MovieChat Forums > Secretary (2002) Discussion > The Secretary Board venting thread--post...

The Secretary Board venting thread--post your peeves here

I've been thinking about starting this thread for a long time now, since it seems like we are a bunch who have no trouble talking about all the things that drive us crazy (in the news, in our own lives, etc). I have had such a couple of weeks where if I start writing I may never stop...right now I cannot stand:

~My e-mail provider--it's absolutely the worst ever as of late.

~People who spend money blindly/foolishly, then complain they don't have any--I know some and they are getting on my last nerve.

~People who won't bathe and/or seem oblivious to how their personal hygiene (or lack thereof) affects others



I have lots of peeves, and I reckon I must be turning into a curmudgeon (is that a unisex term?) because I vent them often and everywhere. But I suppose my pet peeve would be misuse of language, either through ignorance, stupidity or downright willful perversion.

I just posted this example yesterday: 58349702, and I'm sure you'll remember this one: But it's nearly impossible to read a news story lately without finding at least one usage error and several agreement errors (not to mention clumsy construction, faulty parallelism, sentence fragments and improper paragraph breaks).

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


and I reckon I must be turning into a curmudgeon (is that a unisex term?) because I vent them often and everywhere.

Then I am right there with you, O (and yes, I do declare curmudgeon is an appropriate word for it )
More and more lately I am witnessing misuse of the language and it is disheartening. I would add basic spelling is also getting worse, and I don't mean in e-mails or informal communication like message boards, but in newspaper articles, where people are being paid to check things like that!

I will admit I find myself double-checking my Facebook posts because there's no edit button over there--and (especially now that I am under much more possible scrutiny from reconnecting with more people as of late) I would be mortified if something was out of place. For example, something that sounds OK in conversation might make me cringe when I actually type it out. If my posts here are guilty of errors odds are it was typed late at night or when I was tired, and is not a deliberate mistake! (That's my disclaimer, anyway. ) However, I do like to write in fragments at times and I fully admit to starting sentences (and ending them also) with prepositions--some English rules are fun to break.



There's nothing wrong with informal usage and construction in informal correspondence or fiction depicting normal conversation; I use it myself quite often. The problem is egregious errors in formal nonfiction such as news articles, whose writers (as you say) are PAID to write properly.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Last night on the Daily Show Jon Stewart was talking about the televised seven hour health care summit, and said that they only way it could've been more boring is if they were curling!!!

Curling is becoming the fruitcake of sports.


"Health care summit"? They actually called it that? What other country's leaders were they discussing American health care with?

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


I think we should deport all foreigners living abroad


It's so bad I laughed at that! (But, you remind of my old friend Roscoe, humorwise--and you tell Sven jokes too)



I think we should deport all foreigners living abroad

You laugh, but remember that the much-ballyhooed "Emancipation Proclamation" only pretended to free slaves living in areas which were not at the time under Lincoln's authority.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Cliches like these:

"He/she was in the wrong place at the wrong time."
Of course they were if we're talking about a billboard falling on their head. When it's used about someone who has been attacked, raped or murdered it sounds like an excuse for the crime.

"Lessons have been learned"
No they haven't when it's the umpteenth time social workers have left a child with incompetent or abusive parents to be either gravely injured or killed.

"He was known as a Gentle Giant"
(Someone with a string of convictions for violent acts.)

"She was known as a little angel.
No she wasn't. She was called a lot of things but "little angel" wasn't one of them.)


I agree with those, too, Indy.



This made me laugh. It's so true. I never thought of it like that.


To get a picture on my Facebook page I generally put it in my photobucket, then Right Click and 'save picture as' to put it on my computer, then log onto Facebook and hit Browse and click that I have the right to upload it, then click 'No, I don't want it pushed into the faces of everyone I've friended, I'm not insane.' Then leave Facebook to go to My Computer/My Pictures to delete said picture because having too much stuff on clogs it up and makes it run slowly. And that's why I rarely post pics on Facebook!

(The only picture I have saved on my computer is my screensaver.)


