MovieChat Forums > Rat Race (2001) Discussion > Anybody else randomly quote lines from R...

Anybody else randomly quote lines from Rat Race?

When I talk to people it seems like nobody's seen this movie. That's really too bad! This is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen... my family and I watch it on holidays and crack up every time. We get blank stares sometimes cause we start quoting lines at each other when something reminds us of the movie. There's so many hilarious parts... the scene with the brothers at the airport in the Bronco...! I laugh till I cry with that one every time. John Cleese is so funny as is Kathy Bates in her bit part. What makes this movie so great is that when you watch it more than once you pick up on more of the humor, like the black family standing behind Nick as he argues with the hotel chick about Afro-Whores or the airplane flying behind the brothers' heads as they look for the airport.

Maybe we're just weird, or is there anyone else out there that spouts off lines from this movie?


"Where the hell is the airport?!"

"A dollar?!"

"We were just cutting to the chase. Haha, cutting to the CHASE! HA HAHAHAHAHAH!"

"Honey? Kids need ya!"

"Are you insane? This is Hitler's car!"


"You should have bought a squirrel"

My mother got me hooked on that line a few years ago. xDD


"nice dyke! i mean bike!"

i saw that all the time and i think it annoys my friends greatly.
that and prairie doggin it

"Hi, I'd just like to thank you for wrecking my life."


Randy Pear: I do not want to work at Home Depot!

"if i could dream at all, it would be about you. and im not ashamed of it."



Guilty! LOVED this movie! Lets be honest here though. A lot of the actors in this movie do mediocre movies at best...but combined, well, theres no end to the laughs! The show Friends is a good example of this. If you liked this movie, watch The Birdcage with Robin Williams and Nathan Lane! Guaranteed to make you cry with laughter!


A minor variation of a line spoken in the movie:

My version: "Did I come at a bad time, motherfxxxer?"
Original version: "Did I come at a bad time, A-hole?"



everyone watching Atkinson passing through down the stairs.


And then there's..

"ooooooooohh little coxkdoggies"


Lol, my mom loves it whenever i quote crazy squirrel lady
"Excuse me! Do you or do you not know where the interstate is?"
"Well of course i do, I'm not retarded"


haha when they are looking for the heart and they find the dog attached to fench and he suggests killing a drifter..." now you are giving me the freakout" i say that ALLLL the time

i dont have a signature,simply because i am lazy.


I don't necessarily quote any lines, but I think these parts are hilarious:

When Zack the organ van driver discovers the dog has bit holes in the heart and he says it will leak like a sieve.

Anytime Duane and Blaine are screaming in terror.

Any line Blaine speaks!

"Her, her.....VAGINA!"

Hillbilly mechanic: "We don't have any sand."
Tracy: "Hello, we are in the DESERT!"

The semi driver tells Randy he doesn't think they'll all fit and as Randy is pushing his daughter up into the truck he says, "this one's small."

Randy tells Jason not to play Hitler's harmonica and Jason says "well you're driving Hitler's car" and Randy says something like, "It's different - I'm not sucking on the dash board, getting Hitler's germs."


If someone says something clever I sometimes quote the line "oohh very good (persons name) I think (persons name) should be are captain" . Just for own entertainment really because I agree no ones seen this film and Id say its one of the funniest films iv ever seen. I think one of the funniest lines aswell it when lovitz is gambling and goes up to a machine and says "A DOLLAR" IN disgust its genius. and cuba goodings "THE VAGINA" the way he says is genius.



Haha, I love IAMMMMW, but I can still appreciate the look on the Cuba Gooding Jr.'s face when he says, "VAGINA!"

-The Cheshire Cat


I quote it all the time, in context and not:p usually it is "I'm weening I'm weening."


"You can't play Hitler's harmonica."
"Well, you're driving his car!"
"Well, as least i'm putting my lips on it. You don't see me sucking on the dashboard!!"



Love this movie!
We quote it all of the time..

I'm Mrs. Hitler! lol
Ava Braun
Dad, a barbie museum, can we stoyy-op!
Im Wiggin out back here!!! lol how has no one mentioned that one?

"Excuse me! Do you or do you not know where the interstate is?"
"Well of course i do, I'm not retarded" loves it!

Play Dir-tttty! love the way he says it all grit teeth like

and I always quote : look at this room, have you seen this room, -We're in it!"

whole VAGINA scene was priceless
I also love tha part when Mr bean is singing the words to Respect or something and itis clearly another song that is from a different doo wop 60s girl group- have to be good to catch that one!

I have a PhD in TV.


I can do whatever I want, I'm excentric - grrr -grr -. Go!

(I quote that all the time)

... Viva Clark Gable, el eterno y único Rey de Hollywood


"We were just cutting to the chase. Ehehe "cutting to the cha"- HAAA!!!! HAHAHAAHAHAAA!!!!!"

Truebie 4 LIFE


Guess what I got back there?

- you just told me, a$$, we're hauling a$$

love that one.

... Viva Clark Gable, el eterno y único Rey de Hollywood


"Cutting to the chase...Cutting to the..CUTTING...HA HA HA HA HA!!!"

I also use the "tragically born without a personality" line quite alot.
