Since so many of the responses here have digressed from the original query,"Any pro-Hitler movies?", I'd like to return to the original comments and question posed by kothawade-amol.
The observation that "Nazis must (have) had unprecedented anger against Jews", is an acknowledged fact by reputable historians of all persuasions. Some comments on this thread have referred to the economic crippling of Germany by the impositions of the Treaty of Versailles. The Great Depression and the ineptitude of the Weimar Republic politicians were other obvious factors which prepared the ground in which National Socialism (Nazis) could flourish. Hatred or at least suspicion and distrust of Jews were not attitudes peculiar to the Germans nor to this period in history. Most school students have come across "The Merchant of Venice" and the usurer Shylock in literature studies - so Shakespeare was familiar with anti-Jewish feeling nearly 400 years prior to the Nazi era. Reasons for this anti-Jewish attitude (widespread through much of Europe) should really be the subject of study and discussion outside this movie discussion site but put simply in the inter-war years and well before, German Jews were more adept and proficient in their employment opportunities, so much so that Germans generally resented Jews and accused them of taking jobs to the exclusion of non-Jews.
Regarding movies on the rise of Hitler which may show the social, economic, psychological background to explaining the German's acceptance of him, I really
think you DO NEED TO RELY ON DOCUMENTARIES, because not too many movies (apart from German propaganda of the time) would be available.
And for those commentators here who speak of Hitler as the 'devil incarnate', in terms of mass murders and genocide of sections of the homeland population, no one comes even close to the greatest tyrant of humanity - Joseph Stalin.
Saying this does not of course in any way lessen the crimes against humanity of other despots. And surely, a comparison of these two butchers with Napoleon, is way, way beyond the pale. For anybody to make such a comparison can only mean they have little knowledge of history and in particular the fruits of Napoleon's dominance which western civilization enjoys today.