I am trying to keep an open mind about my family being on Facebook, but so far I really don't care for it.
Not that I own the place (of course) but I think they take the 'status update' feature literally because so far they've talked about the 'status' things they spend money on, such as fancy coffee drinks from Starbucks and my brother-in-law's recent upgrade to digital cable with a zillion channels. (his/her words) Now I ask you, do Americans really need a "zillion channels" (otherwise known as more reasons not to get off the couch)?

[Here's where October's vent/rant against Starbucks coffee makes me feel better] I know it's kicking around on a recent thread.

I actually left a comment to the effect that if I lived in her city I would disown Starbucks because there are so many great independent coffeehouses worth patronizing. It might make slightly more sense if she lived in my town, where all we have in our immediate area is Starbucks...I predict it won't be received well.



I was mentioning yesterday elsewhere that I don't like people behind me in line crowding me at a counter.

That was yesterday, baby!


I'm actually a Starbuck's virgin; I have never been in a Starbuck's or even drunk one of their coffees purchased for me by someone else. And it's not because of any conscious boycott; I fully intend to march into one someday and order a mocha crappucino venti grande or whatever, -just to see what all the fuss is about. And a biscotti. (Ten bucks for coffee and a cookie! My scottish-dutch ancestors will rise from their graves,-and then I'll have to bury them again. )

I'll let you know the minute some perky barrista has their way with me as velvety cool jazz saxophone plays in the background.

(I think I was also traumatized by all those exasperating coffee run scenes in the novel The Devil Wears Prada,-I associate waiting on line at Starbuck's with being a much-screamed-at serf to some termagent. I love the way the girl in the book gets coffee for homeless people -charged to her company's account- and clearly thinks this makes her Mother Theresa.)

Miranda Priestly: Is there some reason that my coffee isn't here? Has she died or something?


at having to bury them all over again! Great post, Missy.

The Devil Wears Prada

Did you see the movie? *swoons at all the clothes*

Miss Meryl played mean really well. Emily Blunt and Anne Hathaway were lots of fun to watch also.



I have to confess I stole the 'bury them' line from Groucho, lamb! 'Horse feathers', I think. Rufus T Firefly: "Forget? A Firefly never forgets! Why my ancestors would rise from their graves. And then I'd have to bury them again." (That's why I included the Groucho-esque smiley; the message board version of a footnote!!)

I loved the movie as well, and the Meryl Streep character was much less obnoxious than in the book. I think the book is much more discerning and incisive than your standard chick lit, and I display it proudly on my bookshelf.

Andy Sachs: So none of the girls here eat anything?
Nigel: Not since two became new four and zero became the new two.
Andy Sachs: Well, I'm a six...
Nigel: Which is the new fourteen.

You laugh and wince at the same time! But the book is full of moments like that.


Just for you java

Two guys on ice a two act play

I’ve never seen it but my cousin has, it’s a two act play in Minnesota about two guys ice fishing. Now in Minnesota ice fishing is a national sport (Minnesota thinks it’s a country) anyway I've never seen it but my cousin has and says it’s hilarious and ya know the Sven and olive jokes? Well out there Sven and olive jokes aren’t jokes,… there considered normal guys ( fer real). Anywhere here goes one of the scenes in ‘two guys on ice’

Sven and ole are having a few brewskies (as if ya can ever have enough) and decide to go ice fishing. So they load up there ice fishing equipment at midnight and go looking for smooooooth ice to drill a hole in. So they finally find a place with smooooth ice and start drilling a hole in the ice fer ice fishing. Suddenly a single bright light shines on them and a loud booming voice boomes out saying “threes no fish there”….so they move about 30 feet away and start drilling another hole in the ice to go ice fishing and a bright light beams on them again and says ..’Threes no fish there” so Sven and ole start getting scared and Sven says “is that you almighty?” ….and the booming voice says “no I’m the ice skating rink manager”


Thank you so much for the laughs, Nolatecharges! And please join me in having a cyberbrewski because as you said, ya can never have enough!




