Wow, this is really bad...

Did anyone else think this was just really boring? I rented it having no idea what it was about, and I gave it a chance for the first hour and just couldn't sit through anymore.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing." - Darth Vader


This film was not really bad. it was really, really, really, phantasmagoricaly bad!!! Sean Penn is my favorite actor and this film gave him his worst role and he gave his worst performance. Juaqine was boring and Claire danes looked lost. The whole film could have been a big, symbolic, romantic, film on love with sci-fi thrown in as a plot but it was all convoluted and boring. 'the celebration' was a good film but this was not at all. when i first heard of it, i wondered why it was being held up for release especialy with that cast. now i know!!! the horror...the horror...


This movie sucked wet ass! I stayed up late (waiting for kids to go to bed, which didn't happen until 3am) and watched this waste of film (Hey Blockbuster, I want my 300 pennies back!) It had potential (sp) but it was just plain awful. The flying Africans was just too much. I was done after that, LOL. I felt dumber just for watching this crap! Ugh.
My 2 cents :)

Hey old man river! Zip it, before I break your hip!~~~~Tyna



Yeah, this was really bad, I think if there was more feeling to it though, if you actually felt something for the two lovers, and they actually came off as great lovers, it would've been kind of nice in the end, who knows. That would be in spite of Penn and all the poeticism. What I liked in this was that scene with the Africans tied to ropes floating up into the sky, that was good. I liked The Celebration too. His newer film, Dear Wendy, is actually as crap as It's All About Love, maybe a little bit worse.


They weren't great lovers. That's why they died.


actually, i thought the only thing that made sense in the movie was when sean penn spoke.. at least it accounted for the title...

terrible terrible movie


I agree. I kept waiting for something to happen, and when it did, it was like, "so what?"



ok did i just watch a movie or drink WAY too much nyquil?? i think the combonation of both would cause an were these a list actors thinking about!?!...




I rented this movie last saterday and i must agree, even though this movie is apparently about metaphores... i kept waiting til it got better and it never came. It's true we should sometimes ask the video clerk about the movies we want to rent. It could save us a lot of money and time. FSFAN


While I have to agree with everyone else on this thread, (the movie is so bad that I am actually composing this post WHILE the movie is playing!)

I have to disagree with the advice of asking the video clerks about the movies one rents. Unless you know for a fact that the clerk you are talking to has an actual brain and watches movies, asking a clerk for movie advice will most likely have you end up watching blow-em-up action flicks and slasher movies that have at least five roman numerals in the title.

Be careful asking video store clerks (at least the ones in the stores where I rent) for movie watching advice.

Test them first with some simple questions like "What's your favorite movie of all time?" and "Have you seen any of the following: (not in any particular order)

Seven Samurai
Citizen Kane
Pulp Fiction
The Godfather
A Clockwork Orange
The Wizard of Oz
The Apartment
The Lady Eve
It's A Wonderful Life?

if they can't asnwer yes to at least one of those, steer clear of their movie advice.

And by the way, even after all that, It's All About Love still sucks.


Yes red racer.. I agree. I too, couldn't stand ONE more second of that movie, and had to come here to post a comment while the movie was playing.. I too, feel even dumber, for having watched that movie. If I could initiate a frivolous lawsuit, it would be a civil suit, against the director and producer, for the 60 minutes I lost, while watching that movie. I lost an hour, trying to give this dungpile a chance..what was I thinking... I knew right off the rip, that this movies going to suck hind tit. I would take the huge charge, for not returning this movie, just to burn it in my backyard, to ensure, there is one less copy of this movie on the planet....


Great photography - LOL!

Irony: Bill Gates in Fiddler on the Roof singing "If I Were A Rich Man".


I own a small local store and actually bought TWO copies of this piece of crap. I tell my good customers not to rent it and even when they insist they want to try it I tell they only have to pay if they liked it. SO far 10 people HAVE NOT paid for it;))))
In regards to the earlier post about asking the clerk. Make sure the clerk knows what you like. I know a lot if my customers and make sure that they get movies they will like not necessarily movies I like.



have to agree with everyone else...made it one hour...and then no more.


I'd rather have my kneecaps removed then watch this mish-mash again. Intolerably bad. Painfully pretentious. I would rather watch two mice make love, even if the screen was fuzzy.


There is a good idea in this film but that's about as far as it goes. The rest is a hodgepodge of intrigue and deception. But the movie is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO SLOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW that after a while I found myself thinking a good bowel movement has more energy than this pretentious crap. Somebody should have put the brakes on this film long before it had been made.*1/2 out of 4.


There is a good idea in this film but that's about as far as it goes. The rest is a hodgepodge of intrigue and deception. But the movie is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO SLOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW that after a while I found myself thinking a good bowel movement has more energy than this crap. Somebody should have put the brakes on this film long before it had been made. *1/2 outof 4.



Have you ever watched Cats & Dogs or Poltergeist? They both could have been made in Mandarin & Russian and still kicked "It's All About Love" sad excuse for a movie butt. This movie could have starred Audrey Tautou, Ken Watanabe and the late great Divine and STILL sucked wet non american ass! We get it, you love this movie get over it! Then again, Divine might made it worth watching.

