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Queer as Folk Marathon - Season 1 - Episode 3

Hello, Marathoners

I know, I'm late. Sorry. I've been very very busy the past few weeks. Anyway, just a few people posted reviews and comments for 102, so I believe everybody else is busy too. Let me know if you think it would be more realistic to review and comment one episode a month. Anyway, the threads for the past episodes will be active, so we can all review and comment whenever we have the time.

Episode 103

Gus’ bris. I know that this ritual is supposed to happen on the 7th day of the birth date, but I’ve always wondered how the parents have the energy to throw a major party just after one week the baby was born.

I was surprised to see that Michael was greeted and hugged and kissed by so many people in the party, people who apparently know him by name. It looks like he is a very close friend of Melanie and Lindsay and their friends. Funny that one week before, he was not greeted so effusively by Mel and Lindz’s friends at the hospital when Gus was born. I was also surprised that Emmett and Ted hugged Michael as if they haven’t seen him for a long time. Go figure!

I totally support Brian for not feeling welcome in the girls’ house. But despite that, he was there to protect Gus from that ritual, even though Melanie and Lindsay are the parents. I don’t think he acted like that just to confront Melanie, he was really there to do what he thought was best for his son.
But I understand Melanie’s frustration of not getting what she wanted, and Lindsay didn’t help. I think Lindsay just wanted to throw Melanie a bone, considering that she had no say about naming Gus. That giant baby they are holding during the ceremony looks at least 4 months old! Couldn’t they get a younger baby?

By the way, I know Gale is beautiful always, but IMO this is the episode where his beauty shines like the sun. In the gym, Brian mentions Marvel Comics referring to Michael. I think this is the first mention to Michael’s passion for comic books.

IMO, the whole Emmett story line with the Japanese guy was a little out of character for Emmett. He is the kind of man who has lots of flings and does not fall in love so easily. So, it sounded a little weird that he had such a big crush.

Poor Justin, finally understood that Brian just wanted the sex, not the relationship. I love that Daphne is such a wonderful friend, without her, he would have no one to talk to. And she not only gave him an idea for getting Brian back, but also accompanied him to Babylon. This is a real friend. That scene in the pool makes it so clear that Randy is not a smoker in real life!

And we follow the boys everywhere: the diner, then Woody’s, finally Babylon. Was Michael angry when he saw Justin talking to Debbie!I like Deb's interaction with Vic. Michael is embarrassed to see his mom everywhere he goes. And I like that Brian says Justin is “kind of sweet!” Michaels was really pissed!

Too bad that Ted puts himself down all the time. I wonder where his low self esteem comes from. He is a good looking guy. Not Brian-Kinney good looking, but good looking enough. I liked Blake from the beginning. I think the Blake/Ted story is a good one, how their lives cross a few times along the series when they are in different places. Meant to be But Blake is totally messed up at this moment, so things couldn’t work out.

“Let’s hear it for the boy!” No song could be more adequate for this scene than this one. Justin proved how resourceful he can be when he wants something. I think this is the most important trait of his character: persistence. I personally learned a lot with Justin. A few times in my life I caught myself thinking: “What would Justin do in this situation?” And took the brave route to wherever. Justin does not give up, this is what I love about him. The boy has a strategy: he knew the only way he could get Brian’s attention was to try to steal his tricks. It worked perfectly. Justin is not as naïve as people like to think. I love him!

The end of this episode establishes the love triangle between Brian, Justin and Michael. When I watched the show for the first time, I thought the whole series would be about this triangle. Fortunately things evolve in different directions. Michael’s jealousy of Justin and Brian was the spice that kept some of the story lines interesting.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Thanks for the new thread, E-oliver.

Let's hear it for the boy scene was just so EPIC.
Justin got tired of being treated like he was insignificant, or like a one night stand (Which he kinda was) by Brian, so he decided to take the initiative. He used his sex appeal and manipulatively boyish charms to reel Brian in that night. It was very interesting to see Brian compromise himself like that on that dance floor because of this unshakable power Justin had over him already. And when they locked lips with each other. I can see the lust and intensity Brian felt from that.

Not to mention, I love the cinematography of this scene so much. Brian and Justin's faces showing up on the display screen behind Michael at the very end, never ceases to amaze the living daylights out of me. It's just perfect.


