Just finished watching this movie myself with my wife... I see that you, warren, are about the only person speaking positively about the movie. You are exactly the type of person I am looking for, because I want to know... exactly what did you get from the movie? I mean, the movie was nice enough... good shooting, good acting, good music, etc. The writing was decent enough (the part at the rink near the end with the four Elena's was probably the most interesting point) for large chunks of the movie... but at the end, it felt to me like there were so many loose ends and unfinished chunks that we were very unsatisfied. Metaphor and so forth are all very nice, but I didn't feel a whole lot of meaning at the end. All the hints about the 'end of times' and the crazy stuff happening in Africa seemed to be in there for no reason at all... that is, the movie would have been pretty much the same without them. Maybe you'll see me as just another "stupid American", but if that's the case I'd like the movie explained to me because I'd really like to understand the point. To me it seemed like a well put-together story, except at the end the narrator falls asleep. Then you wake him up, and he's tired of it, so he just ends with blithely with "And they all died." Somewhat disappointing.
But you, warren, seem like just the person to make the movie make sense, since you like the movie so much. I await inspiration!