MovieChat Forums > National Security (2003) Discussion > If you don't like it, then why do you go...

If you don't like it, then why do you go and watch it?

Hi folks,

If you don't like MARTIN LAWRENCE (or any other actor/actress), then why do you go and watch his movies, and why do you criticize him and/or his movies? Don't forget, you are not obliged or forced to watch his movies. It's like Forest Gump's mom states, life is a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get. Martin Lawrence won't change his way of acting or playing after reading your (negative) critics. If you like African American actors in fun movies, then go to Eddie Murphy's movies. If you don't like him either, well then go to a Disney movie for my part!

The movie has been made, the stars have played their roles and this is just another option you can choose among when going to the movies. It's that easy!

Have fun!



A Few Months back MY friend and I went to a theater in a citi by our town. I was no joke FOECED to watch this movie! I wanted to see something else ANYTHING else but my friend insisted and since he drove we all said fine. WE all sat tere for the worst wasts of an hour and a half of my life! All of us! They hated it as much as I did. If I heard one more racist joke comming out of that bastards lips I would have shot myself! Because of that movie, I REFUSE to see another MArtin Lawrence film. Bad Boys 1 and 2, anything! NEver again! Now just the sight of him makes me cringe! I see like little comedy dvds in thestore i flip them over! He ruinded that movie, and quite possibly the careers opf everyone that was working on it as well. Im surprised Steve Zahn got work after that!


A Few Months back My friends and I went to a theater in a city by our town. I was no joke FORCED to watch this movie! I wanted to see something else ANYTHING else but my friend insisted and since he drove we all said fine. We all sat there for the worst waste of an hour and a half of my life! All of us! They hated it as much as I did. everyone in the theater! Not one person laughed during the entire film! Not to jokes, not to his attitude, nothing! If I heard one more racist joke comming out of that bastards lips I would have shot myself! Because of that movie, I REFUSE to see another MArtin Lawrence film. Bad Boys 1 and 2, anything! NEver again! Now just the sight of him makes me cringe! I see like little comedy dvds in the store i flip them over! He ruinded that movie, and quite possibly the careers opf everyone that was working on it as well. Im surprised Steve Zahn got work after that!


I rented it for the trailers made the movie seem funny as hell, after seeing it, I thought it was a racist peace of crap, Lawernece was good in bad boys, and he was good in bad boys 2, even though I prefer bad boys over bad boys 2.
