#1. Because they find him atracting. I dont see how. He looks like an ogre. Women are in this catagory. #2. He comes off as that "bad boy, cool to like" actor, that truthfully cant act even if he was givin with the talent. 13-14 year olds line up in this catagory. #3. Because he's bulk. I'm sure after the many years spent with his "gym partner" without doing any "gym" activities if you catch my draft, I would say I would be that bulk too. Big bad tough guys fall in this catagory. #4. Then of course we have the wannabes. Lets like someone our big brother likes so we can hang out with them after school. Little kids here
Bottom line, Vin is garbage, his movies are ungodly terrible, oh and the person who made the remark about this movie being a successful money makin film, you're absolutly right. I'm sure the wannabes and marks are lining up already for tickets for this disasterpeice
Hmm, ogre. Yeah, I can see that - pretty good comparison. I still find him attractive as all hell, but I can see where you're coming from. Shaved head, rounded features, solid. Never thought of him as an ogre, but there you go! :) A Different Point Of View
All this talk about Vin Diesel and nothing about Larenz Tate. I personally think Vin Diesel isn't a good actor just another Steven Seagal (who I think is the worst actor). But I will see this movie (Haven't yet) because I am a big Larenz Tate fan and am suprized no one has mentioned him yet. I love 'Menace II Society' and 'Dead Presidents' (if you haven't seen you should definately rent them) and I want to see how Larenz does in this, seeing as he wont be a hard gangsta from south central L.A.
-- If you are white and preppy and think Vin Diesel is a good actor then I wouldn't suggest you see those two movies because you wouldn't understand them.
I'm not racist it's just that people who fall under that category don't like those movies mainly because they don't understand them. Just a fact.... I didn't say all white people just preppy ones who think they are better than everyone else because they are richer than others... if you fall under that category then sorry to offend you but it's true.
Oh don't listen to him, he's a Bush supporter, and in his other posts has displayed the requisite lack of braincells required to be such, I wouldn't take anything he says to seriously. Later.
i don't really know why you hate Vin Diesel when obviously you really took your time to think negatively about him. I guess you are the same person that criticized Arnold when he first came out. Guess what where is Arnold right now? He's famous and he's a millionaire now. i wouldn't be surprise if Vin Diesel will accomplish the same thing. Put up or shut-up! Get with the program. If you hate him, don't watch his movies!
hahah cr1973, you are too funny for me. you think calling me names will make me upset? you think that will irritate me? buwahahaha! people like you are a joke! first of all, stick on the topic! the topic is "Why people like Vin D" not "why people like typerico". 2nd, dude slow down....you are trying to put Vin D and Hitler on the same category? what the? dude, use your head!!! those are typically two different kind of persons. One's is a dictator that had done disastrous and terrible things in the history of world and the other one is just and actor. if you try to correct something next time, at least try to give a better close comparison or example. 3rd, yeah, i'm vin D supporter, got a problem with that? what are you going to do to change that? NOTHING!!! THOUGHT SO! i'm sure i'm not the only one that supports some celebrity. like you for instance, you probably support Steve Urkell since you are the perfectionist type.
amazing, once again i'm flabergasted by your astute replies. you should be a journalist for your local newspaper company. such strong vocabularies you used to describe me. for some reason i keep on reading the words "stupid" and "idiot" on your replies. i honestly think those are the only two words you basically know and intend to use them everytime you write somthing. i guess that's the reason why you want me to quit writing coz' you are running out of words other than "idiot" and "stupid". one advice, proof read before you post. HAIL cr1973 hail to the almighty cr1973, the wise one!
Uh, I gotta agree with 1973 here Typerico. You're saying you: Don't know why he doesn't like someone When he's taking time to NOT LIKE THEM See my point? If you mean: I don't see why you'd take time to think about them at all, whether negatively not not, because you obviously don't like them. then, fine.
When it comes to Vin, I've seen better acting at a children's theatre. He is, without a doubt, the worst actor working today. And people kiss his butt because he does Joe-Cool action movies. There have been good action movies. XXX was great, as long as you fast forward all of Vin's points and just watch the action. I saw the first 30 mins of that movie, saw Sam Jackson's part, and as soon as Vin took the screen solo, I had to pop it out.
