think I could deal with public toilets, they tend to creep me out (you wonder what these people are like at home, who treat public restrooms so poorly. ) I'd most likely be fine cleaning any of you guys' (and gals') toilets.
I think it's because toilet-cleaning is usually a fast job for me--now if I could get someone to clean the bathtub and shower, I'd love that. I don't mind doing sinks and countertops either.

I hate dusting because I have terrible dust allergies--if I don't stay on top of the dust at my house (and it's a challenge, especially when out of town) I pay for it. I don't care for washing dishes either, it's just tedious. The dishwasher at my place is ancient so I find myself washing fairly often and just running it once in a while, because pretty much you have to wash everything well first anyway.

I don't mind cooking, grocery shopping/most errands, light cleaning, vacuuming, laundry, and I actually enjoy taking out the trash! It's cathartic for me.
Cooking is enjoyable for me, but I hate cleanup.

Welcome to your everything.


--now if I could get someone to clean the bathtub and shower, I'd love that...

Me too. I'd clean a domestic toilet any day in preference to that.


java, not to alarm you, but a friend of my father actually died from an infected tooth. He developed a cavity, the infection killed the root and entered his bloodstream. It is rare, but real.

I hate going to the dentist, but if I ever get a cavity I immediately schedule a visit.


Yikes, Kaiju! Well, any other time I've ever had a cavity, I have let the dentist schedule a filling asap; this is uncharted territory to me because he wants me to have it pulled (and doesn't do that in his office). Now I really wish I'd scheduled it before my birthday, so I'd have it over and done with by now. I'll be back in town Monday for my uncle's funeral, so I will try to call the oral surgeon and book my appointment. As it is, I was planning to bring his card with me and call from here for one, but went off and forgot it last week.

I do appreciate you letting me know that, Kaiju. I like it when friends look after each other.

Welcome to your everything.


You are quite welcome. Again, don't panic, from what I've been told it is exceedingly rare that toothache=death.


Lamb, I'm so sorry about your uncle and your tooth and everything else. When I was 19 I had general anesthesia at the oral surgeon -I had an impacted wisdom tooth. His nurse said,"Do you have someone to pick you up? Go straight home and go to bed." His office was across the street from the Mid Valley Mall, -Pennys was the closest store. I looked around Pennys and then walked almost a mile home. Don't do that.

(It's true, doctors and nurses make the worst patients.)


Aw, thank you hon. And darn, I meant to ask Kaiju (or anyone can chime in here) if I should ask the dentist or oral surgeon for a script of antibiotics. I have read about people who developed an infection after having their wisdom teeth pulled, and with my luck, he wouldn't automatically write me one.

And I can't believe you WALKED home a mile after having your impacted wisdom tooth pulled--yikes!!

Welcome to your everything.


I hope your experience is just as positive and uneventful, angel. And I had no pain or even tenderness, then or later. I had a little packet of codeine tablets just in case it hurt during the night but nada; I couldn't tell I'd had anything done. The only painful part was having to skip supper! (Mom had made turkey-rice soup....)

I'm kind of a paradox in that respect. I have no strength, speed or stamina -always picked last for teams in gym class, and by the way what is the point of that sadistic exercise in social anxiety torture???- yet when I'm sick or injured I can exhibit superhuman resilience. Last winter when a platelet donation needle infiltrated I lookeed down and diffidently murmured,"Oh, blast." The plebotomist was amazed. "Oh, blast? The last time this happened the guy called me every name in the book."


Since when did it become OK to "date" when you're married??? (And I am talking about women here, if anyone's wondering--not that it is OK for married men to "date" either. Unless the couple has agreed together on an open marriage with ground rules (which is NOT the case with the people I know who are guilty of this) then that's just WRONG.

Somebody talk to me about the female midlife crisis! In a way I think it's less shocking (not any less wrong, but possibly less shocking) when a man experiences this; perhaps in a way people expect more from the classic nurturer image of the female. This summer I learned of multiple married women (friends, friends of friends) who think it's OK to carry on cyber-affairs to get their emotional needs met in ways they aren't getting at home, apparently. (One woman is seeing someone in real life, or so I heard, but most are cyber, and might or might not progress to real life.) Two are divorcing their husbands, and the third is currently on the fence, while (according to one source), plenty others have experienced this even while not necessarily letting it break up their marriages. We've discussed as a board the men who have mistresses and call girls on the side, but have we ever touched on this??

A good friend of mine is one of the husbands (though I am friends with the wife too) and he is just torn over this, doesn't want the divorce but she does--and wants everything else, too, the property, etc.) My heart is breaking for him. I guess I just don't get marrying someone then taking it so lightly--that's not my style at all.

Welcome to your everything.


Since when did it become OK to "date" when you're married??? (And I am talking about women here)

It isn't. Men can have mistresses or whores without any feelings of love and therefore won't break up their marriages for such dalliances, but women who cheat only do so when something is wrong with the marriage (or themselves, natch) and so when a woman cheats the marriage is almost invariably doomed. In former times a woman was dependent on her husband for support and therefore couldn't freely leave, but the heads of modern women are full of childish illusions about "love" and the courts will give them everything their husbands own and a large percentage of what he'll make in the future, so there's no reason not to leave.

Such women are nothing but whores, and their so-called "marriage license" is nothing but a prostitution license; not only are they not persecuted by the law as honest whores are, the machinery of "justice" will even collect their unfair and extortive fees for them even after they stop delivering the service for which they were contracted.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


A friend of mine knows a high-powered attorney who got a beautiful Russian mail-order bride. He fell completely in love with her. She stayed with him just long enough to get a divorce with a $600,000 severance package from him. He is still bitter years afterwards.

"The right to buy weapons is the right to be free." - A.E. Van Vogt


They don't do anything small in Russia, not even harlotry.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.




O, was that you who deleted the post below Indy's from September 4th? Just wondering!

Welcome to your everything.


It's not okay in the situations you've presented.

It isn't a female midlife crisis. It is just some women involved in a primary relationship that for some reason are unwilling or unable to reach a level of satisfaction in that primary relationship and are unwilling or unable to handle it or adjust that primary relationship and are therefore willing to risk damaging or destroying that primary relationship for whatever it is they are searching for.

Maybe they aren't happy. Maybe they are looking for a way to end their existing relationship but don't have the proper skills to end it without ridiculous and unnecessary drama. Maybe they are easily manipulated by these new people. Maybe they are closet freaks and these new people fill that need. Basically, we don't ever truly know why they do it...perhaps it actually would be good for all parties to end that primary relationship. I would think there would be better ways to handle ending that first relationship.

I have long believed that monogamy isn't for everyone. But at the same time, you have to honor your promises to others. The pain you cause someone when you violate that level of trust can be devastating.

Now, some of the "cyber" relationships may not be threatening to their relationships. It could be that these women do not wish to pursue them any farther than some dialouge with another party or parties. I don't know if those are really problems. There's no way to know, really.

Of course, it would help if everyone was simply honest with each other about everything...even the stuff that hurts...from the beginning...most of these issues would probably be avoided.

One of my oldest friends was married to a woman that cheated on him thru their entire marriage. He was completely unaware until after they had filed for divorce and she stopped being as careful about covering her tracks. What wounded him the most was the identity of some of the men she had been with. Some of them were friends of his, close friends of his (and mine). He wasn't as bothered with the others, as he was only being betrayed by one person oppossed to two. He's still very hurt by this, and I know he doesn't trust easily any more. His ex was particularly manipulative (I seriously consider her to be a sociopath, not a dangerouse one, but she fits all the diagnostic criteria) and made certain to choose paramours that would not betray her to her husband. She's definately an exaggerated version of what you are describing.

