MovieChat Forums > Monsoon Wedding (2002) Discussion > What's the most touching moment of this ...

What's the most touching moment of this movie?

For me it's couple of them infact.

When PK Dubey brings a Marigold Heart to Alice.
When Hemant Rai forgives Ria and says we can make life despite what happened.
When Lalit Verma's character makes a stand and asks Tej Puti to leave and tells Aditi that he is there for her and he believes her or to that extent.

I guess my couple means more than 2.


Every time I watch this movie, I love it more. I have recommended it to people and said if nothing else, just watch the story between PK and Alice. It is the most beautiful love story.

But this last time I watched it, the line that moved me to tears was when Lalit says to Ria (who is incidentally one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen) You're my child now.


For me it's when Lalit asks Ria not to leave. You really feel his troubledness and her pain.

Shefali Shetty looks really good in this movie. But I nearly fainted when I saw her recently playing as Amitabh Bachchan's wife and Akshay Kumar's mother (movie title: Waqt).


Yeah, me too!, you could've knowcked me ocer with a feather...I was like WHAT!!! She was also in Mohabbatein as the girl that Jimmy Shergill falls in love with's sister in law, she looked quite old there too. I think she looks gorgeous in Waqt though, aging make up and all.

I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous


My favorrite was obviously when Umang & ria see each other at the end of movie & the happiness with which ria dancse.
It shows her deliverance from long tormenting.
Also the way alice & lait dance also is very gus as both these characters ahve finally achieved what they wanted.


all scenes between alice and dubey make my heart swell!



I would have to say at the end when Dubey Ji comes to his own tent and puts his shawl over his head and does that dance, with alice learning how to dance in the background....the relief on his face and his dance is simply classic! I sometimes just skip to that scene


that was touching but for me when uncle believes aditi I think she needed some assurance that she was important and she was but why was the other sister messing with that ugly married man the guy she was to marry was way hotter.


Lalit's sacrifice and courage in standing up for his family and asking Tej Puri to leave was astounding. That is one of the most deeply moving moments I've ever seen on film.

I also thought it was sweet when P.K. Dubey's crew apologized to Alice. What a contrast there is in their contrite apologies with Tej Puri's denial of wrong-doing and vicious counter attack when confronted by Ria.


I agree with everything said previously. I love this movie so much that I saw it 3 times in the theatre, and again on DVD. But one strange thing I noticed in the theatre was in one of the most beautiful scenes. When Dubey presents the heart of marigolds to Alice... people in the theatre audience laughed(!) I couldn't figure that out. Was that nervous laughter, because surely there was nothing funny about that scene. It was supremely romantic and beautiful.

The scenes with Lalit and Ria are so touching, and the way he stands up to Tej uncle, a benefactor to the family, but clearly an evil man.

The scenes between Lalit and Pimmi. They're so real the scenes between husband and wife, and the way they feel about their children, family.

The film has such a powerful family message.

The final scene of dancing at the wedding in the rain. Everyone able to let their hair down. Everyone able to dance as equals. Everyone able to put the past behind them. Such joy and such a marvellous ending to a wonderful film!


This movie was AWESOME! I loved everything about it. I thought Dubey was horrible at the beginning but by the end, I loved him. And I loved the way those women got to singing and dancing about the Fat One. That was so hilarious. And Dubey and Alice wedding on the bridge was BEAUTIFUL and so touching.


This is the best Indian movie I ever saw.. The whole movie is good. No scene was bad in particular. I cant pick up the best scene.. If you insist the best scene is naseeruddin sending rajat kapoor away from the marriage.



When Lalit asks tej to leave and when dubeyji offers alice the marigold heart.


As others have said, the part where Lillete stands up for his niece is, for me, the most moving scene. Tej says something about going out to greet the guests, and Lillete tells him, "No, I think you should leave." (Those may not be the exact words, but you get the idea.) Talk about a punch! I was so proud of him and thrilled for Ria. It was a very powerful scene. It took a lot of guts to actually kick him out, to refuse to let him stay at the wedding.

This movie was such a surprise for me. I just fell in love with it.


FYI: Lillete is a woman's name and the name of the actress who plays Pimmi (Lalit's wife). You mean Nasseuddin Shah, who played Lalit in the movie.

But that aside, I do agree that that is a very powerful scene.

Also, nearly all the scenes with PK Dubey are tremendous. He really came away as the breakout character in this movie. He made his role soar.
