I couldn't even tell if this movie was supposed to be a joke. Are we truly supposed to be rooting for her to reach the top of being a stewardess? If this movie was indeed supposed to be a joke(please god) then the sarcasm wasn't very apparent.

Wow I HATED this movie.....alot.




lol, a grand retort!

That woman deserves her revenge... and we deserve to die.


It seems to me that this movie was the product of multiple editing and bad direction. It was delayed and then re-edited after september 11th and while the intent may have been to remove only the terrorist content, it suffered because of the re-editing.

as for the direction, the actors are all decent and known to have the ability to pick decent scripts. why the hell they would agree to work with a director who mainly works in portugese, i don't know. a sad but true fact is that most of our favorite comedic actors are more a product of a script they didn't write and a director that tells them when to smirk than they are of their own talent.

regardless, this movie sucks. full stop. sorry.



I agree, this is one of the the worst movies I have ever seen. After half an hour I felt violated and had to sit through the last hour just to see it to the end and confirm how terrible it was. What an earth possessed Gywneth Paltrow to take on this role I do not know, and though I do not think she is a terribly accomplished actress, I saw her recently perform admirably in Proof. She should be ashamed of herself, likewise everyone else involved in this wafer-thin, predictable 90 minutes of trash!


I watched it when i was sick with an inffection it made me go to sleep. Bad acting


I turned it off after 5 minutes. Bor-ring.


Even though the movie has a terrible script, is full of cliches and isn't really funny...I still like it, a lot. I think because Gwyneth is in it and I am mildly interested in flight-attending. Hmm. Guilty Pleasure.

I cant have a blueberry as a daughter. How will she compete?
You could put her in a county fair.


Um...what's wrong with wanting to be a stewardess? She comes from a small town--it isn't as though she went to college. Besides, the whole point of this movie is to dream big and strive to accomplish it--whether someone wants to be a stewardess or a professor or a janitor. Don't knock someone's dreams simply because you think they aren't "prestigious" enough for someone to be that driven to achieve it.


" Um...what's wrong with wanting to be a stewardess? She comes from a small town--it isn't as though she went to college. Besides, the whole point of this movie is to dream big and strive to accomplish it--whether someone wants to be a stewardess or a professor or a janitor. Don't knock someone's dreams simply because you think they aren't "prestigious" enough for someone to be that driven to achieve it. "

Agreed, and didn't you guys even watch the end? What did she become then, hmmm?


vladimir-137...you turned it off after 5 minutes? You do not even deserve to have your opinion on this board, 5 minutes doesn't do any movie justice! My god.

This movie was funny, light hearted and pleasant. Gwen was good, so was Candice Bergen. It was never intended to be a belly laugh fest but it was a chuckle and a half. I loved it and can't wait for the Special Edition one day.

Paul ([email protected])


I enjoyed this movie - it's become my guilty pleasure! I used to want to be a flight attendant, and I like Gwyneth Paltrow and respect her acting choices. Some how I missed the theatrical release of this. I've heard that this movie underwent an overhall to make it more commercially viable and sometimes that can hurt a movie more than it helps. I too wish for a Special Edition some day, with actor commentary!


I couldn't even force myself to laugh during this movie. I tried really hard to laugh and ended up in the hospital because this movie makes me ill.


ended up in hospital? by the sounds of it u already came from a hospital...a mental hospital!


I agree. This is a definite guilty pleasure. It makes me happy. People have different dreams. And it's fulfilling for me to see people working hard to go out and get their dreams. Gwyneth is such a good actress and if everything else failed - you could see in her character the heartfelt perseverance it takes.
People seemed to expect this movie to be something else - but take it as it is.


The movie's called "View from the top" not "Reach for the top" you dumb sh*t


Huh? Yes, I agree it was a horrible movie.


it was not a good movie. I have seen far worse. Maybe it would have been better if it had not been shelved, then edited so badly. I never heard of the director.


I loved this movie! I've watched it a million times, and am buying my second copy because the first one is worn out. This movie has great humor. I watch it with my kid sister and her friend. We recite most of the lines from it. If you don't laugh at this movie, you're dull. It may be stupid humor, but it's still humor.


I did not think View From the Top was all that bad, and don't really agree with most of the posters on here. I saw it in a theater the day it was finally released (Friday, March 21, 2003), and did not know it had been delayed from 2001 and 2002 due to 9-11 until I read that on here (though it did not suprise me). But I thought it was pretty good, and gave a good insight into the life and profession of a flight attendant, and the three lead actresses were very good in it. Not a great movie, but not bad either.

"I happen to be a vegetarian". Lex, from Jurrasic Park


horrible movie... just not funny, boring story, and absolutely no chemistry between gwyneth and mark ruffalo. i can't believe great actors were in such a terrible movie.



Trust me, this movie is a whole lot better when you're a flight attendant. I'm from a small town, and although parts of this are so fake, parts of it are also very real...and it has good themes. Following your dreams is a great idea to be promoting through film, whether people here like the movie or not.

If you don't like a movie, then why waste time going online and bashing it? The people from the movie don't read this, and they don't care.
