I've been thinking about starting this thread for a long time now, since it seems like we are a bunch who have no trouble talking about all the things that drive us crazy (in the news, in our own lives, etc). I have had such a couple of weeks where if I start writing I may never stop...right now I cannot stand:
~My e-mail provider--it's absolutely the worst ever as of late.
~People who spend money blindly/foolishly, then complain they don't have any--I know some and they are getting on my last nerve.
~People who won't bathe and/or seem oblivious to how their personal hygiene (or lack thereof) affects others
I see a therapist every week to help me cope with crippling depression. She is of enormous help to me and has probably saved my life more than once. I still thought that joke was one of the best I've ever heard.
Well, in that case, you should know only an idiot would assume an internet stranger's life is perfect, but for your information, I have had two years of hell since writing that original post. Yet I do stand by those (maybe seemingly mundane by comparison) annoyances as peeves also.
They weren't a joke, but thanks for the well-wishes. I agree there are far more serious things to worry about than those, but let's just say they play into other aspects of my life that haven't been mentioned. Have a good night.
Some @sshole has hacked into my e-mail account and is sending spam and virus to everyone in my address book. A few days ago the same (I think) @sshole tried to hack into my 'Facebook' account and was turned away by security.
I have changed the passwords on both these accounts and have just followed suit with my IMDB account. I suggest that everyone who reads this does the same.
Jesus! I don't even have a computer of my own and so spend VERY little time on the net. There are people on this board who to all intents and purposes LIVE in cyberspace, and therefore have a much higher profile than I do. They had better watch their backs. If I can be targetted, then anyone can.
I'm sorry, OwenCarpenter. That happened to me a couple of years ago, but aside from my contacts getting one or two odd messages no real harm done. Like you, I just changed my password.
Of course it's dirty, but then so is the dancing in the movie Dirty Dancing (hence the name) which I love. And a lot of the scenes in Grease, - which I also love. And even a lot of the rowdier moves in Swing dancing, back when my grandma was just a young girl.
So all things considered, I think I'm now over my instinctive indignation, and I can now look at 'twerking' and not wig out and harrumph.
(I could never see what all the fuss was about Elvis's pelvis.)
Exactly. The Watusi is my favorite sixties dance. Those Glee brats do a mean Watusi. Or the Can-Can, although granted that was performed by showgirls and not regular people.
I don't go out to clubs. Do you really see people twerking, I wonder?
I'm halfway through Tawni O'Dell's crime suspense novel One of Us, and it's very good. I had my doubts about an author named 'Tawni' - misspelled stripper names do not inspire sky high expectations of literary merit - but it hooked me right away, she gets decent reviews in the mainstream press, and best of all it's only 295 pages. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/26/books/review/tawni-odells-one-of-us- and-more.html
Oh, believe it or not, I got a question about Australian rugby right on Jeopardy last night. (Yes, that is miraculous, since I don't even know if the US has a league or not.) The category was Wallabies, and they wanted to know what sport they played. I just had a gut feeling it would be rugby. When an answer pops into my head like that, I spit it out before I can talk myself out of it.
The US does not have a league, or if they do, they are not prominent enough to be very well known.
I tend to react to questions and tests that way, too. I was consistently the first person done with exams in college. I subscribe to the gut-feeling or instinct idea, and I do believe that well known knowledge just sort of flows in that way.
One of the few things I dislike about fall is the uptick in the number of squirrels killed in the road. They're so smart about getting access to food - any backyard squirrel baffle we create, they can defeat in an hour or two - so why do they always stop in the middle of the road and look around?
Very minor pet peeve - The IMDB Android app has the most awful message board setup. The post dates are disorganized, you cannot view your post history nor can you see other profiles . Not to mention it doesn't follow the material guidelines set by Google. If this was corrected, I would most likely be using my tablet 90% of the time.
