Wow, this is really bad...

Did anyone else think this was just really boring? I rented it having no idea what it was about, and I gave it a chance for the first hour and just couldn't sit through anymore.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing." - Darth Vader


AGREED! The morons on the rest of these postings who think this movie "rocked" and call Americans "simple-minded" for hating it are on crack.

Avoid this film like it's a dead person lying in the street in 2021!!!!!!


Can someone please just tell me what the movie was about? Explain the metaphores to me, because I'll admit, I didn't quite get them. And I don't care if that makes me stupid, at least I am asking.


You can claim that it was a metaphor, you can claim that it was about anything you like but if it doesnt come across you just have this enormous pile of dung. I inflicted this on my wife and then left sometime before the end. She now has grounds for a divorce.
Special mention to Sean Penn for worst accent in a movie in the 21st century so far. Did he really perform all of his scenes drunk?


OMG. There's an hour and a half of my life I can't get back.
Worst movie ever! The only thing I could say at the end was "What the...?"


no need to get so fiercely nationalistic about your films, warren85; just makes you seem ignorant. furthermore, this movie is deeply flawed, whether you've come into it seeking a "romantic tear-jerker", or whether you're an avid cineaste. for one thing, the pacing is off - no, that doesn't mean i thought it was slow and boring, it means the rhythm of the film doesn't properly mirror or accentuate the content. also, the performances seemed arbitrarily cold. the whole film tried to go for that wintry, impersonal vibe, which is a perfectly smart way of portraying the future without going overboard, but it all seemed quite forced. the quirky, dystopian details of the society in which they live didn't seem real, or surreal, as it were, just random. watch michael winterbottom's code 46, won kar wai's 2046, alphaville, or perhaps even the fifth element, for a better take on many of the ideas this film seems to have , but falls short of executing.




all of you negative posters just convinced me to go look for this movie because with everything you wrote, i just KNOW this movie is gonna be great!

"Power to the people who punish bad cinema!!" - Cecil B. Demented for president!!


Its a good movie, full stop.

America has trouble realising starship troopers was ironic, so they aren't going to 'get' this.

Its probably why they are brutalising and torturing Iraqis and your opposition to a corrupt president is useless.

“We don’t do body counts”
General Tommy Franks, US Central Command


"Hello sir. Have you seen that it's snowing?" ???? What kind of stupid dialouge is that? Was the character talking to a blind person???

O M Gosh....this movies s#cked arse so bad it's not funny. I don't care what its about, I don't care about the gravity in Uganda, the people dying in the streets from lack of love, the numerous figure skater woman etc etc. This movie was horrible horrible horrible. There are tiny flickers of good acting every 15 minutes or so, but the story is so un-interesting that I could not watch it all. After the snow in July, I had to fast forward through most of the rest to make it bare-able. Dull, dumb and deadly boring.

When movies are this bad, like Unbreakable, The Shipping News and K-Pax, I cannot help but give them a negative rating. This movie scores a robust -7 / 10!

DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM unless you feel the desire to poke your eye with a blunt object repeatedly!


Well, I must say, I actually did like Unbreakable, The Shipping News and K-Pax but I agree on this movie. Wow! I'm not even sure what to think! Metaphore this, Metaphore that. Although, I'm not sure I was bored exactly... the movie kept me quite entertained, only if on a deeper level. It kept me entertained not because the movie itself was exciting but because I spent an hour and a half trying to figure out WHAT THE F*&^ was going on! Seriously, I'd probably watch this again just to see if I missed something. I actually was quite intrigued during the entire movie but it failed to deliver any sort of climax or conclusion. This movie would've needed at least another hour to be able give me answers to all the questions I and no doubt all of you have and one of those questions is "Why does anyone waste any time making such a movie?"... Why? Why punish the rest of us... Were they just teasing me? I think I'm more disappointed that I'll never get answers (because a sequel would be grounds for execution) or that the movie was just that bad.

I think at this point I'm just confused and am really just ranting with not much to say...

Really though, if you haven't seen it... don't bother, it makes your head hurt.

by the way, I'm neither American nor European... I'm Canadian, and you can say whatever you like about that!

take care movie fans!