I'm sorry, but it's true. Anyone who complains about this post, remember this fact: Just because you don't like it doesn't make it true.
Exactly. You didn't wanna watch him, so you didn't. I've seen some god-awful films, and if I wasn't wanting to know how it ended (which is obvious with action films anyway) I just turned it off. I don't watch action for acting, I watch it for... action (surprise-surprise) :) If I wanted a drama, I'd rent one, not look for realism in fantastic stories.
Yay for VonCouch's logic. (I watched the whole thing, and bought it on DVD, but that's just me :))
I don't think that Vin Deisel is a very good actor......But at the same time, I don't watch his movies looking for good acting. Just like I won't be looking for Jean Claude Van Damme to be doing Hamlet anytime soon. I thought XXX was a decent entertaining movie, i also enjoyed Boiler Room, and Pitch Black. So while Vin Deisel may not be the most versatile actor out there, he does a good job of selling the tough guy routine. So for all the people who are bashing Vin's acting talents... WHAT THE HELLLL WERE U EXPECTING!
P.S, Does anyone else out there think that Vin D looks like Mr. Potato Head!!
You all are too funny. Whether you think Vin is a good or bad actor that is your opinion. I like his movies, I've seen all but Strays and Multi-Facial, which I would love to see, his acting in A Man Apart I thought was good, the film did drag a bit, but that is the screenwriter and directors fault not the actors, they have only so much intake on what they do, most do not give them free reign. Yes I also find him attractive, I love the shaved head and wished my husband would do that, but he won't, yes Vin has a nice body, but that is not what I find attractive, I like the way he carries himself (self-assured), he has awesome eyes they sparkle and he has a winning smile, and in my opinion he should keep the facial hair really makes his eyes stand out, he also has some awesome hands, I love men's hands, when they look strong and long fingers, I am tall and have big hands, nad my husband who is tall has smaller hands than I do, he took after his mom with short fingers...but that is neither here nor there. I find his movies entertaining, so far none have been painful to sit through, well Bolier Room was a bit and Knockaround guys, but I hate Wall street (Charlie Sheen and Michael Douglas) and Boiler Room was too much like that for me. My Husband loved Boiler Room but he also loves Wall Street. XXX was popcorn movie, with all the crap going on in my life, I want a movie that is noisy and doesn't require me to think, and XXX was that type of movie and yes I bought a copy of it, because I like having mindless stuff for when my stressful life gets to be too much. You need an escape from reality and that to me is what movies are a form of escape.
So have it it you all... thanks for the chuckles..:-)
P.S. Sorry for my grammar and spelling mistakes, don't want to get ripped a new one for those. LOL But, I was a History Major and changed to Computers when I decided no way can I put up with teenagers every day for 20-30 yrs. LOL
Oh and one more added note, Vin did attend college and dropped out his Junior year he was an English major so, from what I have heard at his interviews thought that has only been like 3 or 4 he is very articulate in his speech and for the most part sounds like he actually has a functioning brain in his head. :-)
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so full of rage. i think Vin Diesel is a one trick pony but to say that a person is a piece of BEEP and to say they should go BEEP themselves is a bit harsh even if they don't like X-Files... By the way i didn't like the movie too much and i thought the attempts at humor during the show were really stupid...but hey maybe i don't know my asss from a hole in the wall.
I am still in awe that people argue this much about Vin Freakin Diesel! Sylvester Stallone's left foot is a much better actor, and thats not saying much. To witness the mighty work of Stallone's left foot check the Rocky series. Seriously, Keanu Reeves saying "Woah" a single time demonstrates one hundred-fold the depth that Deisel has shown in all of his films combined.
I am a Vin fan, you are not. No need to flip out on each or go off about this. None of know the man, and whether he can act is strickly a matter of opinion!!!!! Even if you are a Professor of Drama with a Ph.,D. and feel as though your student does n't have talent for whatever reason it is still an opinion on many levels.
No he isn't the BEST actor, but he is good. Again my OPINION!!! By repeatly say that I am or anyone else who likes him is stupid or silly is also saying that we do not have a right to our opinion.