Hi Eoliver, can we have it once a month for each episode? That is just my very, very selfish request because I am so far behind. If not, then I will have to just deal with it won't I?



responce to eoliver4 6:29:38

The "old" baby thing in television shows has always been an annoyance of mine as well. They did a little better in the pilot with Gus being closer to the correct age.

Emmett and the Japanese hustler is one of the plotlines they brought over from the original UK version. And Emmetts's British counterpart was more of a stock camp character. So this may be why he seems different somehow. But I don't think even here Emmett is that broken up about it, as he is happily dancing by the end of the episode.

Agree with you about Justin's determination and preserverence.

Can't quite understand how you feel about Michael. In 1.1, you say that you don't like him very well, but here you see his jealousy as the spice that kept storylines interesting.

About the marathon schedule. If we're taking a vote, I prefer the three week intervals already in place. The start of a new ep does not mean that discussion on previous eps is over or that new reviews or discussions on those threads can't continue. There is no reason that temprary adjustments couldn't be made if people needed more time, but a permanant schedule of once a month seems a bit long between episodes. But this is just my preference. If the present schedule is a big problem for others and it needs to be changed, I will readily accept whatever is decided.


Thanks, dergil27!

Emmett and the Japanese hustler is one of the plotlines they brought over from the original UK version.

I didn't know that! I didn't watch the British version.

Can't quite understand how you feel about Michael. In 1.1, you say that you don't like him very well, but here you see his jealousy as the spice that kept storylines interesting.

I have mixed feelings about Michael, dergil27. I like him when he's minding his own business, taking care of his life, of his mom and uncle, being happy with a boyfriend he loves. But I don't like him when he acts childish ad selfish, tries to interfere in Brian's life, especially in Brian's relationship with Justin. So, I like him most from Season 2 on when he meets Ben and moves on. What I meant is that I think the producers tried to keep this story line interesting by adding Michael's jealousy into Brian and Justin's relationship.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Too bad that Ted puts himself down all the time. I wonder where his low self esteem comes from
Has anyone noticed how in this scene (starting min 13:30), Ted and Michael cross the street, then cross it back at the end of the scene. Why did they cross it in the first place?

I liked Blake from the beginning.
Me too, in spite of the fact that he almost killed Ted unintentionally.

IMO, the whole Emmett story line with the Japanese guy was a little out of character for Emmett.
I felt that it was in character for him. Emmett seemed to me like a guy who's seeking romance and falls easily in love and for short periods of time. I was surprised that he wasn't even mad at Michael for lying to him.



Has anyone noticed how in this scene (starting min 13:30), Ted and Michael cross the street, then cross it back at the end of the scene. Why did they cross it in the first place?

I noticed that too! I was also wondering what awas that about!

I was surprised that he wasn't even mad at Michael for lying to him.

I think Ted was the one who set him up with all that talk about OKANE meaning love!!!

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Thoughts on ep.103 part one of two

This episode is dominated by two storylines, the one dealing with Justin leaves you feeling celebratory, the other, involving Mel. Linds, and Brian, leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

Melanie and Lindsay have always been my least favorite characters, and as such I usually don't expend much emotion to empathize with their problems. But here, even I am forced to feel profound sympathy for Mel. Because in this episode we find out just how completely Melanie has been had.

Nobody's behavior is steller here. Brian embarrasses Mel and Linds in front of their friends while waving Mel's lack of power over Gus in her face. Later Brian tops this a**hat demonstration by getting all sanctimonious about it, claiming he did it for his son. Don't buy this for one second. If he cared so much about his son at this point, he would have already known what was going on in his life. But instead, he finds out from Michael, who was there for Gus when Brian wasn't. Also don't buy that Brian is all that up in arms about circumcision. Admit there is a tiny possibility that he really cares about this issue, but it is extremely doubtful. What is far more likely is that like the clothes Brian wears and the loft he lives in, whining about circumcision is fashionable. He did it for his son? Bulls!*t.

When Melanie complains about Lindsay once again putting Brian before her, Lindsay won't even address this, probably because the only reply would be to admit the truth of this or lie. Instead she starts blathering about the barbarism of circumcision. Melanie doesn't fall for this obvious attempt at deflection and gets to the real point about Lindsay's obsession with Brian.
There are really no words for what Lindsay has done, literally blackmailing Melanie into accepting a man she despises to be the father of their son. There is no just excuse for this. We don't even get the weak good genes line she fed Brian. Here the truth of the matter comes out, it was Brian or no one. And when Mel repeats her words to her, Lindsay has no answer.