I know another woman (used to work with her) who did have an affair with a male co-worker. Both were married to other people, both had kids. It went on the entire time I worked with them (over 6 years). I heard it ended after I had left, and I don't think it ended well, but never got the full story. When I first started there I thought they were married to each other (both had wedding rings and weren't very discreet) until another co-worker clued me in. Not that it mattered to me, but it certainly gave the old ladies in the office quite the vicarious thrills. They either revelled in the tawdriness or despised the two (mostly her) for their perceived betrayals. I say that because I don't know if their relationship was condoned by their spouses. I suspect it wasn't, but don't know for sure. I really didn't like either of them too much and didn't really get chummy enough with them to find out.


Thank you everybody for such well-thought-out answers (this is why here is the first place I think of when I have things I need to work out or write about or vent--and that's a compliment to the minds that gather here.)

I will comment more later when I have more time, mostly checking messages right now.

Welcome to your everything.


Maybe they aren't happy. Maybe they are looking for a way to end their existing relationship but don't have the proper skills to end it without ridiculous and unnecessary drama. Maybe they are easily manipulated by these new people. Maybe they are closet freaks and these new people fill that need. Basically, we don't ever truly know why they do it...perhaps it actually would be good for all parties to end that primary relationship. I would think there would be better ways to handle ending that first relationship.

Yes, I know in at least the cases of the three women I refer to above, there are/were varying degrees of unhappiness.

I have long believed that monogamy isn't for everyone. But at the same time, you have to honor your promises to others. The pain you cause someone when you violate that level of trust can be devastating.

Agree with this point. I am having a hard time dealing with wrapping my head around the fact that these women I know, "good people" as I'd call them, would cheat. Perhaps they are justified, that their husbands aren't the "good guys" we think they married. Or maybe they aren't, but choose to do it anyway. Only they know for sure...but at the same time, it makes you question yourself, the value system of those around you, the environment and society we live in now, including internet influence. (That last part makes me sound like I am writing a thesis about it...but I bet somebody, somewhere has, is or will be writing about this very thing--it's inevitable today.

Now, some of the "cyber" relationships may not be threatening to their relationships. It could be that these women do not wish to pursue them any farther than some dialouge with another party or parties. I don't know if those are really problems. There's no way to know, really.

Yes, that is true. I have male friends who would probably cross the line if they could, so it's not hard to imagine how it probably starts with these other women. Fortunately for myself, pcq is aware of my male friends--even the one who openly flirts like crazy!

Of course, it would help if everyone was simply honest with each other about everything...even the stuff that hurts...from the beginning...most of these issues would probably be avoided.

I agree, it probably would help, and most of these issues would probably be avoided. It seems like people are more apt to let things fester until it comes to a boil, so to speak--by then the damage is often done.

Welcome to your everything.


I am having a hard time dealing with wrapping my head around the fact that these women I know, "good people" as I'd call them, would cheat.

Ah, the old Madonna/whore fallacy raises its ugly head. Statistically, the "good girls" are the ones MORE likely to cheat than the "bad girls" rather than vice versa. You know why?

1) Most female cheating arises from a confusion between love and sex, which "bad girls" are less likely to be subject to.

2) "Good girls" often feel they "missed out" by waiting until marriage, and when their sex drives increase in their 30s and they're unhappy or bored with the "steady" husbands they married, they crave the excitement they missed in their teens and early 20s. "Bad girls" know better, and have been with enough bad men to appreciate a good husband.

3) "Good girls" are naive about male motives and can be seduced into wrongdoing against the same weak little wills which allowed them to be dominated by parents and society when younger; "bad girls" know all about men's tricks and have strong wills which cannot be so easily bent.

Nobody's ever done an official study on it, but considerable anecdotal evidence from sex researchers suggests that retired prostitutes make the most faithful wives of all, and virgin brides the least.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


I don't mean to laugh, O, but none of these women were virgins when they got married, and two out of three of them were brides who were well into their 30s! Which I tend to agree, should make them old enough to know what they want. I will admit I attended a church dinner last week, but most of my friends are not as 'squeaky clean' as they might seem. I will also admit that when I was a teenager I thought I might save myself for marriage, but that ship sailed some time ago, as it were.

I guess what I meant by 'good people' is the kind of woman who's willing to fight for her marriage and stay committed to one man, honor her marriage vows and core values. I really don't think most people marry with the intent of divorcing 7, 10 or 15 years down the line, but sometimes people (both men and women) change and other times boredom sets in, or hard times challenge relationships--any number of things could be factors. I have no doubt retired prostitutes are good people as well, my use of the word 'good' in this case doesn't mean to exclude them!

Glad you brought up the women's sex drive increase thing, because that is one area where I think biology really didn't do us any favors. I know so many women who say their men are apt to fall asleep in front of the TV or play on the computer all evening; sex seems to be not very high on their list of priorities.
And no wonder, if they peaked around age 18-20! Meanwhile, women really don't wish to be neglected in this area at the peak of these feelings, and might go looking elsewhere if they are.

when their sex drives increase in their 30s and they're unhappy or bored with the "steady" husbands they married, they crave the excitement they missed in their teens and early 20s. "Bad girls" know better, and have been with enough bad men to appreciate a good husband.

This is something I think you really hit on, there. That seems to be the case exactly in at least some of the situations I am aware of.

Welcome to your everything.


I know so many women who say their men are apt to fall asleep in front of the TV or play on the computer all evening; sex seems to be not very high on their list of priorities.

Not to be mean, but what isn't "high on their list of priorities" is boring, repetitive sex with their dumpy, frowsy wives who sit around in sweatsuits with short hair and only want sex when they're interested in the way they want it, with everything else greeted with "That's disgusting!" or "You're a pervert!" or "I'm not gonna do that!"

Those same men are plenty interested in young-looking, well-kept escorts who have maintained their figures, dress in a feminine manner and will give them the kind of sex they want when they want it.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Oh, Miss October, your post reminds me of when I was 14 and my parents threw a party and decreed that I was old enough to attend. There was this one verbose blowhard, holding court, waving his stupid cigarette around, with those emphatic gestures that drive me up the wall. I approached just in time to hear this pearl of wisdom fall from his lips,"Well you know, no man would cheat if women didn't let themselves go." To which the little history buff from hell observed,"That must be why President Kennedy had affairs, - Jackie was such a homely frump."

(Princess Diana would've been a more current example, but a lot of people think she was an annoying, immature flake, and much less sympathetic than Jackie.)

Speaking of men's sex drives I've often wondered what Obama's deal is. He didn't meet Michelle until he was like 28, and yet no college girlfriends have surfaced, so either he intuitively picked the most discreet girls in the world or there's simply not much to talk about.


Speaking of men's sex drives I've often wondered what Obama's deal is. He didn't meet Michelle until he was like 28, and yet no college girlfriends have surfaced, so either he intuitively picked the most discreet girls in the world or there's simply not much to talk about.

Hmm, that is interesting. Maybe he was a late bloomer (yes, it happens to men also--don't kid yourself) or maybe there really isn't much to tell.

The only issue I can take with O's bit is the short hair--that can be frumpy but doesn't have to be. I think far worse is that woman who's hanging on to her hair, same tired hairstyle she's had since high school, it's long, stringy and usually some mousy color. I'm not even a stylist yet I am dying to send these women when I see them to get a great (flattering) cut and color, she'd look and feel SO much better about herself.

I do agree many average women run around in sweatpants and otherwise let themselves go somewhat after marriage and kids. Heck, if I go to my local Walmart in t-shirt and jeans I tend to feel overdressed! People not only wear sweats there, but stained, ill-flattering clothes and some of the most dreadful color combinations too. Not to mention lack of makeup and poorly styled hair, regardless of length.
O, you had mentioned swapping your jeans for dresses to run errands recently and I wanted to add that if you did that around here, you'd probably be elevated to 'goddess status'!

Welcome to your everything.