I will say this and no more about this to you directly, unless you respond. I am not looking to pick a fight. You don't like or him, cool all I am saying is that you seem a little... upset with a man you don't even know. As for the mindfuck part, I think not. Your opinions are your own. But so are mine.
i agree with candylyn. Everyone is entitled to their opinion... even you gish. Seeing as how you are so adamant about voicing your opinion, the propper thing to do would be to respect others opinions as well...And if you can't seem to do that, Maybe you should really look into some medication. PROZAC or ZANAX perhaps. All things considered, ITS JUST A MOVIE and just an opinion so no reason to take them with such anger. CHILL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't dislike this actor, seems to me like a medium actor as so many others, but you're comment on him is absolutely ridiculous, maybe you're one of the wannabes and you don't know... jeez man get a life!
You just supported my arguement with your venomous tongue. I don't know why you have such a huge chip on your shoulder. But you might want to consider being a little less negative and a lot more tolerant of other peoples opinions. I don't dissagree with you about XXX, in fact i think Vin Diesel looks a lot like Mr. Potatoe head, but I also don't curse others out who don't particularly share my same point of view. So take a chill pill and relax.
It also doesn't appear that you READ very well. I never said i thought vin was a good actor. In fact, I would go so far as to say he probably couldn't act his way into a Burger King commercial. And for the record i DO like the X-files and i DO watch the show.. I Just didn't like the episodes that tried to inject humor is all. So next time you want to curse my and my vin diesel lovin ass, you had better read more carefully first. And besides the do make pills that help your concentration such as ritalin so maybe you should consult a pharmacologist and you can get the help you obviously need!
Thats exactly what i'm trying to do... MINDFUCK you!!!!!!!!!!! You responded to my writing before saying that i loved Vin Diesel, ergo, you implied that I thought he was a good actor.(hence the ritalin to help your concentration) And i couldn't disagree with your more about the humor episodes. The idea behind the X-files was to be a series about he mysterious and unknown. There is nothing humurous about it. and any attempt at to do so was pitiful and ill thought out. However i do like Annabeth Gish she was real cool in the 80's movie hiding out
You and the F word have a tight relation maybe it's because you don't get F words in real life... Enough that, I was just replying to nightngale_26 thread and he wae the one who mentioned about the vin wannabees but it apperas that you took it personally, maybe the idea reaaly fits you.
About XXX it is so bad that i just couldn't watch it till the end, so has you can see i'm not defending vin here, i just don't understand all that hate about the actor with so many (MANY) worse actors than him... maybe cuase he got famous to quickly and ppl envy those, just guessing here.
About Pillowspam he has is opinion and f he thinks you should take all those pills maybe is right lol.
Excuse me for my english but that's not my mother language.
No, he's not drop to the floor and *beep* me now gorgeous.. but he is nicely built, strong arms, good shoulders and back, etc...
Sure, in his interviews he comes across as slightly less intelligent than a box of cornflakes, but he reads well (aka, script).
He's eye catching, a good sell for the drooling fan girl/boys who are more interested in scenery than talent.
He is an excellent SUPPORTING actor, but too ambitious to stay where he fits, insisting on the lead roles... He's got the charisma to pull some of them off (Dominic Torretto, Fast and the Furious), but falls flat in other areas (Xander Cage, xXx... the tattoos couldn't save him unfortunately)
He has a funny looking face, nose just a little too big, ears stick out a bit much, shavey head shaped a little oddly...
But it comes down to two things.
Riddick, Pitch Black. The etneral bad boy with a good streak (makes the good girls want to reform him and the bad girls want to break -or be broken by- him)
and, beyond any of that... HE could read the bible and I'd still swoon... ITs the gravelly, low growl he uses for Riddick and occasionally as other characters...
Then again, I'm a girl who would go for just about any guy, if his voice could do the right things... Trent Reznor, Vin, Malkovich....
Course, my favorite actor is actually John Cussak... He's the sort of guy I'd want to keep around...
Not that I'd turn down a weekend with someone like Vin *wiggles eyebrows* Though to be completely honest, I find the character Riddick far more attractive than the actor... I'd let Riddick f*ck me into a coma in a heartbeat.