"double standard"

Oh, man, that's a pet peeve of mine as well. Every human value judgment implies double, triple, quadruple of even 12x standards; we don't judge desserts by the same criteria as meat, or goats by the criteria of chickens, or motorcycles by the criteria of airplanes, but there's this pretense that it's somehow "bad" and "wrong" to hold anything to its own standard instead of that of something else.

Another word like that is "discrimination", which literally means the ability to tell the difference between things.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


My biggest peeve right now is anyone who tries to hinder someone else's pursuit of happiness when the pursuer is behaving ethically and responsibly.


I hate it when posters go completely off topic on an existing thread. I find that if, later, I want to follow up one of these messages I have to surf through a number of threads in an attempt to find it - most often unsuccessfully


Sorry about that.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Mea maxima culpa, -I do it, too. In my defense I mostly do it to revive a fading thread that has exhausted it's original subject: all of the regulars and any interested lurking newbies have weighed in already. BUT .... I could mitigate the offense considerably by just altering my subject heading to reflect the new riff. In fact, that's not a bad resolution for spring. Now anyone can find where I've said whatever from the descriptive subject heading in my posting history. Beginning now.


Mea maxima culpa, -I do it, too. In my defense I mostly do it to revive a fading thread that has exhausted it's original subject: all of the regulars and any interested lurking newbies have weighed in already.

I also hate the thought of a fading thread being zapped but I prefer it being revived with just a "bump", rather than a post on a different subject. When that happens I'm disappointed - as a regular - that someone hasn't come up with something new of the original subject and newbies must be totally confused.

It's a shame that old threads have to be zapped on this site owing, I guess, to lack of space. On another one I visit posts on Secretary start on June 21 2003 and it makes fascinating reading to see what people felt about the movie when it was first released.


There was a thread on the Help board I just read yesterday that said IMDb's new system allowed more older threads to remain on the boards (revised expiration policy)--I had noticed that Music General goes back to Christmas at the moment and they used to be on a one month rotation--thought it might be a fluke but happy if it's not!

That would be interesting to see really old posts about Secretary. If you get a chance, could you PM me the link? I don't really have time for another forum but I might like to lurk.



Will do.


Indy, you may as well give up on that around here! That used to annoy me also, I remember even starting a thread about it once--but now I pretty much just go with the flow, and heck, probably go a bit off-topic myself.
I have found if I need some specific information (like a recipe for instance), it's easier to ask somebody to link me to it, cause I'll likely never find the thread again!



OK, here goes some current ones~

~I dislike that I can't post anything depressing/sad as my status on Facebook since my family joined. I mean, people never take to me posting much other than happy stuff anyway, I've found, but now I'd either have family questioning why, or else disregarding it anyways. Not to mention I certainly can't vent about them!

~Certain members of my immediate family tend to be OCD and it drives me up the wall why there can't be more middle ground. It's exhausting at times. (And I am fully aware I have these tendencies as well, but I don't think I'm quite as bad, usually.)

~I hate that when things change in my world, it's almost always for the worse. Things I wish would change, never do, and things I actually like as they are, always change or go away. It's depressing.

"It's like living in a house full of Howie Mandels"


This isn't a personal pet peeve of mine but the N.O. Saints, just after winning the Super Bowl, have rewarded 1,200 loyal season ticket holders by informing them that they will lose their seats because they will be used to create 16 new luxury skyboxes. This will be a huge PR disater for the team, but for some reason no one even thought of that.

"Anyone who says he can see through women is missing a lot" - Groucho Marx


Is it just temporary until they finish renovating the skyboxes? That doesn't make much sense; it's not like they can afford to piss off their fans simply because they finally won a Superbowl!

"It's like living in a house full of Howie Mandels"


I heard about this on a couple of sports shows; I don't know if it's temporary but I doubt it. One of them said that the 1,200 displcaed season ticket holders would be placed on the short list to get one of the skyboxes, which is not much consolation. But there's no mention of anything on the Saints website.