The only issue I can take with O's bit is the short hair--that can be frumpy but doesn't have to be.

That's because you're a woman. The vast majority of men prefer long hair, so if one is trying to please a man long is almost always better than short.

O, you had mentioned swapping your jeans for dresses to run errands recently and I wanted to add that if you did that around here, you'd probably be elevated to 'goddess status'!

As I should be.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


On the hair thing...I don't know that I have a preference. I think it depends on the woman's head, honestly.

My wife has always had very short hair, most of the women I had dated had around shoulder length hair, and only one had very long hair (almost to her waist). I did have one girl I was dating cut her shoulder length hair off to a very short style and that was fantastic. It completely changed her look for the better (and it made me understand why wigs can be so popular).


You're unusual though, Kaiju. You have to admit most guys do think longer hair is sexier.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


You're unusual though, Kaiju. You have to admit most guys do think longer hair is sexier.

As a woman I think longer hair is sexier - but - unfortunately - not on me.


You may not be the best judge; what does your man think about it?

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


I do agree that it seems most guys do find longer hair sexier in general. But I wonder if that has more to do with the fact we perceive longer hair to be more feminine. I do suspect it is a cultural preference.

But, at the same time I do have to admit that I'm probably an abberation, in that I have always liked butch women.


It's not a cultural preference, actually; it's the "peacock's tail" syndrome. The body only diverts resources to cosmetic features like hair or display feathers when it is healthy and has plenty of resources to spare, so higher animals (including humans) instinctively view such features as signs of good health. Short hair could be hiding poor health; long, lustrous hair points to several years of continued good health.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


I stand corrected. I had forgotten that fact. I was thinking along the lines of how we create certain cultural standards of beauty (elongated necks, the lip tattoos of the Ainu women, etc.) but in this case those don't really apply.


Right. A good example of a cultural standard is tanning; in the past, upper-class women did not have to work in the sun so fair skin was beautiful and tanned skin ugly. But once industrialization came and the poorest people worked in factories while wealthier people could travel to resorts, tanning became the sign of affluence.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


We're all just goofy primates.


I wonder if that's a South thing...I have seen some of the best heads of hair ever on women from Texas (or nearby states)--which always amazed me, because Texas is so freakin' hot much of the year! But many women down there wear their long, thick hair as an accessory. I should post a picture of actress Jamie Luner, she has the ultimate mane of hair--envious by me, for sure.

I do think a lot of guys fantasize about long hair, but I've wondered largely if that is due to most supermodels, Playboy Playmates and porn always featuring them. How many women in the 'real world' have the time and resources to do their hair up fancy every day? Granted, there are always some--even here in Ohio I see women with great heads of hair from time to time--but overall, shorter to medium-length seems to prevail for women 30+. Unless you were born with a head of fantastic hair, it often gets scraggly-looking after a certain age. (Hence why so many makeover shows and magazine articles include haircuts--not always short haircuts, but definitely modernized versions of long, medium-length and short hair.)

By the way, O, you look great with long hair, I am NOT referring in any way to the long hair you've sported since I've known you, when I refer to women who should change looks. Have you always worn it long?

Oh, and Kaiju you are in good company--pcq likes women with short hair (or so he says) It probably depends on the woman, because I am sure there are women he likes it long on as well. He is a big fan of the Audrey Tautou Amelie haircut.
Which works well for me, because I like that one too. I've never had my hair longer than a little below shoulder-length, that IS long for me! And I don't generally go shorter than chin length because I need something to frame my face.
I am a big fan of the 1950s-inspired looks because as you'll note, women never wore their hair longer than shoulder-length then, and it epitomized glamour and style. NO man, regardless of how much he loves long hair, is going to deny that Marilyn Monroe was sexy! Shorter hair looked wonderful on Audrey Hepburn as well.

Welcome to your everything.


I wonder if that's a South thing...I have seen some of the best heads of hair ever on women from Texas (or nearby states)--which always amazed me, because Texas is so freakin' hot much of the year! But many women down there wear their long, thick hair as an accessory.

That's because Southern women have always understood the importance of appealing to men; it's part of our irresistible charm.

I do think a lot of guys fantasize about long hair, but I've wondered largely if that is due to most supermodels, Playboy Playmates and porn always featuring them.

Nope, vice-versa.

How many women in the 'real world' have the time and resources to do their hair up fancy every day?

But that's just the point; all long hair needs to look fantastic is to be clean and brushed. I don't "do" anything with my hair, ever. Admittedly I was blessed with unusually beautiful hair, but I paid for it with this awful nose of mine.

Unless you were born with a head of fantastic hair, it often gets scraggly-looking after a certain age.

Only if you don't take proper care of it!

By the way, O, you look great with long hair...Have you always worn it long?

Ever since I was able to demand it be kept that way over my mum's objections. She always wanted me to cut it off because it was (and still is) difficult to manage. The last time I had it cut short was after that dreadful car accident in April of 1995, where they shaved part of my scalp to stitch up my head. I cried when I saw what they had done to me, and I wore hats or head-scarves all summer to hide the big bald patch. By September the hair in that patch was boy-length, so since the rest of my hair looked like crap by then anyway I had a friend of mine cut it all off to boy-length so it would at least be uniform. I cried for days after that, and swore I would never cut it again. By spring it was reasonably long again, and I've never cut it since.

I am a big fan of the 1950s-inspired looks because as you'll note, women never wore their hair longer than shoulder-length then, and it epitomized glamour and style. NO man, regardless of how much he loves long hair, is going to deny that Marilyn Monroe was sexy!

Shoulder-length hair isn't short! When I say short I mean that awful nun-length hair so many women like now.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Shoulder-length hair isn't short!

Good to know! Because my hair is finally shoulder-length again after having it cut shorter back in April. My typical pattern is to get it cut off periodically in some type of bob, then let it grow for awhile. I can't remember the last time I went more than four months without a haircut, and I am itching for one again, but tired of having my hair the same way (variations of layered bobs) that I've just let it grow to see if it will look like anything else. However, I do think shorter hair suits me, and will surely go back to it at some point. When my hair is longer like now, the downside is I find it everywhere!

When I say short I mean that awful nun-length hair so many women like now.

@ "awful nun-length hair" - I didn't realize that was so popular!

Do you get regular trims even though you don't have it cut? I love the way my hair is after having the ends cut off--I really think I'll be getting it trimmed fairly soon, even if I keep it longer.

Welcome to your everything.


When my hair is longer like now, the downside is I find it everywhere!

Oh, pooh; that's not a downside, it's just marking territory. My long, curly hair strands seem to find each other, and they also trap lint, dust and other such things to form what Paladin calls "tumble Os" in the same places other people get dust bunnies.

Do you get regular trims even though you don't have it cut?

No, I haven't trimmed it in years. Even when I did I never let them cut enough off to notice, so I really can't justify it. It doesn't make my hair look any better or help to keep it healthy, and I've never noticed that it helps it to grow despite the myth. I just wash it thoroughly every other day, condition it, comb it out while it's wet and fluff it with my fingers for an hour or so (while watching a movie or reading or whatever) while it's drying, then comb it. And everyone says how beautiful it is, so I must be doing something right.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Well you know, no man would cheat if women didn't let themselves go.

What an asinine statement! Though certainly SOME men cheat or lose interest because their wives stop trying, most do it because of the male need for variety.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


That's because people cannot accept that the garbage they've been taught is untrue, even in the face of their own experience and the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

I just wish people would stop with the lying. Stop lying to yourselves, stop lying to your children, stop lying to each other.

All scientific evidence points to humans being far more promiscuous sexually than the way we've been raised to believe.

It's not bad.

Nature doesn't do "good" or "bad".

Nature just does.

We're natural. We're animals. When you think about us as animals...things make so much more sense.