Melanie isn't blameless in all of this. By that night she is apologizing for being upset when she had every right to be upset. Mel also allows herself to be placated by Lindsay's assurances, empty assurances in my opinion, that Brian won't come between them. Perhaps giving in to Lindsay in the end is a pattern for Mel, a pattern that has resulted in Lindsay being able to push her own desires no matter how outrageous they may be. Mel has also decided that the life insurance policy Brian has agreed to is a fair trade for Brian's behavior that day. But Melanie being a mercenary and a fool does not mitigate what Lindsay has done. Lindsay disgusts me.

Emmette has a rather silly storyline when he is hanging out with a Japanese protitute that doesn't speak English, and unbeknownst to Emmett, wants paid for his services. It's not at all important to the plot or to Emmett's life story in general, but it's frothy and amusing. And for me, that is enough.

Michael hasn't much to do here. But what does happen with him tells us all we need to know about just how deep his longing for Brian goes. The scene were he finally makes a move on Brian is one of the best kissing scenes in the whole series. Along with a wrench thrown into the romance he does want, Michael has an advancement in a romance he doesn't,curtesy of Brian. Don't care how good of a f@ck Brian is, is the mere hope of it worth putting up with this sort of thing?

Ted's tale is unpleasant to watch, especially since it's intercut by much happier goings on at Babylon. But early on we get one of the more unfortunate patterns with his character. Because while Brian, Michael, and pretty much everybody else can do drugs with no ill effects, the first time Ted does it he is on the floor near death. In later seasons any time Ted goes into a venture similar to the others, he will he the one who is the worse for wear. Never noticed til now how early the beginnings of this started.

The other big storyine and probably most viewer's favorite is Justin successfully employing Daphnee's tactic to get Brian's attention. When he and Daphnee arrive on Liberty Avenue Justin gives her instruction as if he is already well versed in the place. Too cute. Even cuter is Justin's shirt, which is a dressy silver grey with the sleeves rolled up. It's like Justin is trying to dress to impress while trying to make it appear otherwise. He looks so earnest here it is absolutely adorable. This plotline is not quite as much fun for me as it used to be back when I actually cared about Brian and Justin as a couple. However, the process whereby Justin goes from following Brian around to making Brian have to have him is still a delight.

end of part one of two


Thoughts on ep103 pt two of two

......Favorite scenes.....

The scene with Brian and Michael in the Babylon bathroom says much about their friendship. Brian calls Michael's love of comics pathetic in the most endearing of ways. The red light and the close contact between the friends blurs the line between affectionate and sexual. And when the conversation moves to Patrick Swayze, one immediately remembers the unfinished blow job from years back. The mood is broken when Brian rejects Michael's sexual advance. But the kiss and close contact that they share has some definite chemistry behind it.

The scene where Justin steals Brian's dance partners in order to make Justin want him is great fun. Don't care for Justin taking off his shirt. He has the worst upper body on the show and as mentioned before, I love his shirt here. Like the way the camera caught the eye Justin gave to the handsomer of Brian's men. The scene could also be seen as a sign of things to come. The action cuts back and forth between Brian and Justin on the dance floor and Michael of the platform. As Michael watches things play out, his expression goes from admiration to disbelief, to annoyance, and finally resignation. The last shot with Brian and Justin reflected on a big screen behind Michael's look of apparent acceptance. This is very much how the relationship among these men will play out int he early part of the series.

......Other things of note.....

Had Melanie wanted Gus to be circumcised for aesthetic or hygenic reasons, she would have had it done at the hospital or at a doctor's office. But she clearly wanted to do it as part of her Jewish faith, the faith in she also wanted Gus to be reared. By accepting Brian's life insurance instead, she has decided to give up raising her son in her religion. It doesn't say much for Mel if she will even waive the faith of her child for a price. And it doesn't say much for the probably jewish writers for glossing over this fact.

Michael's line "But whatever it is, he says it for all of us.", is a serious candidate for the corniest line in all ot televisiondom. Unfortunately his Brian worship is so intense, it actually fits the character at this point. Found Michael's dog like devotion to Brian in the early days of the show infuriating at times. This was one of those times.

The guy Brian meets in the steamroom will have a more significant storyline with one of the other characters later in the series.

Don't understand why Ted encourages Michael to go after Brian when Ted wants Michael himself.

