Sex scenes... graphic or no?
I'm a gay man so don't attack me with the "IF IT WERE A STRAIGHT COUPLE U WOULDN'T BE POSTING THIS"; however, I've heard people tell me that the sex scenes in this show are tame, and even more tame in comparison to the British version, and it confuses the hell out of me. People have posted similar sentiments on the internet. I've watched a couple episodes of the British series and the sex scenes come across as much less graphic. When I was a teenager (pre-coming out and all of that), I used to watch episodes of the US version on Showtime sometimes when everyone was in bed, and, maybe it was just my raging hormones, but I remember being mildly shocked by how much was shown. Sans genitalia, I specifically remember a scene where two guys were having sex in a kitchen; one was lying on the countertop getting 'done' by the other guy who was standing up, and there was a full-on pull-out and you saw semen splattering all over the bottom guy's stomach. Now, I'm not prude at all (in all reality, I of all people would find enjoyment in watching this), but I don't GET how people say the sex in this show was so 'light'. I know we all have different definitions of what is graphic and what is not, but this show was edgy. All storylines aside, the sex in it ranks as softcore porn with an edge as far as I'm concerned. Am I wrong about this?