I think it'll be a long time before our culture grows up enough to do that, Kaiju, especially in this country. In the past couple of decades the US has been engaged in a headlong rush to criminalize or demonize MORE natural behaviors rather than to decriminalize the ones which are unjustly criminalized already.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


We're animals. When you think about us as animals...things make so much more sense.

Except that we are not animals. There are qualities which make us humans and differentiate us from the animals. We have abilities, logic/reasoning and far more complex emotions. Animals don't marry, so they don't have to worry about vows or issues that go along with this--as humans we choose to do it, as it's not required (not in America, at least.) We are higher than animals in the ecological chain of events too (though groups like PETA might not wish to believe it.) I stand up for animals (like the basset rescue organization my sister and I are involved with) because they need an advocate--but I also recognize their place and purpose in the grand scheme (which is why I still eat meat like chicken and don't feel overly guilty about it.)

I basically agree with Nature not doing "good" or "bad" though hurricane victims might disagree. However, what you are referring to, nature of men and women as not being inherently good or bad, I agree with--it is what it is.

Welcome to your everything.


We're the smartest monkeys...but we're still just monkeys.


Kaiju~just for you:

Welcome to your everything.


This is the shortest I've ever had it cut; ironically that was just around the time I met Lan.

And this is the longest. It had just started snowing, so those waves wouldn't have lasted long!!

Regarding my left cheek in the first one . . .the yellow balloon next to my head caused a weird kind of reflection on my face, - I didn't have some sort of exotic rash.


Very cute in both pics, Missy. You look a bit like a younger version of Henry Valentine's wife in your first one--I am not sure I realized that until now, but she is stunning in some of the pics he took of her back in the 70s (and still looks good today in her 50s.) I don't think I've ever seen a bad pic of you, either, lamb. You're rocking both the jeans and the long hair in your second pic, there! I think you'd have to go back to my college or post-college pics to find both my best jean shots and my longest hair.

Welcome to your everything.


Nice cheeks!

Whachew gonna do Momma, when the roast beef's gone?


Thank you for letting us know about java's computer, pcq; I shan't look for her tonight, then.


Look for me Saturday or *POOF* I might be gone again!

Welcome to your everything.



Having to deal with this awful gray type along with my throbbing wisdom tooth socket pain is cruel and unusual punishment.

And oh yeah, I think one of my friends (male) is a sex addict. I seem to recall the board not being too keen on the term 'sex addict' but at this point can't remember what we did agree upon. He's several states away, but talks about sex and how horny he is ALL.THE.TIME. I think he needs help, or at least a change of topics every now and then.

I am convinced there is nothing I could experience under the influence of pain meds that could rival the weirdness in my own life.

Welcome to your everything.


He's not a sex addict. Just an uncouth boor.


There is no such thing as a "sex addict". Sex is not an addictive substance. It is certainly possible to be obsessed with sex, but not addicted. The word "addiction" has a specific medical meaning which the media loves to misuse.

As for your friend, though, I suggest you direct him to; there are lots of girls there who could help him at quite reasonable rates.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Oh, JJ, I'm so sorry your tooth socket is still bothering you!! If it feels like the pain is shooting from the site up to your ear then you may indeed be the first non-smoker in history to have dry socket!

And lass, you've never seen a bad picture of me because I only post the good ones online. Trust me, I've had plenty of atrocious 'Nick Nolte' shots.

Just for you:

In this one I resemble a lhasa apso with three chins:

The classic "milkshake shooting out of your nose" shot:

Feel better now?



you've never seen a bad picture of me because I only post the good ones online. Trust me, I've had plenty of atrocious 'Nick Nolte' shots.

I know what you mean. In any given ten pictures of me there are seven in which I look fat, old, drunk, stupid, ill or otherwise completely unappealing; two in which I look OK and one in which I look like a goddess. Guess which ones I let people see?

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Missy, thanks so much for sharing those, they (and YOU!) made me smile. (I needed a reason to smile today, believe me.) I completely envy your super-flat stomach in the middle one so I'd still say it's a good shot! However, I must admit I chuckled heartily at your description

In this one I resemble a lhasa apso with three chins:

Welcome to your everything.


There is no such thing as a "sex addict". Sex is not an addictive substance. It is certainly possible to be obsessed with sex, but not addicted. The word "addiction" has a specific medical meaning which the media loves to misuse.

Thank you, O, that was the answer I was likely thinking of. Also, I will try to get you out at least one answer to your e-mail before I go home from here in case I can't borrow this laptop to take back with me (but I'm praying I can, cause tomorrow I'll be working much of the day, then probably heading back.)

As for your friend, though, I suggest you direct him to; there are lots of girls there who could help him at quite reasonable rates.

Welcome to your everything.


If javajuly were here now, she would be venting about her computer having given up the ghost again, which it has.

Whachew gonna do Momma, when the roast beef's gone?


Yes, that is true. Sweetie, thanks for enlightening everybody. Maccy is a total piece of crap, and I have caught a cold on top of dealing with my tooth. What can I say, it sucks to be me right now. And I have to work tomorrow, couldn't get out of it (especially when my computer at home died.) If there is ANY silver lining at all, it's that my tooth pain seems to have lessened today a bit--am hoping all the sneezing and coughing doesn't make it worse again.

I am in Columbus at my sister's but should be going home by Sunday. Whether I will have a computer to use after that is anybody's guess.

Welcome to your everything.


Hey! The format on this site has changed - and I don't like it!



I hate it as well. That ugly grey type makes the board look stained; I even tried changing themes and it's still the same.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


That ugly grey type makes the board look stained;

It doesn't look stained to me, it makes me have to squint and wonder if I am going blind (until I remember the "format changes" )

Seriously, try looking at your friends list if everyone active is 'read' and damn--"My eyes! My eyes!" (as Phoebe used to say on Friends)

Eric, good to see you back here, it's been forever, it seems! (I think Stryker was still posting here when you were around.)

CASTLE starts back Monday with new episodes, by the way! I can't wait.

Welcome to your everything.


I know! I'm so glad the new television season is starting. I'd love to find out why that Mistress Always spanks twice episode was expunged from the season's episodes.

If it's any consolation, I'm having a spell of bad luck as well. I was going to order something unique online for a Christmas present, but the blasted seller will only take money orders; no checks, PayPal, debit or credit cards! So I went to the post office, got a $59 money order, and somehow in the 25 feet between the desk and the door, lost it. I retraced my steps -turned my purse inside out- and left my name and number in case anyone finds it. Ironically the $40 dollars change -I paid with a $100- is safely tucked away in the small separate zippered back compartment. I had a dozen errands to do this morning and one way or another they all fizzled.

Ironically the day started off spectacularly well, -and I have the splintered headboard to prove it! But since then, yeccch. The store was even out of scallops, so there goes the Fra Diavla I was going to make. How do you run out of scallops?


Oh, Missy, that is awful, about your missing money order. There are so many currently important missing items in my life right now (including but not limited to a birthday gift card from my cousin, my ring lost last November, and my birth certificate and social security card! Yes, I don't know how the hell THAT got misplaced, I never move the thing from my file cabinet--at least not that I was aware of. And strange things have been happening around my house lately which really gives me pause.

Ironically the day started off spectacularly well, -and I have the splintered headboard to prove it!

Good lovin' on a Saturday morning! You go, girl

Welcome to your everything.


I have the splintered headboard to prove it!

He sure sounds dominant to me!

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


He sure sounds dominant to me!

And to me. I'm curious - just what happened to splinter that headboard?

(Go on, Missy, you're amongst broadminded friends).


I discovered years ago that a wooden headboard simply wouldn't do; IMHO proper beds have steel ones that not only don't splinter, but have lovely rails to tie or lock things to.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Oh, gosh, Java, you really need those things. I just had to get a new copy of my birth certificate last month, in fact; it was ten dollars. But I think the Social Security office will replace your card for free.

