MovieChat Forums > The Pianist (2003) Discussion > Any Pro Hitler Movies?

Any Pro Hitler Movies?

Of course Hollywood and everyone hates Hitler for the massacre of Jews etc and one can see numerous movies on this issue. My personal favorite is 'Life is beautiful'.
However, to reach to the extent of killing people, ill treating them without showing any mercy, Nazis must had unprecedented anger against Jews. Is there any movie on the rise of hitler, the versai treaty and falling economy of germany post WW I and before WWII ? (Please do not suggest documentaries)


"As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me" .. is a movie that shows german prisoners of war in the terrible conditions Soviet Gulag. This movie is one of the few that pictures the german sufferings as well.


Book - In the Garden of Beast. There's definitely more books on the subject. Not sure about movies...don't think there are any besides documentaries. Maybe American History X.

Are you watching closely...?


It's interesting that you're seeking out such information. You must have, at least, a relatively free and open mind. In essence, we all know that what Hitler ultimately did was not a 'good' thing; it was horrific, and people shouldn't do things like that to other people. I would encourage people to realize that Hitler was also a human being who, like all of us, had an interesting story and who, also like everyone, was NOT born "evil." We can be such a hypocritical, unforgiving species. Invariably, we tend to make him out to be a monster with which it'd be sickening to have ANY shared experience, likeness, or commonalities. If Hitler liked dogs and you did, too, it doesn't make you a monster, but it DOES mean you share an attribute with Hitler. If you extrapolate objectively, and with honesty, it's inevitable that there will be countless things everyone has in common with this declared "monster." The man was a man, not a monster; what he did, however, was monstrous, but he was still a human being.

Given the right circumstances, most of us would be surprised if we knew what we'd do if we had all the same formative experiences, lived in the same place and time, and had the exact same opportunities to wield as much power, as Hitler.

If there is nothing admirable about Hitler, the person, then this is a bizarre manner of thinking and perceiving, because it means, inescapably, that there will be things you perceive to be 'qualities' that you have, which Hitler also had. If you believe, then, that Hitler and all his attributes are universally abhorrent, then you are also universally abhorrent.

Instead of thinking in such a myopic, benighted manner, we could gravitate toward objectivity. Maneuvering with an objective mind within a subjective world is quite rewarding, because not only does it perpetuate true appreciation of life; it unfetters the heart and pushes us to desire the understanding of our human propensities. With this desire to understand, it becomes easier to identify the things enabling us to do terrible things to other human beings.

This is NOT encouraging sympathy for Hitler's actions OVER those he killed and tortured; rather, this is challenging people to seek understanding, so that they might better understand themselves and have real compassion. The Holocaust is a much sadder atrocity when we realize that it was a HUMAN BEING, just like YOU, NOT a MONSTER, who spearheaded it. Think about that, please.


meh this is a pretty good biopic kinda movie with Robert Carlyle


While there has never been found any official papers of Hitler ordering the Holocaust, there are many of Stalin ordering executions of Russians. The Communist regimes of Stalin in Russia and Mao in China, have killed even more than Hitler ever did! This is not to excuse the Nazi rat, he was one of the really baddest ones of history!!


Not really wanting to engage in this banter about whether Hitler should be admired or not because it seems pretty straight forward.

However, a really, really good movie that depicts life in a desolate and struggling Germany before Hitler's rise to power is Fritz Lang's 'M'. I highly recommend it, though it has nothing to do with Hitler explicitly.


"Hitler was also a human being who, like all of us, had an interesting story and who, also like everyone, was NOT born "evil.""

lol STFU troll.



@ kothawade-amol: There is a movie available, a mini-series/tv movie actually. Not exactly pro-Hitler but as a holocaust-film fan, I have seen a lot of movies available on the subject. Hitler: the Rise of Evil starring Robert Carlyle paints a picture of Adolf Hitler's youth up to his ultimate rise to power. The rating on IMDb is 7.3, and it has some actors whom are semi-well known to well known. Also with some explanation on why he was so angry with the Jews. To me it was not a movie that painted him in a bad nor good picture. This may be what you're looking for. I found the movie quite interesting.

To anyone else reading this:
If any people wish to call me a Hitler-worshipper, please don't before you read this out. My grandmother lost her grandfather in the war. He was one-hundred percent of what the nazis considered "Aryan" and a catholic (I'm from the Netherlands). I have been trying to look for more information on his death and as to why he was brought to an extermination camp as his family tree contained not one Jewish, Gypsy, mentally/physically ill, handicapped, freemason, Jehovah's Witness or homosexual ancestor (not that I would mind or care about any of this, blood is thicker than water and I love my ancestors without knowing them, no matter who or what they may have been but those were reasons why people would normally be sent away). His political views were neutral. Nothing explains it. As of now I haven't had much success. I am still awaiting some documents a researcher of holocaust victims has promised to send me. I feel connected to my ancestor somehow, and for this reason I watch holocaust films and documentaries, and read books (both fiction and non-fiction) on the subject. I do not condone what Hitler did in any way. I view his actions not of a human, but of a beast. A demon. Just so that is cleared up.

To the ones glorifying Hitler:
STOP GLORIFYING THAT MONSTER. He was no better than those Israëli these days. Anyone who murders innocents and sweet children over a ridiculous reason like religion, skin color, sexuality, handicaps or even over nothing is a monster, not worthy of life to me and to most people. You should be ashamed of yourself. And I will never understand why you support someone who:
A. has been dead for almost 70 years;
B. took innocent people away from their grieving families and stole their possessions on top;
C. would probably want you dead as well if he were still alive.


"He was no better than those Israëli these days"

So,you are a hitler hater? Why, because he didn't just stick with killing Jews? Freak.


He was no better than those Israëli these days

Okay. You make that comparison like you have a rather strange view of either Hitler, or Israel. You either have an unrealistically downplayed impression of Hitler's crimes, or an unrealistically exaggerated impression of Israel's, as they're incomparable to point where "Hitler's Germany was no better than the Israeli regime" is like saying "Jim Jones was no better than the Ted Kaczynski," or "ISIS are no better than the IRA." And I'll add that I'm putting it lightly.


I haven't read through all the posts on here, but if you're interested in a film that depicts Hitler in his young days and an attempt to show why he became who he was there's the 2002 film 'Max'


try every "mein kampf" based movie


Now THAT would take some courage, to make a movie like this, and for any actor to accept playing this role.

Remember folks: making a movie about Hitler does NOT imply approval!

Or you could just watch the History Channel :-)
