MovieChat Forums > Evolution (2001) Discussion > Worst film of Julianne Moore's career?

Worst film of Julianne Moore's career?

I decided to watch this based solely on her name in the cast info. Moore's always a guarantee of decent movie quality - Right? Well NO. I don't know how much she was paid to lower herself to the level of this "film - but it wasn't enough!

Legitimately one of the worst I've ever seen.
The only purpose of David Duchovny / Orlando Jones double act: "HA HA. I'm white and you're black. HA HA. How hilarious!" It takes an impressive level of garbage to produce a film where Seann William Scott actually gives one the BETTER performances. And WTF was going on with Ted Levine's moustache?

The characters were so one-dimensional I'm surprised they didn't completely disappear from view. Primary school kids could have wrote a better script. The attempted humour was excruciating. Even the one good aspect (cool visuals for the aliens) fell on it's ass with the blue apes looking like something from 1960's Doctor Who. And I don't buy for one second the idea that they were aiming for a 'self-deprecating spoof.' This was utter crap, from the lame beginning to the truly pathetic ending.


Absolutely right


The part that sealed it for me as a horrible film was the scene involving the line "DON'T YOU EVER TELL ANYONE WHERE I'VE BEEN!!!!" and I will not provide details on that front. That, and David Duchovny proved without a shadow of a doubt that he can't act worth a shit.
