MovieChat Forums > Rat Race (2001) Discussion > Anybody else randomly quote lines from R...

Anybody else randomly quote lines from Rat Race?

When I talk to people it seems like nobody's seen this movie. That's really too bad! This is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen... my family and I watch it on holidays and crack up every time. We get blank stares sometimes cause we start quoting lines at each other when something reminds us of the movie. There's so many hilarious parts... the scene with the brothers at the airport in the Bronco...! I laugh till I cry with that one every time. John Cleese is so funny as is Kathy Bates in her bit part. What makes this movie so great is that when you watch it more than once you pick up on more of the humor, like the black family standing behind Nick as he argues with the hotel chick about Afro-Whores or the airplane flying behind the brothers' heads as they look for the airport.

Maybe we're just weird, or is there anyone else out there that spouts off lines from this movie?


I say "Unacceptable!" very angry-like oftentimes.

Gypsies steal buttons.


I love this movie. I have seen it so many times. It ranks in my top 5.

My favorite lines that I use are:

--a dollar!
--because he's closest to the door
--hello, we're in the desert
--a party like that would cost...
--we're hauling ass
--have you seen this room?
--aww-they both ordered mimosas!
--it's a "yoke"...I made a "yoke" (Mr.Bean)

Sometimes I imitate the girl in the car showing the piercings in both her ears (putting her hair behind her ear, smiling, then doing it on the other side)



This is an old topic but I'm replying anyway.

My Grandma is always saying "Why don't we just flip a coin?"

And I'm always saying "Look at this room, have you seen this room!? "


I work in New Orleans and see a lot of homeless people. Sometimes if my wife is with me I'll point one out and in my best Enrico voice say "Look! A drifter!"


The "I'm Prairie Dogging it!" is a normal vernacular in our daily lives now, lol.


"I make a joke! To help you forget how screwed you are!"


Have you seen this room?
What kind of jackass just gives away $2 million?
I'm not touching it with my mouth!
We're hauling ass!
The key. Where is the key? Where it the key, my little baby? I think I am touching it.
Everything Blaine says.