Hey old man river! Zip it, before I break your hip!~ Adam Sandler in Big Daddy


"What they got instead was a foreign film with a complex plot that makes you think. Maybe if some of you had a more open mind instead of wanting to see big-budget schlock you might have liked this a bit more."

I have an open mind and watched the whole movie, i understood the metaphors and was not bored. However it still sucked because it was impossible to follow. For example, what was Mr. Morrison's part? Did he kill the clones? What was the brother doing in the end walking off alone? If the lovers found love, and a lot of it, why did they die of cold hearts? Sean Penn is afraid of flying till a drug makes him addicted to flying, what does that have to do with anything?

Answer me that and don't be so arrogent with your posts.


Warren. I write for a living and this is just a bad movie. However, tastes vary, and that's what makes critiquing a film so interesting. It's bad. It's meandering and even the people in it didn't like it. Personally, I would hate for anyone to watch it thinking they were getting something avant-garde rather than the painful, inexplicable mess it is.


THANK YOU, SIR! I think you summed this up perfectly. It's amazing when you or I don't like a film. People accuse us of being small minded, popcorn eating dolts who only like explosions, death, carnage, sex and nudity. When I wrote my opinion of this film, that was what it was.....MY OPNION. If some of the people here liked it GOD BLESS'EM! But you said it perfectly! Thank you for responding.


Just finished watching this movie myself with my wife... I see that you, warren, are about the only person speaking positively about the movie. You are exactly the type of person I am looking for, because I want to know... exactly what did you get from the movie? I mean, the movie was nice enough... good shooting, good acting, good music, etc. The writing was decent enough (the part at the rink near the end with the four Elena's was probably the most interesting point) for large chunks of the movie... but at the end, it felt to me like there were so many loose ends and unfinished chunks that we were very unsatisfied. Metaphor and so forth are all very nice, but I didn't feel a whole lot of meaning at the end. All the hints about the 'end of times' and the crazy stuff happening in Africa seemed to be in there for no reason at all... that is, the movie would have been pretty much the same without them. Maybe you'll see me as just another "stupid American", but if that's the case I'd like the movie explained to me because I'd really like to understand the point. To me it seemed like a well put-together story, except at the end the narrator falls asleep. Then you wake him up, and he's tired of it, so he just ends with blithely with "And they all died." Somewhat disappointing.

But you, warren, seem like just the person to make the movie make sense, since you like the movie so much. I await inspiration!



And all of these comments are the reason I love this film. You all breath the same air as me and, yet, somehow the oxygen never reaches your brains or your hearts. How does that happen? I do not look forward to stepping over your dead bodies in my quest for purest love. whores, one and all.

"Does she look like a whore?" - Joaquin in this movie, could have been about this movie.

The only weak point I have been able to discern was the problem the three biggest names in the film had with their accents. I'm not quite sure what happened there.

I've watched it three times already and will watch it many more.


Ok, I studied and worked on independent films in the 60s. I know independent filmmakers who have edited major films. I used to hang around the San Francisco and Los Angeles film festivals I enjoy foreign and domestic films, especially talky pretentious French films that are about human beings, their thoughts and dreams. I have seen all of Bergmans’ films. I understand metaphors, good and bad.

I am American.

I was extremely disappointed in this film. It took what was a good concept and utterly failed. It was overdone, heavy-handed, unclear and pretentious. One thing that drove me nuts during the film was Marciello played by Sean Penn, he was supposedly Johns brother I think. Where and why was he flying, was he on a cell phone talking to his brother or a recorder or just to himself? At one point he seemed to be waiting in the snow for his brother. But when John gets to the snow he is back in the plane again. His brother is calling someone. I thought it was brother Penn, but Penn seems to be talking to himself as husband has hung up already.

What were the three copies of Elena? Elena's manager say something about girls picked up off the street in Poland, and pumped full of drugs, then they could not be clones. All had some metallic chip in their wrists, but they could not be androids. So the only other explanation would be plastic surgery.

Then the killing of the "clones". This worked to facilitate John and Elena's escape, as a cover and also revenge upon her manager. It seemed they could have planned this but the way they went about it it seemed that they stumbled into the hit and out of dumb luck survived.
And the hit man, he sees 4 girls dressed and looked exactly like his target. I would thing as an old pro when he sized up the situation he would have smelled a fish and backed out of the deal.

I'll tell you I could sit down and watch Jean-Luc Godard films all day and not get bored, and I would be entertained excited and they would make me think. But this film just didn’t make the grade.


The movie was about overcoming simplicity, doing what you love and not ignoring the horrible things happening in the world. Heaven forbid you not see the depth unfolding in the picture. This director made a movie to discuss his view on the world, how ignorant and passive most humans are. It's sad you and so many others on this list are that ignorant. Most of you sound angry that it wasn't what you expected. One cannot go into these things expecting anything. It's one persons idea put into movement, not yours.

More directors should put their passions on screen and create thought provoking films. It's the widest spread component of media.

Be a part of the change, not the destruction.