About Brian's tattoo that's in a place Emmett will never see. Endlessly curious about this. Michael knowing about it is understandable. But why has Ted of all people, also seen it?

end of pt two of two


The guy Brian meets in the steamroom will have a more significant storyline with one of the other characters later in the series.

Wow, thanks! I had to replay the scene to check that... as usual, I had totally missed it!

Don't understand why Ted encourages Michael to go after Brian when Ted wants Michael himself

I thought Ted always encouraged Michael to get over Brian not go after him?

The red light and the close contact between the friends blurs the line between affectionate and sexual

And the drugs! I think Michael was also affected by what Justin told him about still waiting for Brian to finish jerking him off and Brian recounting that story.



responce to clofa 10:13:01,

It's true that Ted generally encouraged Michael to get over Brian, but in this ep he does seem to be saying that it makes no sense that Brian has "had" almost everyone but Michael. And it's probably what caused Michael to finally make a move on Brian. But I think you might have a point about Justin's comment being a factor as well.


Nobody's behavior is steller here. Brian embarrasses Mel and Linds in front of their friends while waving Mel's lack of power over Gus in her face. Later Brian tops this a**hat demonstration by getting all sanctimonious about it, claiming he did it for his son. Don't buy this for one second.

Melanie is my second favorite character on this show and even though I too sympathize with what she had to go through, I'm 100% on Brian's side and I don't think he was being sanctimonious about it; my opinion could be affected by Gale's performance and my own personality and beliefs (and maybe that's why we're seeing things differently). I'm totally against mutilating people regardless of the reason (especially religious ones), once the person themselves are mature enough, they can decide for themselves or if their lives is threatened and cutting them up is the only way to save their life.

If he cared so much about his son at this point, he would have already known what was going on in his life. But instead, he finds out from Michael, who was there for Gus when Brian wasn't.

Again, I might be projecting my own character but a person might hate an event and not attend it even if it's for the most important person in their life. Brian hates such events and Gus is too young to care whether his father is there or not. Before finding out about the circumcision, it was a party that the new moms are throwing, for them mostly, to celebrate the advent of their son with their friends. If I were Brian, I wouldn't have cared to go either. But once he found out what it was, he went there right away.

Apart from that, I totally agree with your observations about Lindsay and what she did. Sometimes my sympathy for Melanie turns to frustration with her for tolerating all of Lindsay's manipulation and hypocrisy.



I go back and forth about Melanie in regard to what she had to tolerate with Lindsay and Brian. Sometimes it seems that she brings it on herself due to her willingness to easily look over Lindsay and equally easy tendency to blame Brian. Other times the realization that one can't help who they love, makes me feel sorry for Mel.


I think Ted was the one who set him up with all that talk about OKANE meaning love!!!

No, Ted just asked Melanie to help with the translation, it was Michael who lied. Ted didn't even hear what it means. Stop defending Michael, eoliver!!




I liked Blake from the beginning.
Me too, in spite of the fact that he almost killed Ted unintentionally.

Well, he did call 911, and stuck around surreptitiously to make sure they showed up!


By the way, I know Gale is beautiful always, but IMO this is the episode where his beauty shines like the sun. In the gym, Brian mentions Marvel Comics referring to Michael. I think this is the first mention to Michael’s passion for comic books.

Gale… sigh! He’s always gorgeous, but these first couple of seasons he’s breathtakingly beautiful. I love his messy-spiky-tousled hair in the early seasons. I just started Season 4, and whomever did his hair during the last two seasons needed to get slapped upside the head! It was terrible! It looks like lego snap-on hair!

IMO, the whole Emmett story line with the Japanese guy was a little out of character for Emmett. He is the kind of man who has lots of flings and does not fall in love so easily. So, it sounded a little weird that he had such a big crush.

Emmett's plotlines sometimes seemed like they were for the comic relief, but I'll forgive it, because I absolutely love the character. But how odd and random that Melanie knew Japanese! It's not an easy language to pick up, for sure.

Poor Justin, finally understood that Brian just wanted the sex, not the relationship. I love that Daphne is such a wonderful friend, without her, he would have no one to talk to. And she not only gave him an idea for getting Brian back, but also accompanied him to Babylon. This is a real friend.

