My list is #1 Lord Of The Rings Return of the King-Sam telling Frodo "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you" and taking him up Mt. Doom #2 The Green Mile-John Coffee's death scene (If you don't cry when you see that you need help) #3 Beaches-when her friend dies #4 V for Vendetta-another death scene, when V dies #5 Star Wars episode 3-Vader turns to the dark side and looses everything he loved
-Life as a house(reminder of my own upbringing) -I am Sam(Sean Penn, Michelle Pfeiffer and Dakota Fanning did such great jobs) -Digging to China(Kevin Bacon is great, and the very young Evan Rachel Wood is amazing) - Lion King(cried like a baby the first time, and tears roll down even today) - Braveheart(the freedom-speeches, father's death, his wife's death and finally the whole ending, from Wallace getting tortured to Robert the Bruce deciding to continue to fight)
Must add what's eating Gilbert Grape, The man without a face, finding neverland, the green mile and shawshank redemption..just the one I remember right now.
Finding Neverland Titanic Blow (at the end when he is imagining his daughter at prison) Life As a House Edward Scissorhands Pirates of the Caribbean:Dead Man's Chest (when he gets eaten by the kraken)
>Terrific singers the French. Eunichs all of them.<
1st: A Walk to Remember 2nd: Sommersby 3rd: The Notebook tied for 4th: Blood Diamond and Amestad (at the realization that real people suffered through this) 5th: LAAH
1. The Green Mile 2. Brokeback Mountain 3. The Passion of the Christ ( I have only seen this movie once and I cried about 10 minutes in and didn't stop till after the movie was over. I will probably never watch this movie again. I am not even that religious at all) 4. My Girl (There she goes just a walking down the street. When Vada starts singing that I lose it.) 5. The Notebook There are so many others but this is just a top 5 not 100 so i will stop.
How much did they pay you to spy on us? Two dollars and fifteeeeen cents. - Tank Girl
This is fun and it didn't take my long to figure out which ones made me cry :P Well, there were plenty, but the 5 that stood out were (in no particular order):
A Walk to Remember (of course haha) The Notebook (Duh! especially, the ending, holy crap!) Life as a House (That Hayden Christensen can really bring out the tears lol) Crazy/Beautiful (their love is so beautiful, haha no pun intended) I Am Sam (Gained so much respect for Dakota Fanning and Sean Penn)
*Greg: Ah, five years of misery, but worth every penny, don't you think? :)*
life as a house titanic the notebook a walk to remember finding neverland sweeney todd-lol ive seen it twice in theatres and cried both times. lol. amazing movie. the butterfly effect harry potter and the GOF - ya cedric =[ harry potter and the OOTP - sirius was my favorite character in the books and movies D: star wars revenge of the sith - poor anakin
i cry in a lot of movies. lol <33
official bleeder. 11.21.08-HBP<3 you are exactly my brand of heroine T~O HP~O
Castaway- Wilson, I'm sorry Million Dollar Baby - The Ending for the woman and for eastwood's character Life as a House - The father dying. Mystic River - Sean Penn being held back by the cops Magnolia - Tom Cruise cursing and crying over his father. 16 years of Alchol - The whole movie was sad but the ending was the saddest part to me.
Okay, these are crying movies that I enjoy (there are a few that just depressed me, and I never want to see them again, like "We Are Marshall" and "28 Days").
My top 5 Cry Movies:
1. Dead Poet's Society : It's my all-time favorite film, so even if I don't cry during most of it, it's still number 1! But anyway, when Neil kills himself, and Todd falls onto the snow crying so much that he almost becomes sick... And the ending, when all those boys stand on their desks... that was just beautiful.
2.Forrest Gump : The first time I saw it, the last half hour I sobbed into clumps of tissues! It was ridiculous! The ending is just so sad, happy, and beautiful.
3. Good Will Hunting : "It's not your fault."
4. The Elephant Man : I am really surprised no one has yet mentioned this! I especially lost it when Dr. Treves's (Anthony Hopkins) wife was so cordial to John Merrick (a.k.a. "Elephant Man"), and he started sobbing. When Treves asked what was wrong, Merrick replied (something like this) in his weak voice, "Forgive me. It's just that I've never been treated so kindly... by such a beautiful woman." And then he starts sobbing again. Joseph Merrick (his real name) was so sweet, without a mean bone in his body, and still treated so horribly by society just because of how he looked. It's a terrible coincidence that "The Elephant Man" had to go against Robert DeNiro for "Raging Bull," otherwise I'm sure John Hurt would've won the Best Actor Oscar!
5. Life As a House : "I wasn't trying to get you to like me. I was trying to get you to love me." "Well, congratulations, 'cause you *beep* pulled it off!"
Other cry movies (in no particular order):
"In America" (practically the whole thing)
"Antwone Fisher" (most of his childhood abuse flashbacks, especially when he was molested by Nadine)
"Life is Beautiful" (almost the entire time they were at the concentration camp)
"Hotel Rwanda" (when people were being machetied (sp?), and when on-the-verge-of-giving-up Don Cheadle said, "Are you going to shoot me? ... I will pay you to shoot my family!")
"Crash" (when the little girl got shot)
"Uptown Girls" (this one was shocking, I didn't expect most of it to be so sad!)
Pay It Forward (the end is just way too depresssing, after such an uplifting movie.) Ladder 49 (the funeral scene.) I Am Sam (when they take Sam away.) My Girl (when Thomas Jay dies.) Selena (when Selena's family finds out she dies, and the candlelight vigil.) Man On Fire (the end.) Castaway (when Wilson floats away.) A Walk To Remember (the end when Landon is staring into the water.) Wicker Park (the end when they reunite.)
And when I was a kid, I'd always cry during Aird Bud, when the boy ditches the dog on the island and the dog can't swim...
Wow, I just watched this movie for the first time, and I have not bawled my eyes out like that for a movie in a LONG time. It was just so touching. I loved it. It has already become a new favorite.
My Top Crying Movies: THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT Cast Away The Notebook A Walk to Remember Life as a House Titanic The Bridge to Terabithia Steel Magnolias Pay It Forward 50 First Dates P.S. I Love You Simon Birch Stand by Me Beaches
Hey, don't knock masturbation! It's sex with someone I love. -Alvy Singer, Annie Hall (1977)
Other Movies Not Mentioned! (And I'm quite surprised!)
1. Somewhere In Time 2. On Golden Pond 3. Patch Adams 4. Doctor Zhivago 5. Old Yeller (Comon' now you know you cried! Even my dogs cried)
Previously Mentioned
1. Untamed Heart 2. A Walk In The Clouds 3. A Walk To Remember 4. August Rush 5. The Champ 6. Love Actually 7. Rudy 8. The Notebook 9. Life As A House 10. Beaches 11. Dead Poet's Society 12. My Life 13. Stepmom 14. Schindler's List 15. Bambi