Once before -also in a post office, when I was 17 or so- I bought a book of stamps and didn't have them when I got outside. Are select regional post office lobbies home to small, ravenous black holes? Whenever I've lost other important things -a check for $279, my purse, a wallet- either someone found them and turned them in or I found them myself. I lost my favourite watch back in April- it had a mother-of-pearl face, and a little diamond under the twelve. That was in a library. So things you lose in Government buildings you never get back! Hmmm....

Indy, October, my headboard is actually fine, and unsplintered; that was just my playful way of conveying that the day had started out extremely well and gone rapidly downhill. In fact, it may be a mistake to attempt anything requiring concentration or even minimal situation awareness after a 6 or better on the Richter scale orgasm*; all of your neurons are scrambled and firing randomly.

JJ, I loved your Friends/Phoebe quote! You're getting like me, quoting sitcoms. Speaking of which, season premiere of the Simpsons tonight! I don't really understand all of the belly-aching,"Simpsons hasn't been any good since 1997!" canards; I still enjoy it.

I found an amazing deal on Amazon yesterday: new Sony dvd/rw discs at -wait for it- 35 cents each!!! And the seller has 100% approval rating. They're the best discs, the only kind I've used for two years. And I can pay for them with Paypal which even I can't lose in a post office lobby!!

*This one was a solid 8.5


Ha, I wondered if the splintered headboard bit was being used metaphorically! I am super-jealous of your Richter scale orgasm, by the way. You know from some of our past exchanges that I could use some of that!
I haven't done anything all week on my story, just hasn't been on my mind, but then it was a bit of a difficult week (difficult week being a bit of an understatement, I think!) I'll echo your

Well, I spent a good portion of this evening combing through my file cabinet and to no avail, though I did find an extra bag of bus tokens and two books of stamps that I didn't realize I had purchased, so all was not in vain. That is weird about you and lost items in post offices! I would've been sick about losing that watch, it sounds beautiful. I would also be sick about losing a check for that much money and my purse--I have a feeling you handle such occurrences better than I would.

Did I ever tell you guys that pcq replaced the silver ring I lost last November? He is such a sweet and thoughtful boyfriend. I can't really explain it but I never felt fully dressed without it, whether I was in jeans or dressed to the nines, as they say. I rarely let it out of my sight now, and admire the way it looks on my hand all the time.

Welcome to your everything.


Indy, October, my headboard is actually fine, and unsplintered; that was just my playful way of conveying that the day had started out extremely well and gone rapidly downhill.

I wouldn't even attempt anything of that nature in the morning since for some time after waking I'm nothing more than an automaton - and a mean-tempered one at that.


Hi, Indy. Actually - now don't hate me - I've always been a morning person adrift in a family of night owls! Even before my coffee is ready I'm skating across the kitchen tiles singing "Walking on sunshine", -at 6 AM yet. That's the other unnatural thing about me. And morning romps are my favourite, especially on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

JJ, I'm so glad you got a new ring and your brother-in-law's laptop! But I didn't actually lose that big check, the wallet or the purse for good; they were all found and turned in minutes after I mislaid them. I used to carry a little clutch when I was a teenager, and I must've lost that thing three times, but I always got it back. (Once I found it lying on a heap of tomatoes in the store.) I had had trouble opening the plastic produce bag and just set it down for a second...

I finally conceded that I am just too absent-minded to be a clutch person and began wearing those little purses that sling over the opposite shoulder, -impossible to lose even if that's your vocation. However, the watch and the money order and that amethyst ring I told you about, they all sleep with the fishes, as they say.


I just don't like sex in the morning, period. I'm definitely an afternoon sort of gal.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


You all know I'm a night owl by now (some of my posts are made ridiculously late at night sometimes) but I do like morning sex--just not super-early--maybe around 11am is nice.

Missy, you ARE unnatural! I couldn't imagine singing before 6am (unless it was BEFORE I went to bed, haha) and I am certainly not at my best much before 11am.

I am fortunate to have my brother-in-law's laptop for now, but (without revealing too much on a public board) I am not sure how long it will be in my future to use, and I'm a bit heartsick about that, actually.

Welcome to your everything.


Most men really like sex in the morning (natural hormonal patterns and all), but I do find that the only time I really enjoy it is when it is a carryover from the night before.

Late morning can be fun, but first thing in the morning is just okay...not my favorite. Afternoon is nice as well.

I'm an evening/night/perfect nightcap kinda guy.


It seems to me that guys only think they want it in the morning because of morning erections, but deep down they can't be all that excited because it always takes them much longer to come.

Of course, most guys think that's a bonus, so I reckon you're right.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


All we're ever told is that longer duration is better, so we obsess on it. I know I have to "catch" myself at times. I know better and still get wrapped up in that myth.


Longer than thirty seconds is better; longer than thirty minutes is definitely not!

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


but deep down they can't be all that excited because it always takes them much longer to come.

Really? I don't think I've ever noticed that, but then I don't exactly time it, either!

If I am in the mood, then afternoon and late-night lovin' are definitely welcome, too.

Welcome to your everything.


Now I can't get the song Afternoon Delight out of my head. But that's okay, -I LOVE that song.


Every time I cash my paycheck I ask for some $2 bills along with bigger denominations, and then I go out and spend them all. Ooh, I'm such a rebel. I don't know if you have anything similiar in the UK, but here in the US the $2 bill (along with $1 coins and 50¢ Kennedy half dollars) have acquired some unfathomable mystique and people hoard them instead of spending them. Every so often a new Master of the Mint gets a bee in his bonnet and prints up a few million new $2s, and then begs people to please circulate them, -and a few weeks later every last one has vanished into sock drawers -the domestic equivalent of a black hole for currency. I tried to use one in a store once and the very young clerk -who had clearly never seen one before- called her manager over and said,"Can we take these?" (The manager heaved a martyred sigh and replied,"Yes, we can take money.") Another time all three people in the line behind me offered to buy it from me. (I should point out here that its value is exactly: $2. It is not worth a farthing more than two singles.)

When I was little my grandmothers used to put $2 in my birthday cards, which was not okay because I was then not allowed to spend them. Into the sock drawer they went! Never to see daylight again. And Mom had an uncanny sense for whenever I was thinking about buying something with them. So many variations of this conversation took place: "I want that comic book." "I already bought you something this week, so you'll have to use your own money." "Okay." "And you're not using that $2 grandma sent you, if that's what you're thinking." So I would ask my grandmothers to please, please, please put two singles in my cards, so that I could spend them on something. "Two singles?? But that looks so cheap!" "It's worth exactly the same!" I would plead. You think Euclidean geometry is hard, try explaining Holland/Elliot math. To compound the outrage, all of those $2 bills disappeared from the cards when I was a teenager -I suspect they proved a useful resource when money was tight and the utility bill was due!

So now I get $2 bills and spend them like a drunken sailor, and this gives me great pleasure. Hey, it's therepautic, so don't judge me.


Here in the UK whenever a new coin makes an appearance it's hoarded for a while because of it's novelty value - but that soon fades.

What is irritating is the lack of £5 notes but this is because the Royal Mint won't produce more and as a result they aren't available in ATMs. Whenever I get one in my change when shopping I tend to hang on to it.


When I used to run the store I had a regular customer who was a dancer at one of the areas clubs and one of her regulars would come in with a stack of $2 bills. She said he told it that he felt a $1 tip seemed too little, but a $5 bill seemed too much and he didn't like giving them multiple bills.

She often paid us with $2 bills. It confused many of my staff.


When I used to run the store I had a regular customer who was a dancer at one of the areas clubs and one of her regulars would come in with a stack of $2 bills. She said he told it that he felt a $1 tip seemed too little, but a $5 bill seemed too much and he didn't like giving them multiple bills.