I adore Daphne, and wish there was a bit more of her throughout the series. Sure, she can be a big giddy and teenage-girly at first, but she was always a true friend to Justin, and a voice of reason in his life, who wasn’t afraid to tell it like it is. I love how Brian always flirted with her, too.

“Let’s hear it for the boy!” No song could be more adequate for this scene than this one. Justin proved how resourceful he can be when he wants something. I think this is the most important trait of his character: persistence. I personally learned a lot with Justin. A few times in my life I caught myself thinking: “What would Justin do in this situation?” And took the brave route to wherever. Justin does not give up, this is what I love about him. The boy has a strategy: he knew the only way he could get Brian’s attention was to try to steal his tricks. It worked perfectly. Justin is not as naïve as people like to think. I love him!

Yes, our Sunshine is very intelligent and brave, and is not afraid to go after what he wants, or put himself out there to try and get Brian to notice him. We've seen him do this several times throughout the series. He doesn't just dissolve into a puddle of goo when things with Brian aren't working... he comes up with a plan and sees it through. Of course, it always works, since Brian's feelings for Justin are much deeper than he'll admit to himself (maybe not at this point in the first season, though.


Let's talk aesthetics for a moment. I call this the 'silver' episode. Justin's Babylon shirt is silver as is Brian's (greyish) and Brian's conquest that Justin ultimately steals. The silver, glittery disco balls have a prominent place as do the dancers- yep, done up in silver metallic. Note: silver and grey are the themed colors at Babylon in this episode. The fact that Vic is older and passes his " get into Babylon card" to Justin speaks of the regal act of passing the baton (yes, phallic symbol implied here by me) onto the next generation...... Finally as I recall, silver glitter falls on Justin and Brian during the closing song...... Which leads me to the....

Critical role music plays in this series. The music selected becomes its own character in the series. If you haven't downloaded the music - do so, especially if you are a big music fan like me. The website Princess of Babylon used to have all the music by episode. Not sure if the website is still active. I am so thankful for the music!

Finally, I never understood Brian's obsession with Gus's briss- after all, we see Brian is circumsized in Justin's artwork later. I guess it was to demonstrate the continued conflict between Melanie and Brian..... It also made clear that Brian is the alpha male in the series.

Yes, Emmett is the comedic relief in the series. He exudes childhood enthusiasm, wonder and glee.


I agree, epcure88, the music on this show is amazing. It introduced me to a few new favorite bands (TV on the Radio is one of them), but also showcased a few of my already-favorite bands (Badly Drawn Boy), and threw in a few gems from the past (Pete Townsend's Rough Boys). I love that the music was not only great, but appropriate to the scene it was in, and even added to the scene.

And I believe the Princess of Babylon website is still up and running. A great resource, but I also have Shazam on my phone, which is great for finding out which song is currently playing.

I've only recently started noticing the color themes on the show, and it gives me an excuse (not that I need one) to go back and watch again.


Great insights, epcure88. I had not noticed the silver thing until you mentioned it. I remember that in the QAF Book they mention that Brian's loft was filled with gray/silver color in Season 1, to show Brian was cold. From Season 2 on, they change the silver to white and cream colors, to show that Brian was softening because of his relationship with Justin.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor



Thank you for helping me keeping them up!!

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Yes, Emmett is the comedic relief in the series. He exudes childhood enthusiasm, wonder and glee.

I watched the tail end of this episode this morning while getting ready for work, and had to come here to comment on how much Emmett was working it at the end of the episode! He was dancing next to Mikey, and certainly has the moves! Peter Paige is a great dancer.


He was dancing next to Mikey, and certainly has the moves! Peter Paige is a great dancer.

Yes, he is. I think he is the best dancer of the whole bunch.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Emmet/Peter definitely had some good moves.


It was kind of odd that nobody but Emmett could dance. Always wondered if it was part of the character or due to the inabilities of the actors.


I think that's a character thing. Randy (Justin) can dance really well in real life. Gale is not a good dancer he says. I bet some of the actors can dance, but played it down for the show. Also, they almost always danced to no music while in Babylon, so that was probably difficult to do. Randy in an interview once was talking about how they would hear a few measures of the song and then have to keep the same beat when the music stopped. lol That sounds kind of difficult to do while acting.


Think I recall reading that all the extras in the Babylon dance scenes had to dance to music that wasn't there as well.



That sounds pretty tricky to do!



















"If Justin wants golden gardenias, he should have golden gardenias!" Brian Kinney [love9]




