There's an insecure childish narrative that equates "adult" (in the slimest way the word is defined) with better.
Look at the two films from a film-making story-telling perspective. Which film has a main character that's so obnoxiously perfect Superman has to take a good hard look at himself, which film has one that's three dimensional flawed and sympathetic and genuinely grows as one? Which film uses a more unique setting that utilizes potential for a visually striking color pallet as appose to, albeit detailed, browns and greys and greens of mining towns and forests. Which film collages a character study, fantasy lore and surrealism into a streamlined and simple package, which film has the familiar environmentalist plot, which film has subtle and subersive themes, which film beats you over the head with its own, which film is unique, which one falls back on the old three-act, antagonist vs. protagonist story? Which film has female characters more vile and seflish and male characters more dopish and pathetic than the ones in Married with Children? Also which one has Billy Bob Thorton (aight bit of a cheat)
I love Princess Mononoke by the way but, but Spirited Away is the better film.
Officially Canadian for 27 years. Never heard "aboot."