It's not unusual for NFL teams to jerk their fans around once they're successful and get more revenue coming in. The San Diego Chargers, after years of mediocrity, became successful in the late 1970's and 1980's and jacked up their ticket prices several times, and then did it again under the Alex Spanos ownership during the 1990's

"Anyone who says he can see through women is missing a lot" - Groucho Marx


Wow, that's really thoughtless and short-sighted of the Saints management.

Here's a peeve for you: unruly and tempermental DVRs! I went out last night and programmed my DVR to record 30 Rock. When I got home two hours later I sat down to watch it, and the machine hadn't recorded anything. I clicked on that entry in my recording list -it would've disappeared if it had recorded the show- and got the stern red Cannot record on this disk message. Huh? I pressed the record button to test it, and it recorded perfectly.

I know you're going to say that electrical devices do not have moods and hissy fits, -but mine do, or seem to. Not the first time this has happened. This is why I always stay home on Monday nights to record Big Bang Theory in person.

"Missy, why don't you just get TiVo?"

Because TiVo records things it thinks you'll like, just like Amazon's pesky 'Recommended for you' list. I am not feeble-minded and incontinent ("There now, Ms Holland, just put your feet up and watch Ugly Americans, and here's some nice tapioca pudding.")

And I bet it has technical glitches, too.


Missy, you won't catch me telling you to "just get TiVo"--I don't even have a DVR yet! I hope it also records things a person tells it to, and not just random 'recommendations'

My brother-in-law just got a DVR recently when he upgraded their cable package and my sister said it has missed a couple of things that were supposed to record. I suspect you are not alone!

"It's like living in a house full of Howie Mandels"


Is that the brother-in-law you're no so crazy about? Sorry to hear he's a Seinfeld fan as well! I got this DVR at Target for $79 (I know!) as a clearance item -Sanyo I think- and usually it works just fine, but every so often it flips me the bird. You never see them below $130; I've begun to think it was mis-marked!

Some sad news: my old computer, previously only in a persistent vegetative state, has now completely bitten the dust. After it got that virus when I turned it on I would at least see the Windows logo for three seconds, and then it would go to that blue screen. But last night I turned it on and the screen stayed blank and black, -and the little green 'on' light in the lower right corner flickered briefly and then went out. I haven't thrown it out before because I didn't want some dishonest geek squad thief to be able to retrieve my personal information, but now I can; it's totally fried.


I haven't thrown it out before because I didn't want some dishonest geek squad thief to be able to retrieve my personal information, but now I can; it's totally fried.
Before you recycle it (don't just throw it out, there are toxic metals in the circuit boards), remove the hard drive.

Then either keep the hard drive for (possible) use in another computer or temporarily connect it to another computer and erase the files or (if that is beyond your tech skills) physically smash it with a hammer (several times!) before you recycle the drive. The hard drive is where your personal information is stored, and even if the old computer won't start, removing the hard drive and retrieving the information is child's play to any 'geek squad thief'.

If you don't know how to remove the hard drive yourself, I would bet that any place that recycles computers will be able to remove the hard drive for you and give it to you (it probably will take 2 minutes to do). The drive itself is only about 2/3 the size of a VHS tape (for a desktop computer) or about the size of a deck of cards (for a laptop computer).

On the IMDb, nobody knows you're a (I said nobody knows!).


Thank you very much for the info, Grayovac. I knew you wouldn't put it in a landfill -like batteries- but I wasn't sure how to dispose of it. Tell me: Can you get a virus just by clicking on the link of an infected site, or do you have to actually try and install or download something to get one? I'm very wary now about spending much on a new one because I only had that for eight months.


(Sorry it took so long to reply)

You can get a virus by clicking on a link (normally by clicking on links that automatically run web-based programs (like Java or ActiveX) there are programs like that which are benign, but you should assume the opposite until proven otherwise), but you can also help protect yourself from that possibility.

First of all, have a good antivirus program running that can scan your computer and internet activity for possible viruses. I use avast! which has a good freeware version, but there are many other good free ones as well.

Secondly, if you're using Firefox, install the add-on NoScript:
This will block potentially harmful programs unless you explicitly tell it to trust a website. And even trusted websites may have ads from bad companies, so just because the main page is trusted, don't assume the ads are okay too - google mail is a classic case. I trust my gmail account, but I almost never click on the ads that appear on the top of my gmail page.

