According to his fictional character biography,
Evan Funsch is from the Beta Universe, from the mean streets of Beverly Hills. In his universe Beverly Hills is filled with all sorts of criminals, prostitutes, gang bangers, drug dealers, all sorts of ill sh!t, Also America in that universe lost the American Revolution, however it still cost the British so much, that they are relegated to a colony and used it as a continental prison (Sound Familiar). Hence why Funsch has a Austrio-American Accent, because in his universe, America is like our Australia.
And that was Jason Statham's Idea to mess with the geo-political structure of "his" universe abit, however the scene that tells you all this got left on the cutting room floor.
In fact alot of this movie got left on the cutting room floor. That's why its a B-movie now, and it could and should of been so much better.