You should only be concerned if you find the images of the girl sexually stimulating.
I wonder if people react so agressively because they feel guilty that they've witnessed something like this? and are not sure what to think about it?
You are reacting how you THINK you should.
"child nudity is wrong!! full stop!! "
Stop jumping on bandwagons.
If you don't find it sexually stimulating, like me, and nearly all the other people on here who watched this film and liked it, there is pretty much no problem.
There is of course a concern about if the child was forced into it, did she realise exactly what she was doing and how it would affect her life? Would she regret it in future? Millions of people could potentially see her naked. But I see you aren't even bringing up these things, you are just shouting and blabbering. (!)
Although, I wanted to say as a reply to the the question (that I brought up!!) that things ARE viewed differently in "Europe" as they say.
Nude beaches, nude in front of family members, even as teenagers. No problem. So perhaps the actress had no problem with the film, and won't in the future. It's just how their culture is.
I'm not dissing Americans or the maturity of people or whatever. It's just a fact. Some people don't find it sick and some people do. There are plenty Americans who are nudists.
Think more about WHY do you think it's sick next time, and write about that.
Quote by dalifemme:
And as to child nudity vs. adult nudity comment.
It really depends how you see them yourself.
I see a kid naked, I see just that. a kid naked.
So what? I used to run around butt naked too as
a kid. If the nudity is done in a way that is meant
to cause sexual arousal, yes, then it's definately
wrong, but surely any adult can tell the difference?
When I see a naked child I am not concerned because I am not a pervert...and if there is a pervert watching..there's not much you can do about it.
You can't stop people's thoughts, you can't KNOW what people are thinking.
That doesn't mean you should cover every child up.
Thoughts in themselves don't actually harm anyone anyway. It's only the (REAL, not acted) exploitation of children, and it's quite obvious this would not be allowed to be made into a film, and it's quite obvious that the film is not child porn. If you think it is -you are the one with the problem. Not the directors, not the parents, no one else.
And that's all i have to say about that. For now.