Bad. Just plain bad.

I think I rather sit in a park watch the trees grow!


It was unwatchable. Visually repulsive. Non-entertainment.


I agree with you, maniuis. Bad, just plain BAD. I can't remember when I have been so BORED by a movie. Nothing but a series of pretentious, boring psychobabble. Yikes!

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, or doesn't.


This movie is no bad and I never ceased to be entertained.


To Maniuis: I've read your history (what you've reviewed and what you've said about those movies), and I just have to say: you have horrible taste! No offense, but you like the movies that an eleven-year-old would like. Again, no offense, but... just horrible!


I'll say, he degrades the Godfather I & II and calls Alf the greatest series of all time, lmfao

My Top 50 Films