I had one of those, too! Of course I also had one that consistently tipped me in fives.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


I didn't know that about £5 notes, Indy. That's the thing: they're both extremely useful amounts and logically should be abundant. Weekday lunches: often around £5. Tip for waitress serving aforementioned lunch- or your favourite exotic dancer: $2.

Kaiju, I think I know that guy's mother; it's even possible we're related. "That's right, Ma, I'm putting a $2 bill in a sequined g-string as we speak! Thomas Jefferson's powdered wig is nestled against the hip bone of a saucy lass named Gigi, and he doesn't seem to mind a bit!"


I read this last night, Missy, and the first thing that popped into my head was, they still make $2 bills??! Clearly, I have not seen any in a long while--the last time being, I think, back around 1992 when 2 friends and I completed a short mall survey and were each given a $2 bill. Of course, I saved mine and probably still have it somewhere.

(The manager heaved a martyred sigh and replied,"Yes, we can take money.")

I can't believe your mother wouldn't let you spend a lousy $2, though! We usually got a $20 bill in birthday cards from my dad's side of the family and we were NEVER allowed to spend them, they always went into our savings accounts. Fortunately our maternal grandma bought us presents, cause it's not much fun to just hand money over to be put in some designated space--a kid's mind is just going to think about how much fun is being missed. (Even if years later in college I was glad to have that money when the bank account was turned over to me to manage.)

"I'd be happy to let you spank me"--Rick Castle


Well, my grandmother would give me a present plus a card with money in it. Just as today I like to give kids lottery scratchers in their cards, just for fun because kids love them. AND it teaches them the always valuable lesson that gambling never pays off!

*check your sock drawer*


Can it be, - I've actually found a frozen pizza I like? DiGiorno five cheese Italian. Manga!

(And yes, I'm going to try to duplicate it on my own some day by using the same five cheeses. But not tonight.)


I love frozen pizza and am not afraid to admit it!

Lamb, when you have a spare moment, come on over and post on RockaRollaMan's birthday thread on the Music Board--I'm trying to get a party started and everybody's a party pooper so close after Christmas, apparently. He only missed being your birthday twin by one day!

Kinda glad mine is in the summer when more people are on...
Well, sometimes people are away on vacation then.

Show a little faith there's magic in the night


I will! I was wary of posting that lest my friends think me a pizza Philistine. It surprised me because I don't like the five cheese garlic bread.


I join site look stinks.


I've been using the 'Pastels' theme for nearly two years, and all of my text is grass-green on a creamy yellow background; I haven't noticed any change in the past week, although I see people grousing about it on a dozen boards. (In the spring of '08 Queenonline experimented -briefly!- with a horrible white text on black background that actually gave several posters seizures. It was mercifully discontinued after less than two days.)

That sounds like my average for decent pics, O.

Great to see you back with us again, Eric Barker! I see you all the time over on the classic film board and wondered when you were coming back here.


Sometimes people just suck. And when you care about them, it doubly sucks. Even when you rationally tell yourself you shouldn't, but you can't help yourself, in the end, it just sucks.

Show a little faith there's magic in the night


Next week that avoirdupois dwarf Shonda Rhimes newest medical drama Off the Map will be debuting, and that will bring the total of prime-time doctors to: 42. Number of nurses who are regular, recurring characters: 0. Despite the fact that it's about a 'Doctors without Borders' type of group, and in real-life there are more than ten times as many nurses as doctors in DwB.

The one and only nurse character on network tv, Private Practice's Dell, was killed off last April. And his touching last words to his daughter, as the world grew dim? "Hey, did you hear?...I got into med school." And a minute later,"...I did, UC/Berkley, I got in."

Despite the fact that real nurses are one hundred times more likely to apply to graduate programs in nursing, rather than medical school. Because that would not tie in with the media's boneheaded conviction that every nurse is just a frustrated, seething physician wannabe.

What can you expect of people who for decades have been teaching young girls that the only thing in the world more glorious than being a size 2, is being a size 0?


What can you expect of people who for decades have been teaching young girls that the only thing in the world more glorious than being a size 2, is being a size 0?

Exactly. Morons, all of them.

Show a little faith there's magic in the night


What can you expect of people who for decades have been teaching young girls that the only thing in the world more glorious than being a size 2, is being a size 0?

The American fixation with the extremes is still incomprehensible to me despite the fact that I've been aware of it for almost four decades. One the one hand we've got lunatics who idolize unhealthy thinness, and on the other lunatics who use the term "real women's bodies" to mean "fat bodies". How about the great number of women who fall between sizes 5 and 11 and are neither emaciated nor obese? I'm about a size 7 and I'm EXACTLY the healthiest weight for my height and build, and I'll tell you right now that I don't get any angrier at retards who call me "fat" than I do at retards who imply my body is somehow abnormal because my waist to hip ratio is the 7:10 men universally prefer.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


And what it seems people have been telling you for years is to stop caring about what men "universally prefer". who cares if they think youre fat or skinny. Besides this is from a narrow percentage of the world of white north american men and what they deem is "attractive". People in other countries think we look completely stupid and unhealthy, actually laugh at what men get hypnotized by. So who gives a crap. And stop being such a weird anti feminist nazi, its a bit creepy when its in like 95% of the sh*t ive read from you, we get it; youve got a hard-on to hate on it


Oh, dear. First of all the 7:10 preference is universal, not limited to North American men. Second your weird, self-hating ideas about "we" and "hypnosis" are laughable. Third, if you believe a woman can have a "hard-on" you've got major issues. Fourth, you clearly deserve your screen name.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


"if you believe a woman can have a "hard-on" you've got major issues. Fourth, you clearly deserve your screen name. "

The obvious joke was that you WERENT one with all the obsessive feminism bashing, and good to know you take 100% of everything thats said to you seriously. The username judging got old 10 years ago sweetheart, try again

Back to the point, there are plently of people who think skinny people arent attractive at all, 7:10 or not was all i was saying. Healthy is attractive to most. There are some people who only like girls less than 100 pounds? should people try to appease them? NO, just do what you feel is healthiest for your body not based on what OTHER people deem attractive,jesus christ


Keep digging, honey, it'll be deep enough soon.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Are you hitting on me?


Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


The 7:10 waist to hips ratio has been verified by a number of scientific tests.

The studies have been worldwide and in fact included a tribe of New Guineans who do not have access to North American media.

You should research it a little.


So Sir Mix-a-lot wasn't just an anomalous freak? How disturbing. 7-10....that's the infamous split shot I can never make when bowling.


Hell no Isolode, Mix was my idol back in the day! I still have that ringtone on the phone !!!

"...actually you'd be surprised what will fit up a human’s rectum." Anonymous ER Doctor.


Glad to hear it, stalkerrob-1. (I still think Baby got back and Queen's Fat-bottomed girls would make a fantastic double-A side "theme" single! Ah, a girl can dream. )


What about "Big Bottom" by Spinal Tap?

Can't neglect that classic.

Your lucky numbers: 11 24 37 38 41 46


But Kaiju, surely you don't advise that Gloosniffer let facts get in the way of his opinions!

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Very true.

I am continually bothered by this idea that we aren't animals. That our behavior doesn't have basis in the natural world.

I don't understand it. It seems so obvious to me.



Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Obviously, man has an animal nature. But also, according to the legacy of Classical Western Thought (i.e. Greeks: “Man is the Measure of All Things”, Hebrews: “So God created Man in his own Image”) human beings can attain a higher nature.

“There is NO such thing as a free lunch.” - Milton Friedman


Ah, but I don't believe in a "higher nature". There is only nature, no supernature. Human nature already has a really high fact, I'm fairly certain we haven't gotten there yet.

And human nature IS animal nature.


KaijuO, if someone annoys my cat she'll scratch or bite. If someone annoys me I resist the urge. I've always assumed that's my "higher nature" overriding my animal one.


