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Queer as Folk Marathon - Season 1 - Episode 3

Hello, Marathoners

I know, I'm late. Sorry. I've been very very busy the past few weeks. Anyway, just a few people posted reviews and comments for 102, so I believe everybody else is busy too. Let me know if you think it would be more realistic to review and comment one episode a month. Anyway, the threads for the past episodes will be active, so we can all review and comment whenever we have the time.

Episode 103

Gus’ bris. I know that this ritual is supposed to happen on the 7th day of the birth date, but I’ve always wondered how the parents have the energy to throw a major party just after one week the baby was born.

I was surprised to see that Michael was greeted and hugged and kissed by so many people in the party, people who apparently know him by name. It looks like he is a very close friend of Melanie and Lindsay and their friends. Funny that one week before, he was not greeted so effusively by Mel and Lindz’s friends at the hospital when Gus was born. I was also surprised that Emmett and Ted hugged Michael as if they haven’t seen him for a long time. Go figure!

I totally support Brian for not feeling welcome in the girls’ house. But despite that, he was there to protect Gus from that ritual, even though Melanie and Lindsay are the parents. I don’t think he acted like that just to confront Melanie, he was really there to do what he thought was best for his son.
But I understand Melanie’s frustration of not getting what she wanted, and Lindsay didn’t help. I think Lindsay just wanted to throw Melanie a bone, considering that she had no say about naming Gus. That giant baby they are holding during the ceremony looks at least 4 months old! Couldn’t they get a younger baby?

By the way, I know Gale is beautiful always, but IMO this is the episode where his beauty shines like the sun. In the gym, Brian mentions Marvel Comics referring to Michael. I think this is the first mention to Michael’s passion for comic books.

IMO, the whole Emmett story line with the Japanese guy was a little out of character for Emmett. He is the kind of man who has lots of flings and does not fall in love so easily. So, it sounded a little weird that he had such a big crush.

Poor Justin, finally understood that Brian just wanted the sex, not the relationship. I love that Daphne is such a wonderful friend, without her, he would have no one to talk to. And she not only gave him an idea for getting Brian back, but also accompanied him to Babylon. This is a real friend. That scene in the pool makes it so clear that Randy is not a smoker in real life!

And we follow the boys everywhere: the diner, then Woody’s, finally Babylon. Was Michael angry when he saw Justin talking to Debbie!I like Deb's interaction with Vic. Michael is embarrassed to see his mom everywhere he goes. And I like that Brian says Justin is “kind of sweet!” Michaels was really pissed!

Too bad that Ted puts himself down all the time. I wonder where his low self esteem comes from. He is a good looking guy. Not Brian-Kinney good looking, but good looking enough. I liked Blake from the beginning. I think the Blake/Ted story is a good one, how their lives cross a few times along the series when they are in different places. Meant to be But Blake is totally messed up at this moment, so things couldn’t work out.

“Let’s hear it for the boy!” No song could be more adequate for this scene than this one. Justin proved how resourceful he can be when he wants something. I think this is the most important trait of his character: persistence. I personally learned a lot with Justin. A few times in my life I caught myself thinking: “What would Justin do in this situation?” And took the brave route to wherever. Justin does not give up, this is what I love about him. The boy has a strategy: he knew the only way he could get Brian’s attention was to try to steal his tricks. It worked perfectly. Justin is not as naïve as people like to think. I love him!

The end of this episode establishes the love triangle between Brian, Justin and Michael. When I watched the show for the first time, I thought the whole series would be about this triangle. Fortunately things evolve in different directions. Michael’s jealousy of Justin and Brian was the spice that kept some of the story lines interesting.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor



If Justin wants golden gardenias, he should have golden gardenias! Brian Kinney



If Justin wants golden gardenias, he should have golden gardenias! Brian Kinney



If Justin wants golden gardenias, he should have golden gardenias! Brian Kinney