Therefore (again if you have Firefox) it helps to install the add-on WOT (Web of Trust):
This displays a green/yellow/red icon on links to warn you if a link may lead to a potentially 'unsafe' site. There are ratings in several categories and the ratings are user-provided.

For more info on this type of protection, go to IMDb's Computers and Software message board, there are many people there who can help.

On the IMDb, nobody knows you're a (I said nobody knows!).


Thank you for that very helpful reply, Grayovac; I'll be sure to do everything you said. Actually this virus thing has been such a pain that I wouldn't mind paying for anti-virus protection to prevent a recurrence. (Ten generations of Scottish-Dutch ancestors just gasped in unison.) That's why I don't have a dinky little $5 lock on my new bicycle, -with bolt cutters you can snip through those in five seconds! I've got an OnGuard Bulldog Brute. I very rarely click on ads anyway; if I want Sears I just Google Sears.

(Anybody else go to a weird mental place when they saw Grayovac's subject title: 'Computer Prophylactics'?)


(Anybody else go to a weird mental place when they saw Grayovac's subject title: 'Computer Prophylactics'?)

Yep, me as well Missy.



Can you reminisce about an ex-peeve on here? Ringtones, -they've disappeared almost overnight. A year ago all you heard was songs like Cher's Believe blasting out of backpacks, and now almost everybody seems to have switched to plain, traditional rings. Is it the same where you guys live?

Weird Al's parody song Ringtone (released August 2009) came just in the nick of time and seems to have accurately captured the fed up mood of the country as the tiresome ringtone fad scampered out the back door. ("And stay out!!")

However....websites that provide song lyrics don't seem to have gotten the message yet. Whenever I check a site like LyricsFreak, I immediately get a pop up I have to X out urging me to order the ring tone. Grr. Wouldn't I Google 'song title-ring tone' if that was what I wanted? So I guess that's my new peeve!


(Anybody else go to a weird mental place when they saw Grayovac's subject title: 'Computer Prophylactics'?)

I thought of those latex keyboard protectors (to keep dust and dirt out)--or as a friend of mine said long before I ever had a computer of my own, "computer condoms"!

I'd agree that money spent on virus protection is money well-spent as well. Will probably save Grayovac's
reply in case I find myself switching over to PCs anytime in the future.

"It's like living in a house full of Howie Mandels"


Doc, as a Saint fan since the age of 8 (even having no ties to the city, the state, or the region) I was also disappointed when I read that.

I looked into it a little, and it is NOT temporary. It's also not unusual. Same thing happens at almost every stadium when the renovations are made. According to the news story I read, the renovation was planned several years ago and is no coinciding with the championship season.

According to the story that one of the reasons that the Saints were trying to get a new stadium built was more luxury boxes...but things didn't work out too well for that, so this is the plan instead.

What people don't understand is that the Saints will make more money from those luxury boxes than they will the individual seat tickets. Plus the heightened exposure of the Championship will increase merch to the point that they will not notice the loss of those ticket sales at all.


Not the practice (which, considering it's existed since the dawn of civilization, can hardly be reduced to a "peeve") but rather the term. It's one of those ridiculously vague, impossibly broad terms like "transgendered", an attempt to shove a bunch of different concepts under one huge umbrella.

I first heard the term "human trafficking" in the '80s, when it was being used to mean secretly carrying people from a country in which they currently resided to one in which they wished to reside, in violation of borders and controls on immigration (in the case of the US) or emigration (in the case of the Communist countries). But then in the late '90s it was suddenly expanded to include agricultural slavery, white slavery, baby-selling, indentured servitude, mail-order bride services which violate local laws, and probably a dozen other things I'm not thinking of; I've even heard escort services referred to by the term! The ONLY thing these crimes and/or practices have in common is that they all involve moving humans from one place to another in violation of some law, but that's hardly enough resemblance to justify the equation of a gray-area service which only "traffics" the willing with out-and-out forcible slavery.