That's not what I'm talking about.

Besides, your brain is far more complex than that of your cat. She does not have the capacity for extrapolating all the consequences of her reactions, which you do.

She's a feline, you are a primate. I would expect you to act differently.


Besides, your brain is far more complex than that of your cat. She does not have the capacity for extrapolating all the consequences of her reactions, which you do.

She's a feline, you are a primate. I would expect you to act differently.

There are an awful lot of human primates who don't appear to have the capacity for extrapolating all the consequences of their reactions- or if they have the capacity certainly don't use it.


I've noticed that a tame cat will usually pull back on how hard it scratches or bites when it is playing or warning. Psychotic cats sometimes scratch and bite hard - for example, when I was talking to my aunt in her kitchen, her psychotic cat got jealous and jumped on my head and scratched me. Also, younger cats sometimes scratch or bite hard because they are young and rambunctious - just like rough children.

“There is NO such thing as a free lunch.” - Milton Friedman


Even if you are correct that there is no super-nature --- human nature is by itself undeniably remarkable. IMO, human nature has the potential to have a qualitatively ‘higher’ nature than animal nature. Such as: the capacity for reason, the capacity for good and evil, the capacity for creative endeavor. Even though we also obviously share traits with primates and segmented worms from which our kind ultimately sprang.

“There is NO such thing as a free lunch.” - Milton Friedman


ALL nature is remarkable, lace. Human nature is amazing, I'd never deny that. However, the more we learn about ourselves, the flora and fauna of the earth itself and the universe, it becomes more and more clear that we are not somthing apart from everything else.

I just wish that more people would accept the fact that all we are is the smartest ape.


ALL nature is remarkable, lace. Human nature is amazing, I'd never deny that. However, the more we learn about ourselves, the flora and fauna of the earth itself and the universe, it becomes more and more clear that we are not somthing apart from everything else.

I agree that all Nature is amazing. However, some Nature is more amazing that others. Yes, each of us is part of everything else, but each of us is also separate from everything else. This is a fundamental Western concept.

I just wish that more people would accept the fact that all we are is the smartest ape.

Why do you wish more people would accept that idea? If you really believe that idea, then you must also accept that all we are is the smartest segmented worm.

“There is NO such thing as a free lunch.” - Milton Friedman


I do.

But since we evolved into a primate, I prefer making a comparison to those that are a bit closer genetically.

Just easier to relate to the other primates.


And what it seems people have been telling you for years is to stop caring about what men "universally prefer". who cares if they think youre fat or skinny. Besides this is from a narrow percentage of the world of white north american men and what they deem is "attractive". People in other countries think we look completely stupid and unhealthy, actually laugh at what men get hypnotized by. So who gives a crap. And stop being such a weird anti feminist nazi, its a bit creepy when its in like 95% of the sh*t ive read from you, we get it; youve got a hard-on to hate on it

Images of American women are popular throughout the world via dispersed popular American culture for a damn good reason. What country do you imagine exists where people think American women “look completely stupid and unhealthy”? Where did this silly notion come from? Why are there so many people whose minds are obviously crippled by political correctness?

“There is NO such thing as a free lunch.” - Milton Friedman


Yes because its completely unfathomable that people have different tastes in attractiveness


Yes because its completely unfathomable that people have different tastes in attractiveness

In much of the rest of the world (i.e. China, India, Islam, much of Africa), women are in chronic short supply because of horrible mistreatment, substandard food, kidnapping, slavery, devaluation of females, abortion of female infants, acid attacks, mass rape, etc, etc, etc. However, in the West, and in the USA/Canada in particular, females are highly valued, well treated, well fed, healthy, educated, protected, and typically enjoy a great deal of freedom and social voice. Ergo, our Western women generally look one hell of a lot better. Imagine that!

“There is NO such thing as a free lunch.” - Milton Friedman


Oh sorry i forgot the rest of the world is a complete apocalyptic sh*thole with death around every corner and you're only attractive if you live in the states or canada.
And in my opinion the states has on average some of the ugliest people ive ever seen, i dont think obesity and looking like a tanned OC orange is popular anywhere else as much as there. Smoke some more, untravelled one


Oh sorry i forgot the rest of the world is a complete apocalyptic sh*thole with death around every corner and you're only attractive if you live in the states or canada.

That is a misrepresentation of what I said, gloosniffer.

And in my opinion the states has on average some of the ugliest people ive ever seen, i dont think obesity and looking like a tanned OC orange is popular anywhere else as much as there.

Few people are fans of obesity and tanned OC orange color. Obviously, you’ve never been to Southern California beaches during the summer.

Smoke some more, untravelled one

There are gorgeous women among every people on the Earth. However, it is a fact that women are generally far better treated in the USA/Canada and in the West generally than any other culture. Hence, there is a chronic shortage of healthy marriageable women in China, India, Islam, and much of Africa.

“There is NO such thing as a free lunch.” - Milton Friedman


"Few people are fans of obesity and tanned OC orange color. Obviously, you’ve never been to Southern California beaches during the summer. "

Uh yes thats where i see these people, california has some of the most fake people in the country. I would hate to live there.

"There are gorgeous women among every people on the Earth. However, it is a fact that women are generally far better treated in the USA/Canada and in the West generally than any other culture"

So basically Europe, South America and Australia just dont exist in your world. And a lot of Europe treats women FAR better than the states. And the original topic wasnt about poverty it was about some stupid notion that men found one size of woman attractive, which can happen in any kind of poverty condition its just body size and mass. So really dont know where your trying to go with this, but basically you sound like youve never left your country. Most people are going to find people of their culture more attractive, apparently you're no different. So basically what we agree on is that women are treated like sh*t all over the world


Uh yes thats where i see these people, california has some of the most fake people in the country. I would hate to live there.

California has plenty of sincere and fake people just like any other region of the world. California has just about anything anybody could want - except good government.

<<"There are gorgeous women among every people on the Earth. However, it is a fact that women are generally far better treated in the USA/Canada and in the West generally than any other culture" >>

So basically Europe, South America and Australia just dont exist in your world. And a lot of Europe treats women FAR better than the states. And the original topic wasnt about poverty it was about some stupid notion that men found one size of woman attractive, which can happen in any kind of poverty condition its just body size and mass. So really dont know where your trying to go with this, but basically you sound like youve never left your country. Most people are going to find people of their culture more attractive, apparently you're no different. So basically what we agree on is that women are treated like sh*t all over the world

Europe, Australia, and South America have essentially Western derived culture.

I repeat: “There are gorgeous women among every people on the Earth. However, it is a fact that women are generally far better treated in the USA/Canada and in the West generally than any other culture. Hence, there is a chronic shortage of healthy marriageable women in China, India, Islam, and much of Africa. “

“There is NO such thing as a free lunch.” - Milton Friedman


"California has plenty of sincere and fake people just like any other region of the world. California has just about anything anybody could want - except good government. "

No where else in the world have i seen so many literally fake people, im talking about plastic surgery being totally normal and oompa loompa skin. Obviously with all that enhancement they must not think theyre too attractive

"Europe, Australia, and South America have essentially Western derived culture"

Hahaha, wow. So what you're saying is youve never been to any of those places. If anything the states has european derived culture, IF ANYTHING. Canada is still owned by europe and the crown. Now you're trying to save yourself by saying Europe, south america, canada and australia are like the states, please, just go back under your rock. They do all have one thing in common though, they all think the states is full of a bunch of egocentric morons, cant say i disagree


<<"California has plenty of sincere and fake people just like any other region of the world. California has just about anything anybody could want - except good government. ">>

No where else in the world have i seen so many literally fake people, im talking about plastic surgery being totally normal and oompa loompa skin. Obviously with all that enhancement they must not think theyre too attractive

Unquestionably, there are far more American women aged past 40 who look especially good than their counterparts in other less affluent societies. Mainly, because American women have the means to take much better care of themselves.

