Who else could've played adult Judy ?

Judy Davis was great, but a little too old I thought, who else couldve pulled off adult Judy?

-I Was thinking maybe Elizabeth Perkins, she's a few years younger and prettier than Judy Davis but still resembles Garland and is a great actress too.
Anybody agree?
Any other Suggestions?


Maybe Kate Bosworth, but she was way too young when this movie was produced...

Remember the King!


She was probably too old when this was made, but Frances Fischer could have pulled it off. BTW, I think Jiudy Davis did a great job.


Fisher is not a bad idea
she was fantastic as Lucille Ball
but you're right maybe a little too old


Kate Bosworth is still too young, looks nothing like Garland, and is talentless, I never would've made that choice

but any response is a good one I guess

to each his own


Elizabeth Perkins.


Kate Bosworth can't act...I don't even understand the purpose of this thread because Judy Davis was perfection.


I have to admit even though I found her acting incredible, I really could not imagine her as a woman in her 30s and 40s. Towards the end she looked like a 60+yr old woman not a woman in her 40s who was ravaged by a hard life and drugs. That did ruin the film for me as I am a 47yr old woman and could not relate at all. That said I missed most of the first half of the film as I had company, so I can't comment on how I feel she would have played the older Judy.


Gosh! I have always thought Elizabeth Perkins resembled Judy! She would have been a great choice.



In terms of look, Elizabeth Perkins definitely, but Judy Davis captured the essence of Judy Garland better than anyone else could have done.



If it was made now, maybe Emmy Russom.


Loved Judy Garland. That woman could sing. Judy Davis did a super job capturing all of Judy Garland gestures etc. I have seen the movie at least ten times. Also Judy Davis was great in the movie "A Little Thing Called Murder"



Perkins may bear more of a physical resemblance to Judy, but she's not half the actress as Davis is and I seriously doubt that she could have carried this film the way Davis did.


Liza Minelli would have been perfect.

They could have wheeled her out onto the set every morning, let her rip through a couple of numbers, wheeled her off and fed her a doughnut.



How about Bjork? Judy Davis was PERFECTION! Sure, she was a little mature in the Trolley Song number but, come on, she was dead on Garland. Remember, Judy Garland died at the age of 47 and looked 65 by today's standards.


Judy was way to old. She was around fifty years old and playing a twenty three year old!


Judy was 44 when the movie was made, not 50. Sure, the TROLLEY SONG scene is a little jarring, but her performance is brilliant nonetheless.


I completely agree! I've been saying that for quite some time now and I'm glad someone else sees the resemblance too.


Maybe Mary Louise Parker?

The spirit is eternal, deathless...




Lindsay Lohan! (partly a joke)
