MovieChat Forums > À ma soeur ! (2001) Discussion > Is this director crazy?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Is this director crazy?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I can't believe this director made a movie like this. I'm not talking about the actress that was naked in bed. I mean she played a 15 year old but in real life she was 19. What I'm talking about is the young girl. She was only 13 for crying out loud!!! What kind of person films a 13 year old nude?!?! I'm not talking about no typical little kid butt shot either. I'm talking about one of the most modest parts of a woman's body. Her breasts. And what really got to me was the fact that we had to see this young girl's breasts during the rape scene. Who the hell knows what the actor who played the rapist was really thinking while filming. He could've been a damn pedo in real life for all we know. God, sometimes these movies make me sick. No wonder this film is so controversial. That director should be ashamed of herself!!! Poor little girl!!!!





There's no need to get nasty and racial. I was just expressing my feelings and opinions. And for your information there is a HUGE difference between adult nudity and child nudity!!! I don't agree with either but there is a HUGE difference!!!!



it's really nice to see some brains on this website. well said!



"a nipple in a sea of guns"

Lol...a perfect summary or America's self-indoctrinated obsession with "sex" in the media. The guns...the nipple...perfect!




Americans can find a nipple in a sea of guns in a matter of seconds and become horrified by that.
Best. Quote. Ever.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


"Best. Quote. Ever."

How pathetic.



Cry, pussy.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


How pathetic x2




"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


If I see a nipple in a sea of guns, I get a boner. A female nipple, to be specific...


Americans can find a nipple in a sea of guns in a matter of seconds...

Oh puhlease.... we load our guns WITH nipples.


Not crazy. She had a POV. That's radical.


"Americans can find a nipple in a sea of guns in a matter of seconds
and become horrified by that."

Well said, too true, and absolutely maddening.


Hey, dalifemme -- I'm American! I saw this film when it was first released on DVD. I was a bit turned off and weirded out. But I revisited it recently, and I saw the complexity of the story -- the beauty, the cruelty, love & hate. And the irony.

So call me crazy, I've been called worse. ;-)

If you're old enough, watch the movie. Keep an open mind. You just might surprise yourself. :-)

Debi Hagan


exactly, I don't see anything sexual in a child nude, nudity and sexuality are VERY natural things.


You're not talking about no butt shot?


Incidentally, "shame" is subjective. What might shame you wouldn't shame others. I'm ashamed to live in a country where our president is all but illiterate, obsessed with the military, sends young men and women off to die needlessly for his own personal interests, and is turning us once again into a debtor nation. That's shame. Making a film that deals with the fact that adolescent girls think about sex is admirable, not shameful.

Incidentally, one exclamation point generally tends to suffice.


I agree that sexual situations generally get screamed over more than blood and guns, and that this is hypocrisy gone apesh*t, but the portrayal of rape using a pubescent child who was reluctant to do the scene in the first place strikes me as overkill. I was just at a conference dealing with genocide and how to stop it, and heard about the horrific organised rapes of women and girls during wartime that are used as military strategy. Sexual brutality is a very difficult subject to portray visually; I don't think Breillat succeeded. But, she did succeed in making this issue chat-worthy, which is excellent.


"Making a film that deals with the fact that adolescent girls think about sex is admirable, not shameful."

Well if it were a well done film it wouldn't be shameful. I'll admit to being lured into a few Breillat films solely due to the controversy and the extreme nature of the subject mattter. It's always an ugly mess - like being fascinated and repulsed by a car wreck, which is precisely how Breillat's female characters view sex. I don't think it's an accurate portrayal of how most women feel. And I don't think these themes are very interesting once you are past that "angsty" stage in life. I've read interviews with the director & I find what she says to be quite subversive & interesting but her films end up feeling like ameture feminist propaganda.


And I'm ashamed I live in the same country as you.


