overtly dumb movie

this isn't regular dumb, this is like what happens when you take a really dumb idea suitable for a comedy or a satire and approach it with complete seriousness. and this isn't a fantasy, but actually looks more like sci-fi, which just makes it worse

first of all, the premise. dragons. not only that, the dumbest kind of backstory there is. basically, dragons existed during the time of the dinosaurs, ie throw evolution out the window and everything we know about earth's geological history.

next, the world is basically destroyed because its military couldn't defeat dragons...with nuclear weapons, but one guy, with a goddamn arrow and some explosive kills the boss of the dragons, right.

and all this time, it didn't occur to the world's government that the solution is to go after the male? what, were scientists and biologists and non-rubes wiped out in a decapitation strike by the ultra intelligent dragons? and bale's character couldn't figure out the solution without bald army guy telling him?

but anyway, nuclear weapons couldn't kill the male. combined armies of the world couldn't do it. a motivated christian bale with an explosive tipped arrow did it.

how did the screenplay pass the stupid *beep* filter? how does someone whose profession is to write create something so intellectually illiterate?


He's Batman, John Connor and Patrick Bateman all rolled into one. He can do anything.


The back story should have simply been that nuclear war broke out and it was the nuclear weapons that woke the dragons.


good one


I just saw it as a reality world where dragons existed at somepoint in history, only to be awoken. Oh and cant really use nuclear weapons on 100's of dragons in the sky.


I figured there would be a thread pointing out how flawed the entire premise is. A bunch of dragons wake up and NO modern army can kill them? How stupid is that?


Although I liked the movie, my issues were:

1. Huge dragon just slept underneath London? For all these years? No food or water?

2. Dragons only eat ash? Does ash have any nutritional value, to support these giant creatures?

3. The gasoline was still good after all these years?

4. The dragons won't attack a chopper?

5. The dragon attacked the convoy on the way to London. But not one dragon, attacked it on the way, to the castle in the beginning of the movie? Again, with a noisy, flying chopper?

6. The male dragon shows up, and devours the majority of female dragons, JUST as the heroes reach London? Could he really eat all those dragons, in such short period of time, and still fly? All of a sudden they eat meat, not ash?


It's a B-rated, post-apocalyptic monster movie, what do you expect? The only problem is, they sold it as a serious, A-quality film, when it was anything but.


none of that stuff is IN The Film!
thats all backstory - make up your own backstory if you want - and then it'll be a great film!

How 'bout ww3 broke out , long and bloody battle , all military practicly wiped out , THEN the dragons woke up with nothing in their way.


how about nuclear exchange is what woke the dragons up.