IMO, plastic surgery is over-applied. But women are notorious for obsessing about every perceived imperfection. If older women want to have their faces and breasts lifted or tummys tucked – especially after having children, or if young women want to have their breasts enhanced. Then, that is their business. In fact, it supports the best-funded plastic surgery industry and sports medicine industry in the world. Elective plastic surgery adds enormously to the research, knowledge, and skills of doctors who reapply it to breast reconstruction after mastectomy; facial reconstruction after severe trauma or burns; etc. Thus, women, men, and children come from all over the world to the USA (especially Los Angeles) for state-of-the-art medical care. For example, Belinda Stronach, Member of Parliament from Canada who came for breast reconstruction; and the young pretty Afghani girl depicted on a recent Time Magazine cover whose nose was hacked off is getting a new prosthetic nose.

<<"Europe, Australia, and South America have essentially Western derived culture">>

Hahaha, wow. So what you're saying is youve never been to any of those places. If anything the states has european derived culture, IF ANYTHING. Canada is still owned by europe and the crown. Now you're trying to save yourself by saying Europe, south america, canada and australia are like the states, please, just go back under your rock. They do all have one thing in common though, they all think the states is full of a bunch of egocentric morons, cant say i disagree

You really don’t know what “Western derived culture” means? I suggest you do a bit of reading.

“There is NO such thing as a free lunch.” - Milton Friedman


Gloosniffer's name is obviously fitting. It's hilarious to watch him digging himself in deeper with every post; I honestly think he doesn't recognize his colossal ignorance, which has caused me to revise my estimate of his age down twice already.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


I’ll say this for Gloosniffer; it makes a perfect ‘Exhibit A’ for the talking segmented worm theory.

“There is NO such thing as a free lunch.” - Milton Friedman


Im obviously talking about unnecessary surgery

"But women are notorious for obsessing about every perceived imperfection"

Um, that should read society and its ridiculous sexist ideals MAKE a lot of people feel that they have to do unnecessary things to themselves or they'll be "ugly". Its made people so insecure they dont want to leave the house without makeup or spend money they dont have on surgery. And for what? A shallow person's one version of attractiveness? Do you really think people spend a ton of money and even more time trying to make every imperfection gone because thats what they naturally would want to do if society wasnt so judgmental? Hell no they wouldnt

"You really don’t know what “Western derived culture” means?"

Uh do you? Its ok, i can tell you're one of the over patriotic types. They always tend to think the whole world is focused on their country


Gloosniffer, a Western-derived culture is a culture derived from European settlers in other parts of the world. Lacedemonians is correct; Europe, Australia, and South America are all Western-derived cultures. You are incorrect in thinking that Lacedemonians is saying that these places are all like the United States.


Aww, you gave it away!

Nice to see you around again, WhippedHoney!

“There is NO such thing as a free lunch.” - Milton Friedman


Hi, Lacedemonians. It was just too painful to watch Gloosniffer's inability to comprehend what you were saying - while he labels Americans "morons".


WH, after a six-month break from the IMDB, you're right back in the middle of things. Welcome back.

"Picture tubes are expensive - but you can always get yourself another beer"


Thanks, Doc.


So what's been going on with you over the past six months? What did we miss, and what made you return on a wintery Sunday in late January?

Show a little faith there's magic in the night


Oh god forbid i use one of two definitions, the states and canada ARE part of the classified "western world", and talking about modern day standards of beauty and americanization i think it was pretty obvious what i meant, sorry it went over your head. You said "Europe, Australia, and South America have essentially Western derived culture." Therefore i naturally assumed that you were talking about the modern west meaning the states and canada in as well. Otherwise if you go by the definition you just said they essentially derived from themselves, so what the hell are you talking about? Then you changed it to "in the west generally" and i figured by then you had gotten it. Not my fault i thought you were talking about the states impact on the rest of the world since that was what the point was to begin with

Glad to know you care more about a simple definition rather than unnecessary surgery and the downfall of your country, care to get back on topic or do you just like to poke around at semantics?



You're not fooling anybody but yourself, little boy.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Just cant get enough of me eh? Im taken, but im sure you're a delight! Have a good one


The American fixation with the extremes is still incomprehensible to me despite the fact that I've been aware of it for almost four decades. One the one hand we've got lunatics who idolize unhealthy thinness, and on the other lunatics who use the term "real women's bodies" to mean "fat bodies".

I actually CAN understand men’s interest in extremes. Sometimes, fixation to the point of exclusion happens when a man has an image that becomes his ideal standard.

Men have a much wider range of what they find physically alluring. Men also have fetishes and desire for variety (especially ethnic fetishes) that women simply do not. I know you are intellectually aware of this. But, as a woman, it’s probably not as easy for you to understand emotionally.

How about the great number of women who fall between sizes 5 and 11 and are neither emaciated nor obese? I'm about a size 7 and I'm EXACTLY the healthiest weight for my height and build, and I'll tell you right now that I don't get any angrier at retards who call me "fat" than I do at retards who imply my body is somehow abnormal because my waist to hip ratio is the 7:10 men universally prefer.

There is no point in getting angry at retards. I think 95+% of men are attracted to women just as they are. The 7:10 ratio is ideal for a maidenly figure (e.g. Playboy models). But women with more body fat are also attractive in a different way (e.g. the Venus of Willendorf, Rembrandt, Renoir).

What I personally don’t understand is the fetish for super-skinny skeletal women and for women who are heavily muscled.

“There is NO such thing as a free lunch.” - Milton Friedman


'Ally McBeal' used to piss me off because it didn't seem the writers knew a damn thing about real life practice of law. Or real life anything, for that matter.

Struck by lightning! Struck by lightning!


Dark days ahead, pcq. The same guy who created Ally has a new legal drama debuting next week on NBC: Harry's Law. Harry is short for Harriet and it stars Kathy Bates, who is described as "eccentric yet lovable". I know I can hardly wait. (Her psychotic character is Misery was a nurse, so we're already old friends.)


A few emoticons to symbolize the disaster my life has become in the year 2011:

Even the Ted Williams story has become a media circus, and all I wanted was ONE positive note to start the new year on--guess that was even too much to ask.

The stupid Steelers managed to win today, after Baltimore was LEADING 21-7! I was like, you have GOT to be kidding me!!

And there's other stuff, but I can't talk about it here.

I have a family thing tomorrow (I think) so I will probably be offline a good portion of the day.

Show a little faith there's magic in the night


Okay, no Java here today then.

As for the Ted Williams story, I soundly upbraided that Howard Wilson guy for terming anyone naive who gets a little uplift from such stories, when they're the genuine article.

Hey, I got Friday night's Final Jeopardy question right, and the three geniuses all missed it, nyah-nyah. It was,"These two presidents, from the same state, are the only ones whose occupation is listed as 'planter.'"

Washington and Jefferson. All three got Jefferson right, but none mentioned Washington! One guy said Jefferson and John Adams. Really? From the same state? (And for the record I think Mount Vernon an even more beautiful estate than Monticello. It's on a steep sloping hill overlooking the Potomac. In fact, I'm convinced Washington chose the Hasbrouck estate in my hometown, Newburgh, because of the site's similiar topography. I was born across the street from there!)


I am SICK of people EFFING LYING to me! Now I've got random strangers doing it. Well, OK, 'friend of a friend' but still...a stranger to me. Riiight, I buy that story, along with some prime swampland in Florida I wanna sell ya. (In case she is lurking, I can't really go into details--oh how I want to, though.)

Show a little faith there's magic in the night


java, an important question to ask yourself would be "Why are these people lying to me?", and evaluate each one independantly.

Even if it only gives you some peace regarding the issue, I think it would be worth your time.