Thanks for a good post mberube-2. I pretty much agree with your take. I think the loose ends are what killed the movie for me... there was definitely an ending with the death of the lovers, but there was so much that didn't add up in-between that I felt I was saying "What, now?" at the end. It was one of those movies where I thought to myself, "This was probably really good as a book or as a screenplay, but something got lost in translation."


"America has trouble realising starship troopers was ironic, so they aren't going to 'get' this"

Starship Troopers, ironic or not, was a poor film.

"Now go home and get your *beepin* shinebox."


I just looked back through the posts on this thread. Everyone who claims to like the movie resorts to attacks on those who dont. Paraphrasing:
we didn't get the metaphor
we are not openminded
we like simplistic Hollywood trash
oxygen doesnt reach our brains
also ignorant, stupid
blah blah blah

The pay off for claiming this is obviously the feeling of superiority it gives someone to appreciate art that the ignorant masses dislike. However the price they pay for their superiority is to watch this movie over and over again! Sounds fair to me. Happy watching 'wads.


I think that last comment was the best one I've seen on this. I usually love deep, artsy movies that make you think, but this one just wasn't done well enough to make me care what it meant. There were too many gaps, too many things you had to work to figure out, and the clones really were the worst part. They could have taken the same story line and done it better.

So like it if you want, or don't, but jeez - it's just a movie. After wasting 20 minutes on this site, I think we all need to get out more.



I think that the dead people in the street were the luckiest ones...because they didn't have to suffer through the entire movie like I did. If I had purchased this movie, rather than rented it, I would have really been pissed. Since it was my turn to pick a movie instead of my girlfriends, and it sucked so bad, all of my movie picking rites have been forever revoked. It's almost like Joaquin Phoenix and Sean Penn were hard up for a paycheck. The most amusing part was when the 3 dancers got shot. I laughed my a** off; by far the most enjoyable part of the movie. It should suffice to say that I don't recommend this movie.



This movie sucked!!

It was so bad I can't believe it, bad acting, bad script, what the hell were they thinking? It's like the first time I don't care for the characters or what happens to them, I was like "oh God just kill the quick so this thing will end!"

Bitch.. you don't have a future.. ~ The Bride ~



no it isn't, it's dumb, boring, and the acting is terrible, I can't believe Joaquin Phoenix was so bad! Claire Dannes was bad too.

And what was with Sean Penn anyway? what was his role? talking from a plane about God knows that.. Ok after 20 mins of the movie, I didn't really care for knowing or understanding what was going on.

Bitch.. you don't have a future.. ~ The Bride ~



Thats because you are a spoon fed idiot.


Brilliant retort.

"Now go home and get your *beepin* shinebox."


I did not find it boring. But it failed to live up to its potential. As a thriller, it was sloppy plotting. And the love story between Joaquin and Claire was perfunctory. It does not reach the level of an Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. When you got a movie without a point, the vibes emanated better reach that Eternal Sunshine level. There was no good way of connecting the fate of the world with the fate of the characters - it was more of a gimmicky backdrop to make the romance seem deeper than it really was.

I mean why doess he really fall in love with her again - just because he is protective of her? That is not such a deep concept in case some of the pretentious posters here like to insult the minds of americans.


First time I thought to myself “What a mess..” seems like mix of half baked ideas.

But something made me re-watch it and after some thinking I believe I figured it out.

The whole movie is about caring of people towards one another.

This movie asks a simple question: If today we don’t care that millions in Africa are dying can’t this apathy go worse in the near future.

We might be apathetic to people in our city that dies in front of us.
And those people died because of lack of empathy in the first place.

Like the man in the bus that didn’t care that someone besides him seems dead. He only thought about stealing his watch, or the child who was with his mother and was totally businesslike towards John while he lay unconscious on the street.

Treating people like a commodity you could just throw away and replace: Planning to clone and murder Elena simply because she won’t continue to bring profit as a star.

The whole flying Ugandans is just a joke of the writer on the audience as if he tells us: “In order for you, the viewer, to care about the Ugandans they need to fly. A flying Ugandan is more interesting (for you) than dying Ugandan”.

The writer takes this “lack of empathy” theme to its extreme when we see a brother willing to collaborate with the murdering of his own loving sister because he wants to be more important.

So if anyone says “I can’t understand what’s this movie is all about”
Just read the title – It’s All About Love.