Your both looking at the end at different perspectives hortonsgame was just pointing out that the girl was 13 who was raped and he was'nt focusing on the surprise ending and dalifemme77 was focusing at the ending and giving his point of view and theres no reason to insult anyone over this it's just two people expressing their feelings about the ending of the film even though their talking about two different things.


Hey don't talk about Jimmy Carter like that.


Why does it matter what the actor playing the rapist was thinking at the time of that scene? If he's a pedo, he's a pedo. If you're going to be outraged, be outraged all the time!!!

And why are the breast "one of the most modest parts of a woman's body"? Modest according to who? You? Sorry if the rest of us don't share your personal shame about our bodies.



Hey, mattieman. I don't know where you get the idea of outrage!! I am simply stating my opinion on a matter. From the bat it's a controversial film. And yes the part about the breasts IS according to ME because it is MY opinion!! Please....take a chill pill. And you don't have to be sorry about anything. I am not on here posting to make ppl agree with me or "share" my ideas. This isn't a popularity contest. I am on here to express my opinions just like everyone else. That's what these boards are for dear!!!



You've got it all wrong. The younger girl was never raped by the older sister's boyfriend. Where did u get that? She was raped by a strange man in the woods.

It's all about the corned beef sandwiches and pineapple juice


I think she finds it disturbing that a childs breats where used, and used in a sexual manor, and in a rape scene no less.


Well, in Europe, people are born naked, did you know that? Go home and watch your American stuff that you're prepared for. Help Hollywood make a buck. Come on, go.


I realize this is rather old, but I take offense at your stuffing Americans into a box wherein exist only Hollywood fluff. Whereas some of Breillat's sort of bore me (Romance, for instance), I really enjoyed this film.

I generally don't get into Hollywood film, and I don't enjoy "American stuff that [I'm] prepared for." Instead of being so (assumed) Eurocentric, perhaps you could be more constructive next time.


Well, in Europe, people are born naked, did you know that? Go home and watch your American stuff that you're prepared for. Help Hollywood make a buck. Come on, go.

So are 14 year olds often raped on camera too in europe? The objection wasnt nudity in the film, or the dipiction of rape . Its that 14 year old nudity on display(Look at her BIO). If you wern't aware of that then I'll excuse your nationalist comments against the U.S. audience.


have you ever seen the movie "pretty Baby" with brooke shields she was 11 and nude too. its all about the artistry in it


have you ever seen the movie "pretty Baby" with brooke shields she was 11 and nude too. its all about the artistry in it
I love how pedos use other examples of pedo films as if 2 wrongs make a right. And all in the name of art, no less. Your arguments are as obvious and transparent as they are weak and perverse.

"Love isn't what you say or how you feel, it's what you DO". (The Last Kiss)


Guess what: Nobody forsed her to do it.


Please stop saying that it's Americans that are ashamed of their bodies and of the bodies of others.. I'm offended to be lumped in with the rest of America.

If you're going to accuse any Mass (<---- woooo puns) of people for having these beliefs, ACCUSE THE CATHOLICS!


What strikes me as odd is the fact that a naked 13 year old alarms you, but a rape scene doesn't. Are you male by any chance?

"I am not who I think you are"-AMTJ


"What strikes me as odd is the fact that a naked 13 year old alarms you, but a rape scene doesn't. Are you male by any chance? "


The very existence of this thread proves that Catherine Breillat has succeeded.

By the way, OP, as a woman, I don't appreciate you delegating which parts of my body are most "moral." Especially when you're characterizing them as essentially offensive and immoral. Oh, America.



What strikes me as odd is the fact that a naked 13 year old alarms you, but a rape scene doesn't. Are you male by any chance?

A dishonest statement cause the fictional character in the film wanted to be raped. She wanted sex but didn't want look for it cause she was too young so she welcomed the "Rape" in the film). We know it was fictional rape as it was statutory none the less.

The alarm is that those where real 14 year old breasts on film. The rape was ficticious and not alarming.

Had the actress been 19 portraying a 13 year old we would not be alarmed at all.