When will people realize that vague catch-all terms like this result in nothing but confusion and injustice?

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Friends and their passive-aggressive bull$hit...I still can't believe the e-mail I got on Easter Eve. A cyberfriend announced they were basically 'breaking up' with me because I don't "give back" emotionally or whatever. This is hugely ironic because THIS particular person e-mailed me way more than anyone else during the six months we've chatted, and I always tried to find the time to answer, even though I don't even talk to my closest family or friends that often, usually. I would love to talk to you ladies here (and a few gents!) more often, but we are all adults and realize the nature of adult friendships means some days are busier than others (with no time to answer e-mails with great depth), some days we just might retreat into our caves (so to speak) because we don't necessarily feel like talking. I am an introvert and just have periods like that--but I will always come out of them eventually. Granted, this person has been a student for much if not all of their life, so I suspect 'real-world' things like worrying about paying the bills, dealing with aging parents/demanding siblings or even the direction your life is going in are fairly foreign concepts. I have A LOT on my plate on any given day, yet I will drop it all if a friend needs something, because I do try to be there for the people I care about. So yes, to be told this is a slap-in-the-face, and I reserve the right to be pissed for a bit, even though I wasn't even sure I would post this because I was worried how the wording would come off. Also ironic because for the most part I wish my friends would e-mail me MORE often than they do. I never did really know what the deal was with this particular person, whom I never sought out anyway--another past friend sort of pushed us together in the first place.

"It's like living in a house full of Howie Mandels"


Though it's insulting now, in the long run you are MUCH better off without people like that. They're emotional vampires who such people dry and then move on to the next "friend" or "relationship", and they often compound their sin by accusing their VICTIMS of being the needy ones.

Count yourself lucky this lamprey let go without having to be beat off or removed by electric shock, and chalk it up to experience.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Thank you so much O, and you too, Doc for your insights. I love having the insightful people here to make me feel better about the inanities (is that a word? ) of my life.

"It's like living in a house full of Howie Mandels"


inanities (is that a word?)


Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


I'm so sorry, JJ. That seems so incredible to me, because your posts positively ooze warmth, spirit, and enthusiasm. She sounds like a drip.

October, as for 'human trafficking' did you know that there was a film called 'Traffic in Souls' that was released in 1913? Silent, of course. It was about young immigrant girls being kidnapped right off the boat and sold into slavery. And how's this for a modern touch: the millionaire who covertly operated the ring was known as the leader of the 'International Purity and Reform League'. The stuffy, rigid puritan watchdog who's actually much more corrupt and depraved than the transgressors they denounce. Apparently that breed has been with us at least 100 years now.


The stuffy, rigid puritan watchdog who's actually much more corrupt and depraved than the transgressors they denounce. Apparently that breed has been with us at least 100 years now.

They've been with us a lot longer than that; I hardly need call the attention of a Hawthorne fan to "Young Goodman Brown", now do I?

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


The direct literary ancestor of The Scarlet Letter! Definitely not.

Do you know anyone else who would admit to owning a :


Sorry you had to go through that, java. I can't think of how many people I've had similar dealings with in the past, which is why I rarely have anything to do with almost anyone these days.

As long as we're discussing pet peeves, and along a similar topic, I've lost a few friendships because of politics. I personally do not care what people believe; it's a free country (in theory at least). But I've known several people who would get really upset because I did not conform to their political viewpoints. These people would regularly forward conservative-bashing e-mails to me by the dozen (I am moderate but lean conservative), but if I forwarded even one e-mail that was critical of liberals they'd get upset. I just would tell these people that if you're going to dish it out, you have to take it. Some of them literally did not understand that point; they really believed it was okay for them to trash those they didn't agree with but thought they were immune from the same thing. Eventually, I just let relationships with such people peter out.

"Anyone who says he can see through women is missing a lot" - Groucho Marx


Doc, my experience is that those who react in that way sincerely believe that there is only one correct viewpoint on a particular subject and anyone who disagrees is either mad, bad or plain ignorant - or all three.

