Child pornography masquerading as art!
This is child pornography masquerading as art. Please don't f'ing fly off your handles and start bashing me for being simple-minded and self-righteous.
I admired many aspects of the movie, but I can't for the life of me reconcile myself with the fact that a real 13-year-old had to bare her breasts in front of the cast and crew of the movie and tens of thousands of viewers.
I'm a tolerant person and all; I think euthanasia, prostitution, gay marriages and pot should all be legal. But this is intolerable.
The prefrontal cortex of the adolescent brain, the part responsible decision-making takes a f'ing vacation between puberty and early 20's. Therefore, claiming that a teenager willfully made a decision to participate in these scenes is absolute balderdash. Where the f' where her parents?
This is intolerable abuse of artistic license.