Is this director crazy?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I can't believe this director made a movie like this. I'm not talking about the actress that was naked in bed. I mean she played a 15 year old but in real life she was 19. What I'm talking about is the young girl. She was only 13 for crying out loud!!! What kind of person films a 13 year old nude?!?! I'm not talking about no typical little kid butt shot either. I'm talking about one of the most modest parts of a woman's body. Her breasts. And what really got to me was the fact that we had to see this young girl's breasts during the rape scene. Who the hell knows what the actor who played the rapist was really thinking while filming. He could've been a damn pedo in real life for all we know. God, sometimes these movies make me sick. No wonder this film is so controversial. That director should be ashamed of herself!!! Poor little girl!!!!