Very minor pet peeve - The IMDB Android app has the most awful message board setup. The post dates are disorganized, you cannot view your post history nor can you see other profiles . Not to mention it doesn't follow the material guidelines set by Google. If this was corrected, I would most likely be using my tablet 90% of the time.
5 months later and it's still garbage. Why can they not fix the message boards?
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I agree, this board is now a bit of a mess. I've another peeve though. When I came on here I expected posts about 'Secretary' and not a lot of extraneous stuff about the posters' personal lives and interests.
so? whats wrong with that ? gasp maybe were cyber friends and like to discus things other than the movie, (and we have already discussed every aspect of the movie , just look up older threads.
by barbarac-73768 » Tue Dec 22 2015 12:48:01 IMDb member since December 2015 I agree, this board is now a bit of a mess. I've another peeve though. When I came on here I expected posts about 'Secretary' and not a lot of extraneous stuff about the posters' personal lives and interests.
I'm sorry, Barbara, for all of my irrelevant posts. But I only wanted to save some interesting threads which all do pertain to the movie from expiring after four months. Generally if you check the first two pages of old 100+ post Secretary threads, you'll find lots of intriguing insights, just exactly what you're looking for. I didn't want to just post "bump, bump, bump". I hope you'll check them out, and add your own riff. Many of those people haven't visited here in years, but I value their comments; in fact, I scanned several threads onto a flash drive three years ago.
It's funny how some old movies have feverishly active threads, new posts daily, while others are moribund.
I'm sorry too, Isolde, for being snappy. It's just that I have the kind of mind that gets edgy if everything isn't exactly in it's correct place. I'll make a New Year resolution to try to relax more about this kind of thing. (Perhaps a good spanking would help!!!)
I love owls, nolatecharges: I have them on my scenic checks!
And I understand perfectly, barbarac-73768, because I'm precisely the same way. I have a neighbor who always leaves his mailbox dangling open after he checks it, and I must have shut it after him a hundred times. I also pick the newspaper off the sidewalk and throw it up on the front porch. Bonus points if I hit the door mat!
Ted Cruz's comment about spanking Hillary Clinton may be the first such quotation I unreservedly loathe. Another tiresome, tone deaf attempt to trivialize, infantilize and sexualize women in an altogether inappropriate context. (Once that comment posted on here would've brought the Four Horsemen of libertarianism galloping and whinnying to my door! )
Well, it looks like a few of the old regulars are still on the board.
I'm glad Ted Cruz is out of the race. Having once worked in government and for politicians for almost 25 years; that guy is in a class by himself, a complete lowlife and hypocrite. Problem is, most of them at that level are the same way - the only difference is some of them are better at concealing it better than others.
Hey, Doc McCoy, great to see you back and glad you haven't forgotten us. I kept your thread going for a long time, for auld lang syne. If Election 2016 brought you back for a visit, then it's not a complete disaster.
I agree that Senator Cruz' remark about spanking Hilary Clinton was an absolute disgrace, and a grossly inappropriate for a Presidential candidate to make about a fellow political figure.
In any case, he'd be much better off spanking Michelle Obama or Sarah Palin. They are MUCH hotter! LOL!
On a more serious note, Cruz is now regarded as a 'traitor' by Republicans because he refused to endorse Trump. Damn! Is this guy a MODERATE now? It calls to mind the news that the Bin-Laden organisation have released a statement distancing themselves from ISIS. When the people who took the Twin Towers down denounce you for extremism you KNOW that you are in trouble!
And now none of us will. Honestly, I didn't think most of the message boards here were that bad. In fact, the Food & Drink boards were a love fest of mutual appreciation. I don't think I ever went on one of the political-themed boards, even before 2016. But it was nice having a safe outlet right here for a mild, not scary-freaky, spanking fetish.
I'm not going through all of these responses to see if it's been mentioned but I don't understand why they put Florida license plates on all of the cars when the movie was so clearly filmed in Los Angeles.
There was absolutely no need for the movie to be set in Florida, no references to the state in the film . . . why the need to go out of the way to show shots of the Florida plates?